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Hey How's it going for yall? I hope you like the page i change it up whenever i get the chance, But you came to Know about me so here goes...Im a regular human bieng just like you and it's just i think different, so far ive lived 20 years and of course iv'e had bad experiences and good experiences. But i think so far that iv'e learned most is never take life for granted and to live it untill you don't have a breath in your body. Ive noticed so far ( And it's wierd because im so young ) that people have taken life for granted. What i mean is that people follow other people or think they should to, to fit in and i used to go that route untill i realized that that's not my purpose, my purpose it to do what i have to, to survive and to make sure i accomplish what i want to accomplish out of my life.
Alot about me (Ladies). I am single of course but im Not the type of guy that get's married after seeing you for a few days??? Ive seen that shit go down in the military and outside, So if your Looking For marriage in the first 5 days or a month im not the guy for you, Me personally i think that shit is Bullshit. I want a female who's cool and tight who can make her own decisions. A Female who does what she wants to do and doesn't need me to be there 24/7. I like a very Spontaneas Gurl,someone who can surprise me, so if you can do that hit me up but please don't play np Bullshit Game Because I Don't Have time for that SHIT.
Right now im currently in the Navy as an AO (AVIATION ORDNANCE) My job is to build bombs for the jets to drop. Also i do mechanical work on the gear that drops them. So far i enjoy it, ive only been in for a year in a half and ive already been to Florida, California, Japan and now Alaska. Ive been working with the Marines for some time to.
Im still in the process of becoming a Director but first an Actor. Modeling i will be doing again once i get some time from all the traveling i do.
Party's is something i like to be a part of, If there is one going on im usually there, Clubs is something that i also like to attend But not a lot.
If you ever get the chance to meet me, You'll notice im pretty laid back, i like to be calm and collective and also i like to chill with a lot of people. Im with different crowds all the time i only have one group of people that im tight with and thats back in Virginia. Other than that i don't like to be around the same crowds all the time, causes to much drama which i hate. Sometimes you'll catch me in different places wherever im at because i like to travel every weekend.
Other than the basics that i stated if you have any more questions hit me up. ~1~ Luv
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