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Kevin ~ Terell

I ~ OnLy ~ HaVe ~ One LiFe ~ To ~ Live ~ ~( ANd . I . Will . Not . Waste . IT . FoR . aNy One )

About Me

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Hey How's it going for yall? I hope you like the page i change it up whenever i get the chance, But you came to Know about me so here goes...Im a regular human bieng just like you and it's just i think different, so far ive lived 20 years and of course iv'e had bad experiences and good experiences. But i think so far that iv'e learned most is never take life for granted and to live it untill you don't have a breath in your body. Ive noticed so far ( And it's wierd because im so young ) that people have taken life for granted. What i mean is that people follow other people or think they should to, to fit in and i used to go that route untill i realized that that's not my purpose, my purpose it to do what i have to, to survive and to make sure i accomplish what i want to accomplish out of my life.
Alot about me (Ladies). I am single of course but im Not the type of guy that get's married after seeing you for a few days??? Ive seen that shit go down in the military and outside, So if your Looking For marriage in the first 5 days or a month im not the guy for you, Me personally i think that shit is Bullshit. I want a female who's cool and tight who can make her own decisions. A Female who does what she wants to do and doesn't need me to be there 24/7. I like a very Spontaneas Gurl,someone who can surprise me, so if you can do that hit me up but please don't play np Bullshit Game Because I Don't Have time for that SHIT.
Right now im currently in the Navy as an AO (AVIATION ORDNANCE) My job is to build bombs for the jets to drop. Also i do mechanical work on the gear that drops them. So far i enjoy it, ive only been in for a year in a half and ive already been to Florida, California, Japan and now Alaska. Ive been working with the Marines for some time to.
Im still in the process of becoming a Director but first an Actor. Modeling i will be doing again once i get some time from all the traveling i do.
Party's is something i like to be a part of, If there is one going on im usually there, Clubs is something that i also like to attend But not a lot.
If you ever get the chance to meet me, You'll notice im pretty laid back, i like to be calm and collective and also i like to chill with a lot of people. Im with different crowds all the time i only have one group of people that im tight with and thats back in Virginia. Other than that i don't like to be around the same crowds all the time, causes to much drama which i hate. Sometimes you'll catch me in different places wherever im at because i like to travel every weekend.
Other than the basics that i stated if you have any more questions hit me up. ~1~ Luv
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I'd like to meet:

Music Video Codes By Music Jesus.comAnyone thats cool and has a different personality about them. I don't like to see the same shit all the time and i hate when people act like someone else it makes you look dumb as shit. Ive went down that path and i realized that i had to find myself and i did but after i left VA. So if your cool then i don't mind.




CLICK the above TOURGASM POSTER to check out exclusive new promos posted in my VIDEO section! Don't forget to tell the world you are having a TOURGASM June 11th @ 11:00 on HBO.

My Blog

(Interesting) ~ Rules Of The BootY Call ~

THIS AGREENEMT SHALL COVER THE FOLLOWING RULES AND PRINCIPLES: 1. No sleeping over- unless it is very good and we need to repeat it in the morning. 2. No meeting in public except for dinner or drinks...
Posted by Kevin ~ Terell on Wed, 16 May 2007 10:32:00 PST

A~ Life~ Like~ None~ Other..

Do i only have one life to live? A question that is in all of us but we never seem to comprehend it nor does it pass through our ahead all the time. It is blacked out because we choose not t...
Posted by Kevin ~ Terell on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:58:00 PST

~ Why Hate ~ If no one Hates ~ You?

A question you should ask yourself all the time. Id like to say that so far in my life day by day i see this and it's sumthing that is i guess was bred inside us for a far as we can remember.It's sumt...
Posted by Kevin ~ Terell on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 08:16:00 PST

Where Im At Right Now In Life.

First off i just wanted to say thanks for reading this usually people don't read blogs.Anyways im 2 years in the military and in about 8 months i will be starting college for directing i can't wait ti...
Posted by Kevin ~ Terell on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 04:50:00 PST

The 21'st Birthday.

Hey, What's up i just wanted to say to anyone who turns 21 to take it easy on their birthday cuz i lost a cowerker the other day and it's not a good feeling. Life is to short and i know you hear it e...
Posted by Kevin ~ Terell on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 10:12:00 PST

A NeW Me

Yo since ive joined the military and done shit no one has done its kinda changed me im sayin for the good im liking how life is goin right now but just had to put that out there.
Posted by Kevin ~ Terell on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 02:10:00 PST