♥Gata Salvaje♥ profile picture

♥Gata Salvaje♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

♥If you're in love with a Latvian girl raise your glasss; if you're not....raiSe yOuR stanDaRdDss♥

"after awhile i've learned the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.and i've learned that love doesn't mean possession. and company doesn't mean security.and i've begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts. and presents aren't promises. and i've begin to accept, my defeats with my head up and my eyes ahead with the grace of an adult not the grief of a child. and i'm learning to build my roads today, because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans. and futures have ways of falling down in mid-flight. after awhile i've learned that even sunshine burns if you get too much. so i plant my own gardens, and decorate my own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring me flowers. and i've learned that i really can endure. that i really am strong. and i really do have worth.".. but for the record, i miss you
*tHere is tHis goRjus crEaturE who is aN eNgliSh tEachEr..aNd whO loVes cHocoLate wiTh nuTs anD preSentS in geNEral..eVen if tHey aRe liKE dumB && 99999% sIlLY! YuMmYyY! tHis pErsoN aBove is vEry crEativE and uMm...WAY ToO taLkactiVe and fRiendlY..sHe is aMbiciOus and stUborn wheN it coMEs doWn to wHat and hOW shE wanTs tHingS doNe...sHe woNt giVe up...sHes a pUshEr..L-O-L! oTher tHan eVi beIng moStly poSitiVe and caRying pErsoN..soMetimEs hEr roOftoP bloWs oFf..and sHe goEs ouT of cOntroL..and tHats wHen tHings gEt preTty...sCarRy! eVi is 18..sO ya'lL knoW shEs in dAT groWn n seXi busiNesS now..sHe liVez in a Crazy plAce..betWeen hEaven n pinguIns..DeeP dOWn ( oR up?!) in nOrthERn euRope...coulD alMost calL it a NortH poLE..itS aLl tHe sAme! sHe is dEfF. NOT lIke evEryboDy elSe..and unLike in maNy othEr caSes..tHeSE aRE NOT juSt worDs..sHe is dEFf. diFferentLY giFted...itZ cuZ shEs eViliCiouSsSS

My Interests

♥wOrkIng oUt
♥chIllIng W/ frIenDs
♥b3iNg rAnDom [ yall already kno :)]
♥hOt shOweRz
♥dIrty joKez
♥mIdnight wAlkZ to rANdoM plaCez
♥liSteNinG to muSic when im sad
♥liStenIng tO muSic wEn iM hYpeR
♥bEing obSseSed wIth luSt [ nOt loVe..yET]
♥tAlk to mY baBycaKes cuZ deY knOW hoW to maKE a mAmi fEel goOd
♥loVe to tHink aT nigHT [abOut yOU Hehe]...weN erRone eLse iS asleEp

I'd like to meet:


muSic is mAh best frIend..my boyFrienD..my sOulMate..iT neVa beTrayZ mE..it heEls mY sOul..cHea..i liSten to alMosT anYthIng..xCepT likE hArdcoRe roCk)...i aInt reaLlY feElinG daT (*yEss...sOmetiMEs i eVen liSten to dAt *wiSkeY lUlLibY* n sOme bRad PaisLeY sHyT wen iM in tHe moOd*)..LOL-


People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway. --Mother Teresa


♥My BabY♥It's 2:11 and I'm stressing♥Watching Tv in my hotel suite♥I check my service every second♥At 2:10 you still hadn't called me♥So I'm gonna leave my cell phone♥Turned on in my purse by the bed♥And before I fall asleep♥I guess I'll just check my machine♥Again and again because I'm♥Obsessing on you♥I wanna be your babydoll♥Wrap me up nice and tight♥Love me through the night♥Come lay me down♥Enfold me in your arms♥Cover me with velvet kisses♥Rock me on and on♥And whisper softly to me♥You wanna be my babydoll♥Zoning out thinking about♥You and me between the sheets♥I want to get intimate♥But you're not within my reach♥So I'll have a little more wine♥And I'll try to drink you♥Out of my head♥And I'll lay awake awhile♥'Til I'm high enough I can♥Forget about you until♥I wake up again♥




HEROES! ♥My fAmiliA ♥mY bAbycAkeS ♥mY, mySElf& i

My Blog

Story of my life

Another Fallen Hero..Who Will Never Be There For Me Who am I to think that heroes don't cryWell...I'm here to witness it nowPain, betrayal, forgivenessHeroes are left behindTo walk this lifeless dese...
Posted by ♥Gata Salvaje♥ on Mon, 22 May 2006 01:20:00 PST

hAvE yoU eVeR? fOr sumOnE spEclAL

Have you ever fallen in love? But knew they didn't care? Have you ever felt like crying? But knew that you'd get nowhere? Have you ever watched them walk away? Not wanting them to go? And whispering i...
Posted by ♥Gata Salvaje♥ on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 02:13:00 PST