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About Me

© layoutsbykt surfourspace.com"This is the true story of seven strangers, picked to practically live in a church and have their lives surrendered, to find out what happens when people stop being complacent, and start finding the deep. EAST VALLEY MASTERS COMMISSION!"
************THE MC SHES'************
"NI-SHE".....A.K.A Nicci P. Quote of the Month: "These are NOT my herky pants
" Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Shopping
Is not in love with: Peeing outside
"KEP-SHE"/ "KAR-SHE".......A.K.A Karen P.
Quote of the Month: "…….."
Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Ted Dekker
Is not in love with: Emo Screamo ..
"SHOE-SHE"......A.K.A Sandy Shoemaker
Quote of the month: "Do you like smores??" haha
Is in love with:1) Jesus 2) Smores....haha
3) Emo Screamo
Is not in love with: Carman
"SHEL-SHE".......A.K.A Shelby Scott or Shelby Shay
Quote of the Month: "The hydration pack is like the most amazing drinking apparatus ever invented....besides maybe the cup......"
Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Relient K!!! BAHH! darn you matt thiessen for ruining my life!!!!!
Is not in love with: Matt thiessen at the moment.....BAH!
The Original "SHE-SHE!!!!"......A.K.A Alisha Casias! Quote of the month:" Dont fart and then wink at me thats weird!!!!"
Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Sneezing on people
Is not in love with:
******THE MC HES'**********
Jonesy......A.K.A Justin Jones Quote of the Month: "Oh dang!!!!!"
Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Skateboarding
Is not in love with: the wind as he spary paints his cell phone
Tommy Two-Tone........A.K.A Tommy Gordon Quote of the Month: Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Guitar
Is not in love with: Boogers in his hair....
Shel-dog "Coming at cha 1 2 3!!"
....... A.K.A Sheldon Koch Quote of the Month: Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Sarah Koch, Scout Koch and Rocco Koch
Is not in love with: Popping zits
Mariah.....theres no nickname yet....but there will be....oh there will be...... Quote of the month: "Nobody wants to be the anus in the body of Christ...."
Is in love with: 1) Jesus 2) Her Hubby and Her Cat!
Is not in love with:

WHAT:: Masters Commission; MC is a pretty flippin sweet program. We follow the three S's. Surrender, Serve, and Study. And maybe if we are good we can make room for the 4th S. Sleep! This kind of makes us sound like a cult. Haha, We arent, we are just hardcore! (Haha...oh man...) We surrender to God, we are leaders through our serving, and we study the bible so we can get to know God better, and know what we believe in.
Where: East Valley Foursquare Church When: Oct. 4, 2005---June 4, 2006
Why: We love Jesus and we want to "Find the deep"!!!!
WHY: Because we love Jesus!
Who: The M.C. He-She's
Where: Orange Vale Cali
When: As we speak!!!!!!

My Interests

Jesus, serving, taking pictures, watching movies.....MC Jelly beans....and of coure INTENSIVES! Taebo ,shuffing horse ....POOP, Ferndale in general!working out heck yes! hiking,cleaning, goofing off oh you dont even know we crazy kats!

I'd like to meet:



Alpha order Alisha: hmm...i dunno! Karen: Carmen, DC talk and Micheal W. Smith Justin: Coheed and Cambria, Avenge Seven Fold, Fallout boy Nicci: the guys who sing the song "I CAN LOVE YOU LIKE THAT!" Sandy: If you are Emo and you are Screamo...than sandy likes you.... Shelby: Relient K, New Found glory, MCR, pretty much anyone who rocks till the sun goes down! BUT RK IS THE BEST. FO SHO SUCKAS! Tommy: guitar stuff..... haha i dunno, ill ask him later


Saved! LOFL!




The foundations of pentecostal theology is definitely among our favs! haha also Case for faith and Every young man, or womans, battle



My Blog

Nicci's thoughts on M.C

"Oh DAng!" nuff said~ just joking!! m.c is really cool im learning alot here, and growing alot. I ve never had to learn how to work with a team, as much as i have this past week.  its cool to see...
Posted by EVMC on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 12:11:00 PST