Shawna profile picture


I bet they're taking that sauce upstairs to the sauce brothel...

About Me

I make up one half of Access All Areas Photography. The other half is my partner in crime, James Goulden. Though based in Dublin, we roam the land taking pictures of rock stars, weddings, rock stars' weddings (not really, but I can dream can't I?), dogs, cats, trees, piles of rubbish on the side of road, friends, family, previous Big Brother contestants, previous members of failed boy bands, anything that pays really. Apart from that, I really dig interior design. Mid century furniture, fancy wallpapers, bargain buys, saying "fuck off!" to feng shui, colourful paints, and affordable artwork. You can check out my design blog here

My Interests

I enjoy taking pictures of bands, solving sudoku puzzles, ingesting noodles, internally hating girls who are prettier than me, drinking fruit juice, watching good documentaries, Topshop, cups of tea, and Making my apartment look cool right under the nose of my unsuspecting landlord.
adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

People who want to give me money for photos. A rocket scientist, a circus freak, and anyone who could tell me the final number of pi.


Oh yeah, music. I like a lot of that stuff. In no particular order): David Bowie, The Young Knives, The Decemberists, CSS, The Beach Boys, The Supremes, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Mark Mothersbaugh (he's my favourite movie composer), Vampire Weekend, Patrick Wolf, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, Bat for lashes, Antony and the Johnsons, Editors, Arcade Fire, Bjork, Cold War Kids, Idlewild, Jarvis Cocker, The Beastie Boys, Regina Spektor, Kaiser Chiefs, Codes, Neutral Milk Hotel, Simon and Garfunkel, Muse, Smashing Pumpkins, Tapes n' Tapes, Weezer, We Are Scientists,Martha and the Vandellas, Delorentos, and I'm not afraid to say I like the damn Ting Tings either!


The latest film I'm looking forward to:


The Mighty Boosh, House, Simpsons, Top Gear, Grand Designs (oooh Kevvy Wevvy!)The Office, Those really weird Channel 4 Documentaries, The Sarah Silverman Program, anything with David Attenborough, a bit of Countdown every now and then, but definitely not Stella..."We do not watch Stella, Ok?"


Photography books mostly, the Small Interiors book that James got me for christmas, the Habitat catalogue...

My Blog

Getting naked in Public

When we got to the location, which happened to be the South Wall down at the docklands, we were greeted by a man on a megaphone who wanted to thank us for coming because "people said that no one in Du...
Posted by Shawna on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:53:00 PST

Sydney Pollack and the Guardian readers

As some of you may already know, I have serious trouble relating to most of my co-workers. I have a theory that this stems purely from the newspapers we read. I prefer The Guardian. They're more of th...
Posted by Shawna on Wed, 28 May 2008 02:39:00 PST

How to Redecorate a Haunted House?

Last night I was having drinks with a friend of mine who recently moved into a newly renovated apartment in Rathmines and has asked me to help her decorate her room. It's an old building and her bedro...
Posted by Shawna on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:50:00 PST

Best Dream Ever!

Last night I had the most amazing dream of my life. I dreamt that I died, and in heaven, for some strange reason I was a cowboy. Anyway, heaven was a little record store and God was David Bowie. Man, ...
Posted by Shawna on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

Mi Amor!

Yesterday my camera came back to me after being away for over a month. While shooting a metal gig in the Voodoo early last month, my baby's shutter decided to take it's own life, thus causing me to se...
Posted by Shawna on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 03:11:00 PST

The shadow government knows everything, and comments on youtube videos accordingly

I was talking to my dad today about corporate conspiracies and how some companies have files on everyone in America. That got us on the topic of google. He said that he googled everyone in the family ...
Posted by Shawna on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 04:01:00 PST

Its my party, and Ill eat turkey if I wanna!

Last night I held a party for all the lovely people that I worked with in MCG over the past year. The not so lovely people (ie, the people we fired) were obviously not invited. I am happy to report th...
Posted by Shawna on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 07:58:00 PST

Two days...

till IKEA OPENS IN BELFAST! IKEA OPENS IN BELFAST! IKEA OPENS IN BELFAST!   I can't remember the last time I've been this excited! I never have to pay 200 euro for a crappy piece of Argos fu...
Posted by Shawna on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:32:00 PST

Birthday boy

Thursday saw James gracefully turn 31. He received the following gifts: a dvd recorder from yours truly, a practical cheque from his parents, a not so practical Nintendo DS and Brain Training game fro...
Posted by Shawna on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 10:06:00 PST

See ya later, decorater!

I'm feeling quite amazing at the moment. One of the guys at the letting agents came over unannounced to make a list of any maintainence problems that need to be fixed. I was a bit worried that he'd sa...
Posted by Shawna on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 10:40:00 PST