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tELeViSioN mAn iS cRaZy sAyiNg weRe juveNiLe dELiQuEnT wReCkS..oH iS tHeRe cOncReTe aLL aRoUnD, oR iS iT My hEaD?puRpLe hAzE aLLL uP iN my bRaiN, LaTeLy thiNgs juSt dOnT sEeM tHe sAmEe..acTiN fuNNy buT i DoNt kNoW wHy, scUsE mE whiLe i kiSs tHe sKy. puRpLe hAzE aLL aRoUnD, dOnT kNoW iF iM cOmiN uP oR dOwN? aM i hApPy oR iN miSeRy? whAtevEr iT iS, tHaT giRL pUt a spELL oN mE!Don't want you wasting my time,tired of ya doing the things that you do.It's no use standing in line follow the line, you better follow queue. --fuck having a broken heart im mad happy!gOt a MoNkEy oN my bACk, gOnNa cHaNGe my wAys toNighT.. nOBoDys fAuLt bUt miiNe..Work so hard I couldn't unwind, get some money saved;Abuse my love a thousand times, however hard I tried. Heartbreaker, your time has come, can't take your evil way; Go away, Heartbreaker.I know what it means to be alone, I sure do wish I was at home. I don't care what the neighbors say, I'm gonna love you each and every day. You can feel the beat within my heart. Realize, sweet babe, we ain't ever gonna be apart.I still don't know what I was waiting for. And my time was running wild. A million dead-end streets. Every time I thought I'd got it made. It seemed the taste was not so sweet. So I turned myself to face me. But I've never caught a glimpse. Of how the others must see the faker I'm much too fast to take that test..cHa chA cHAnGeSs..hOw dO i LoVe yOu?, weLL LeT mE sEe..i LoVe yOu LiKe a LyRiC nEeDs a MeLoDy.. bAby, coMpLeTeLy wRaPpEd uP iN yOu..

I'd like to meet:



i fLoW LiKe thE bLoOd oN a muRdEr sCeNe, LiKe a syRiNgE, oN sOmE wiLd oUt shiT, tO iNsErT a FiEnD..WUTANGGGaMpLiFiEd sAmpLes thRoUgH VaCuMm tuBes coMpResSiOns cAuSeD rZa, tO cHarGe niGgAs 20 gEez a seSsiOn!!!i cAnt geT mAd tHaT yoU LoOk aT mE, cuZz oN thE rEaL, LoOk aT mE =]sHe bAd aS heLL nD shE swOLL..iM tRyNa pLay iN hEr hOLe..LiL mAmA a diiMe, sHe cOLd..i fuCk hEr oNcE Nd sHe soLd.<3.


Evan: You changed your name to McLovin? Seth: It doesn't even have a first name, it just says McLovin! Evan: The guy's either going think 'here's another guy with a fake ID', or here's McLovin, 25 year old Hawaiian organ donor. Okay? So what's it gonna be? Fogell:I am McLovin.


Did you ever look, did you ever see that one person..and the subtle way that they do these things and it hurts so much? Its like choking down the embers of a great blaze..its that moment when your eyes seem to spread aspersions..and to scream confessions at the insipid sky parting let this person come down in the most perfect moment..and it breaks my heart, to know the only reason you are here now, is a reminder of what ill never have..ill never have ill never have..standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in..standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in..but this table for one has become bearable..I now take comfort in this, and for this, I cherish you..


..namess dibbs i stay fLy witHouT a mAn.She said, "don't, don't let it go to your head..boys like you are dime a dozen, boys like you are dime a dozen." She said, "you're a touch overrated, you're a lush and I hate it, but these grass stains on my knees they won't mean a thing." I'd never lie to you, unless I had to i'll do what I got to unless I had to I'll do what I got to, truth, is you could slit my throat, and with my one last gasping breathe I'd apologize, for bleeding on your shirt.. Cause I'm a wishful thinker with the wrong intentions, this will be the last chance you get to drop my name..cause I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions, this will be the last chance you get to drop my name! If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar!Fuck you and all your bullshit, waste my time, you, ill drag you down, rip you down, my smile is nothing more than an illusion..and I know your emotions inside won't ever know.. If I don't leave you ill d.i.e.<<< -


iF yOu wErE fALLiN, tHeN i wOuLd cAtcH yOu, yOu nEeD a LiGhT, iD fiNd a MaTcH, cuZ i LoVe tHe wAy yOu sAy goOd mOrNiNg, aNd yOu tAkE mE tHe wAy i aM,,iF yOu wErE chiLLy, hErE tAkE mY swEaTeR, yOuR heAd iS acHiNg, iLL mAkE iT bEtTeR,,cAuSe i LoVe tHe wAy yOu cALL mE bAbiEe.nD yOu tAke mE tHe wAy i Am... hOpEe iS a wAkiiNg dReAm-aRisToTLeSing loud for the sunshine, pray hard for the rain And show your love for Lady Nature. <333

My Blog


yo mother fucking drugs suck nd i cant stand why do people have to smoke crack nd do heroin. its mad fucked up. like that aint even half of it. and im supposed to deal with that..thats mad fu...
Posted by Vienna on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 08:18:00 PST


LatelyLately I've had the strangest feelingWith no even reason here to findbut yet the thought of losing you's been hangingAround my mindFar more frequently you're wearing perfumeAnd with you saying '...
Posted by Vienna on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:05:00 PST


marcus schultz is a little boyyy
Posted by Vienna on Thu, 22 May 2008 04:45:00 PST