Dark StaLLioN (R>I>P>) profile picture

Dark StaLLioN (R>I>P>)

A MaSteR BeAsT...............

About Me

Side Effects include: nausea, heartburn, mood swings, hunger, and dry mouthcomplete song list:Communist Anal Sex!Take COntrolLast living WitnessJemSouth Of nowheretrainwreckDosePretty in blueDarK StaLLioNt-shirts at the door666 miles South Of Nowheredeath metal on 3

My Interests


Member Since: 11/10/2005
Band Website: donttellmyparents.org
Band Members:T.A.Z.
Influences: METAL: death, grind, black, industrial, doom, sludge, speed, thrash, stoner, crust, grunge, classic, and underground..
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Sounds Like: like like you should buy a cd!
Record Label: "The Forth Floor Filth Factory"
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

pressing on!

VAMPIRE mOOOse, needs show in sioux falls a.s.a.p. INto the studio shortly, with 7 new tracks sinikil 1st time in suck falls January 10th @dischordia  
Posted by Dark StaLLioN (R>I>P>) on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 08:56:00 PST