Young/Smith, Higgs/Washington
If you are a Higgs and feel that we may be related, Please feel free to leave a message, are contact me by my email address: [email protected] We would love to hear from you.If you have more information to add to our family tree, send that information to the email address above and we will evaluate it and add it where it belongs.We know that there is a lot of family out there that we do not know, So be no stranger, introduce yourself. - Hip Hop & Urban MySpace Comments
Family Bonds
Family roots run deep in every family, rather it be many last names are not. Keep in mind that we all evolve from the same seed that contains many other seeds. There are no such things as distant cousins or distant relative, because we have the same gene pool. When our great grandmothers and fathers were concieved they inherited genes from both their mothers and fathers and it has been like that through generations. Some might say well third cousins and so forth don't count "Says Who". Great Grandmothers and fathers had brothers and sisters, Cousins, Nieces and Nephews and they all came from the same gene pool. Family is family and must be cherished through generations and togetherness do count. Families must stick together in order to survive and see that our roots are well preserved so that each generation will know who they are related to and how it has grown through each generation before them. Every family has family disputes but family stays connected and solve problems through prayer and discussions on how to make the problem go away for the sake of the next generation that comes after them. So start connecting your family trees and see exactly what I'm talking about. You never know who might be your family. It is fun but also can be very intresting to find out that your best friend might be your relative or that a long time enemy could be related to you some kind of way. Remember that family is family by blood regardless of what side of the family they're on.
"Roots Run Deep!".
Family Roots ------------In ancient times there was a time our people were not considerd people but property. There are about 98% of african americans who have roots that date back to the slave trade era. In those days most slaves had families that were brought over from Africa and sold individually to slave owners, which separated those family members, husbands, wives and children. Some managed to escape the plantation and reunite with their loved ones, some didn't have a clue where to start. When a slave owner brought a slave, the slave was obligated to take the last name of the slave owners as showing proof that the slave belonged to them (ownership). That is where most of these last names in our history come from. It was what we would call today a "legal adoption process". During this era the slaves also were forced to adopt their slave owners way of life and culture. In some events the slave women were raped and concieved a child bearing the offspring of the slave masters, meaning that the genes of the slave owners were also integrated with the slaves gene pool, meaning that there are many african-americans with some type of mixed race in there family history. Some don't want to acknowledge that to be true but there is, rather it be Indian, Spanish, English , Irish, German or Scottish. The truth is that we are not 100% african anymore. Over the centuries we have inherited many different cultures from the slave owners. If the slave owners and the next of kin were deceased then the property of the slave owners was fowarded to the slaves on the plantation and they were freed. So do your research and accept it as it is and be proud of who you are today!
Joe Willie Higgs Sr./ Beatrice Washington.George Young Sr. / Florida Smith.Willie Higgs Sr. / Ida Lee Young.Richard Lockhart Sr. / Margaret Higgs. for giving me a chance to live.