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My Interests

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Im an all out rock girl, all types. You put in anything with a drum or guitar solo im rockin out. Fall out boy, red hot chili peppers, nirvana, NIN, hawthorne hieghts,blink 182, limp bizkit. Thats the one on my mix for this week. i listen to some groups everyone knows and some no one knows.


Napoleon Dynamite and Wedding Crashers is my all time favorites! And for the tear jerker: it has to be The Notebook... (Yeh, i know. But its so great!)


omggg LAGUNA BEACH is overrr....what the hell am i gonna do with myself every monday night!?!?!


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My Blog

Dear Erica Alicia.........

Dear Erica Alicia, I wanted to write you and tell you how much i miss you and how much i love you. I regret everything i did in the past, And all the little fights we got into about stupid stuff like ...
Posted by Becca*Nicole on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:10:00 PST