The Infamou$ Hardknoc profile picture

The Infamou$ Hardknoc

SUMMERTIME, but livins not always easy.

About Me

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Create your own Friend Quiz here Hey whats goin on everyone this is harding and i live in a tree, well that what all my boys say anyway, i think cause imma nut or something. Im 22, and I have realized that life is what you make, so im tryin to make the most of it. Ya i graduated from NA in 2005, should of in 04 but im a slacker. I am a pool boy, wait, wait, correction ima pool man, so my job is only in summer and a little bit of spring and fall. so in the winter i find a lil bullshit job for like 4 months. But ya I was born in Cali, in the OC, to be precise. I have lived in the best city in the world for the past 20 years, and of course im talkin about da Burgh SON. HOORAH STILLERS , time to start on that other hand boys. I go to ccac for a bunch of bullshit classes because i have no idea what the hell i wanna be, maybe a philosopher haha, so ya im just kinda wingin it. And i also enjoy smokin marijuana and takin other psychedelic drugs, i am also a fan of the booze and sauce, grandpa's old couch syrup, but i am no fuckin junkie or alcoholic, so dont get it twisted homie. I am very outgoin and like the company of most other people, unless you dont respect yourself, cause if you dont respect yourself, dont expect respect from anyone else, ya dig. I got the best Family in da the world, i know everyone says that, but i aint lyin my parents are so cool, for all the shit they put up with, and they still lemme live at their house at 21 none the less, i must be blessed. But i also got love for my other fam, ya'll homies know who you are, most of all my mans Feezy there from the start to the finish homie. You got beef with then you got beef with me, and if you got beef me you got beef with them, kapeesh. So dont start shit there wont be shit. But anyway i will end this long ass shpiel, so keep my name out ya mouth, and stay on point. Ohh ya and if any one wanna talk sum shit they can SUCK A DICK UP TIL YA HICCUP. haha bitches%D%A%D%A"When your in the city of the black and gold, you also gotta deal with the brave and the bold." %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A %9%D%A----------------- Original Message ----------------- %D%A%D%A..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
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General Questions
What Is Your Full Name?: y does it matter
How Old Are You?: 20
When Is Your Birthday?: june SUMMERTIME
Where Were You Born?: CALI
What Color are Your Eyes?: Blue sometimes
What Color Is Your Hair?: dirty blond
How Tall are You?: 6'3
What Is Your Favorite Personal Physical Feature?: you tell me
How Many Siblings Do You Have?: 6 sorta kinda almost
What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Music?: Rap
What Is Your Least Favorite Kind Of Music?: country
Who Is Your Favorite Artist/Band?: dont have just one
Do You Wish You Had Some Sort Of Music Talent?: ya
Do You Play An Instrument?: use to, sax
Do You Like To Sing?: i dont sing i flow son
Do You Like To Sing In The Shower?: ya sometimes
What Is Your Favorite Type Of Movie?: Drama, action, suspense, horror, and whore
What Is Your Favorite Movie?: dont have just one
Who Is Your Favorite Actress/Actor?: Ashley Judd, Deniro
Do You Think Movie Stars Should Make Less Money?: hells ya
What Are Your Favorite Sports?: Football and hockey
Who Are Your Favorite Teams?: STILLERS, Pens, and the bucko's sometimes I am also in the BHS, bong hitters society
Do You Enjoy Going To Live Sporting Events?: ya who does'nt
Do You Play Any High School Sports?: football for like a month
The Party Life
Have You Ever Gotten Drunk Before?: no but i have consumed 1 and a half cases of bud light in like 6 hours (new years 2002 good times)
Do You Like To Attend Parties For Fun?: no i attend parties not to have fun
Do You Do Drugs?: ya sometimes
Have You Ever Tried Drugs?: above
Have You Ever Drank For Fun?: ya
What Is The Best Thing About A Party?: the fuckin party duh
Do You Have Any Tattoos?: uno
Do You Have Any Piercings?: nada
Do You Want More Tattoos/Piercings? Which ones?: ya tatts
Do You Attend Church/Temple/Moske?: i have my own temple
What Religion Are You?: i am my own god of my own world
How Committed Are You?: you are in my world right now
Are You Saved?: therefore i am your god
Do You Read The Bible/Torah/Koran Daily?: YOU WILL OBAY
How Often Do You Pray?: Religion is bad VERY BAD, more people have died in the name of their god whichever that is, then all the wars combined, does'nt that tell you something
Are You Into Fixing Up Cars/Trucks?: naw
What Kind Of Vehicle(S) Do You Have?: I cant drive, not until im 21. Judges orders
What Is Your Dream Machine?: a fuckin cruise ship
Video Games
Do You Play Video Games?: ya
How Many Hours A Day Do You Play Video Games?: on an average i would say a half hour a day
Have You Ever Played A Video Game So Long You Forget To Eat?: ya sometimes
What Is Your Favorite Game?: Call of duty
What Is Your Favorite Game Type?: war
What Game Are You Most Excited For In The Future?: dunno
Xbox 360 Or PS3?: 360 baby
Do You Like Shopping?: ya who dont
What Is Your Least Favorite Kind Of Shopping?: for a pipe i can never make a descision
How Many Times A Month Do You Go Clothes Shopping?: 1 if im lucky
What Are Your Favorite Things To Shop For?: pipes but when i pick one it is off da hook
How Many Pairs Of Sunglasses Have You Bought?: none
How Many Sandals Do You Own?: 1 i think
Happiest: Travsak
Smartest: my bro
Dumbest: sandy cooch
Religious: this dude raul i met in LA he kept calling me meho
Athletic: J Feezy
Nerdiest: ERnie fo sho
Nicest: DOM
Meanest: Reynolds when hes drunk
Concieded: now what kinda friend would i be
Craziest: JJ.L
Funniest: ME
What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Food?: BEEF
Starbucks or Jamba?: neither but if im wit travsak will hit up Stars
What Is Your Favorite Meal?: Dinner baby yeah
Do You Like Fish?: hell no only one thing i eat that has a pungent smell and it anit fish, ya dig
Are You A Healthy Eater?: ya sometimes
Cookie Dough Or Oreo Ice Cream?: dough
Do You Call it Soda Or Pop?: Pop, we in da burgh son
What is Your Favorite Soda?: DO THE DEW
What is Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink?: Jacky D
What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Desert?: , chocolate
What Does Your Dream Relationship Consist Of?: i dont dream i wish because dreams never come true and sometimes wishes do
What Is The Most Important Thing In A Relationship?: trust
What Is Your Dream Date?: jessica alba
Do You Believe in Abstenence Until Marriage?: no, but i dont judge other people
Does Your Mate Need To Be Taller Than You?: no i think im tall enough for the both of us
How Long Would You Wait To Kiss After Meeting Someone?: it all depends under what circumstances
How Soon Do You Want To Get Married?: not anytime soon
How Many Children Do You Want To Have?: uno maybe dos
How Long Would You Walk To Find Your True Love?: i dont need to walk ill still a car
Do You Believe in True Love?: ya to a degree
Have You Ever Been in Love?: i hope not
Last General Information
What You Like to Do for Fun?: whatever makes me feel good
What Size Shoes Do You Wear?: 14
Do You Like Animals?: ya
Are You A Good Student?: i dont do a whole lotta work but i am eazy to get along wit
What's Your Dream Job?: gettin paid to chill
What Do You Do For a Living?: pool boy, mad milfs
Do You Like Your Job?: ya i drive around all day with my best girl mary
If You Had One Wish, What Would That Wish Be?: i grams was still here
Do You Love Your Family?: with all my heart
What Do You Think is the Most Important Thing in Life?: life itself
What Do You Think About When You're Alone?: some off the wall shit, let me tell ya
What Do You Dream About?: most of the time i dont remember
What Do You Fear the Most?: police
What is Your Most Missed Memory?: grams
Are You the Trustworthy Type?: it depends
Do You Like Poetry? If So, Who's Your Favorite Poet?: tupac
What is the Best Way in Which You Express Yourself?: with a nice heart to heart
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My Interests

smokin pot, gettin drunk, and all other types of ill shit.

I'd like to meet:

whoever, just not crazy bitches or quierdos, unless your crazy bitches and quierdos i already know.
Myspace layouts from


My Mans Savvy, da wiz kid, 2pac, Biggie, DRE, Technique, Snoop, Eazy, Bone, Zane, DMX, House of Pain, Three Six Mafia, Playa Fly, old school Master P, Screw, Lil filp, South Park Mexican, GRIME, Lil Wayne, MIKE JONES, Dogg pound, the imfamous MOBB, Game, Ice cube, Jada, Kane and able, DEL, Talib Kawli, Akir, jaeon, sublime, the marleys, bob dylan, zepplin, Alice n chains, Pearl jam, Beastie boys, Bush, jethro tull, rolling stones and all types of classic rock. ohh ya n skynard fuckin rocks.


187, Menace II Society, Boyz in Da Hood, Dead Presidents, Scarface, American History X, Goodfellas, Belly, Bounce, Young Guns, From Hell, Fear and Loathing, leaving las vegas, 11:14, Juice, Spun, GO, CRANK, black snake moan, 300, where the buffalo roam, bourne idenity, running scared, Trainspotting, BABEL, children of men, Blood diamond, stranger then fiction, into the blue, Last of the Mohicans, SNATCH, Sin City, Beerfest, harsh times, V for Vendetta, Pirates of the carribean, Platoon, Full metal jacket, Last of the Dogmen, Patriot, Gladiator, Dances with Wolves, Ong-bak, Crash, Garden State, Tombstone, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, National Treasure, Friday, Never Die Alone, City of God, A Bronx Tale, Casino, Exit Wounds, South Central, Boondock Saints, memento, brick, the Prestige, lord of war, van wilder, Requiem for a dream, Old School, Dont be a Menace, Lord of the rings, X-men, half baked, dazed and confused, Into the wild, no country for old men, juno, superbad, cashback, THE TEN, Gremlins, this is england, stardust, sunshine, I am Legend, we own the night, the die hard homies, indiana jones, WILLOW, All About the Benjemians, and shit like dat. ohh ya and the ninja turtle movies too.


ESPN, Family guy, simpsons, CSI, BET, Lost, The Discovery channel and shit like that OHH ya and DUCK TALES. A WOOHOOAND PITTSBURGH SPORTS, ALL OF THEM


Way past cool, THE GOOSEBUMBS, they were the shit


I got a few like, George Washington who said this and i quote, "my favorite times in my life were spent sitting on my porch smokin hemp and watching my crops grow."

My Blog

School, what a joke

ya so anyway i was at class today, i was having a discussion with the teacher about depression and all that shit with the mind. well anyway she was saying that if you think you are depressed you shoul...
Posted by The Infamou$ Hardknoc on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:58:00 PST

What Pisses Me Off

you wanna know what really pisses me off. When fuckin chicks think that since there fuckin chicks they think they can do whatever they want. They think that people should kneel before them and kiss th...
Posted by The Infamou$ Hardknoc on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:07:00 PST