El Christopher profile picture

El Christopher

Stuff in happening in life.

About Me

**** Begin Notice for Friend Request *****
My friends list is a list of my friends. While I'm flattered a bizzilon bands and people think I'm cool enough to be their friend, my list is for those I have had some real world experiance with outside of myspace.
Thanks muchas
***** End Notice for Friend Request ******

My life comes in three parts,
Work: My Biz , My Paycheck
Bicycling: My Team
Living like I like people

You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

Bicyles are fun and expensive. I have 3 and am buying more. I try my best to keep up with the semi-pros on my team. They say I would beat them all if I would practice more. Me thinks they say nice things so I stick around so they have something to beat. In high school I never knew my uber-skinny body would be desire of so many athletic non-gay men... in spandex.I would like to say God is my biggest interest. However the love of myself eclipses my desired focus. In talking to my friend John the other day I explained an interest to do the simple things right. I told him "I just want to put my pants on for Jesus. Nothing fancy or flashy, just be real."

I'd like to meet:

People who would like to eat cheese with Jesus. Somebody who likes to make me laugh without themselves laughing. Dry and sly. People who don't crack a pirate joke when they see me in my eye patch.


Over the Rhine, Smalltown Poets, Sixpence NTR, Steve Taylor (old skool). Anything that makes me want to sing.


I don't have a TV. Plenty of other way to waste my time.


Blue like Jazz, Generious Orthodoxy, Great Divorce.


Abe Lincon: Of the presidents, Abe is the only one I find somehting I want to emulate.
The men and women who clean toilets and pick up trash, (Seriously). Thank you so much.
Jesus rocks my world

My Blog

Be my 8th Best Friend

So..I'm so old skol, that I still only have 8 spots for my 'best friends'. However, I have more than 8 best friends so I'm inacting plan "Rotation". You have the chance to become my 8th bestest friend...
Posted by El Christopher on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:52:00 PST

Some are true some are not.

When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside?About 2 hours ago. Too lazy to walk inside while working about the yardFamily member you most resemble? The dog. Do you own your own Bible?I thi...
Posted by El Christopher on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:24:00 PST

Today I proved my manhood

For about the last 3 month the clutch in my truck has been leaking an oily ooze of hydrolic fluid. I first noticed it when there were drop of water coming from the clutch on dry da...
Posted by El Christopher on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:42:00 PST

To some of my lovely christian government leaders ...

I don't think the word "Christian" means what you may think it means.   Because there is no faithfulness or kindness        &nbs p;Or knowledge o...
Posted by El Christopher on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:58:00 PST

Yes..!!! 2000 hits. (Updated: Link made bigger)

For all you myspace geeks and addicts,   I finally hit 2000 views after 3 years of being on myspace.  I know it is amazing.  Sure some people get 2000 views a day, but I got my 2000 vie...
Posted by El Christopher on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 01:29:00 PST

Pres Bush is Osama

I was listening to NPR, (like that is something new), and an US Iraq military strategist was explaining how Bush and Osama are operating at the same level of fanaticism.  They both work at the ou...
Posted by El Christopher on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:14:00 PST

Don't mix ridding your bike and singing

Being a bike rider in the country is as close to temporal paradise as I have found.  Little traffic and open roads in all directions.  Hills and flats. Its all here.  I went on a solo r...
Posted by El Christopher on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 02:00:00 PST

My Guilty Pleasure

I have a guilty pleasure. Ok it is not too guilty, but my roommate made me feel it was guilty.  I like wooden hangers.  Nice wooden hangers with shiny chrome hooks.  There is a simple p...
Posted by El Christopher on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 02:57:00 PST

Why are we still using lables

Two thoughts tonight.  (It was a busy day.) The use of labels is too alive within the Christian subculture dispite the concerted effort to break down the walls which divide those "in" and "out" o...
Posted by El Christopher on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:14:00 PST

People don't want power..

I'm baking corn bread.  For some reason it made me depressed.  It probably wasn't the corn bread its self.  It was more of the free time my mind had to mull over fresh ideas while mixin...
Posted by El Christopher on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 10:13:00 PST