Hello. I am Sean Connory. I live in Schcotland and I like making your mother jokes. I am alsho the leader of the crazy new religion called Seanconnoronomy. I shtarted it because I figured that my billionsh of fansh would like to have a religion. The bashics of the religion are shimple. The only time you have to do anything ish on the third Wedneshday of every month, called Seanconnoromadon. You have to reshpond to at leasht 5 people on that day by shaying, "That'sh what your mother shaid lasht night," and, other that that, all you have to do on Seanconnoromadon ish talk like me, in this shexy voishe.
Join my Seanconnoronomy group and become a Seanconnoronomisht.