NEONET cybercafe profile picture

NEONET cybercafe

we don't need no education

About Me

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Neonet Cybercafe %D%A has been around in Kuala Terengganu for the past few years. This %D%A novelty provided the general public Internet access in a quality %D%A café setting. At that time, nothing similar existed in Kuala %D%A Terengganu and in light of the emerging Internet boom the %D%A opportunity to open a specialty café with computers seemed %D%A irresistible.
%D%A The first Neonet Cybercafe originally  and still located at %D%A Kompleks kampung Tiong Kuala Terengganu. The Services provided %D%A ranging: INTERNET SURFING, PRINTING, CD BURNING, GAMERS HAVEN, WEB %D%A DESIGN, DESIGN LECTURE, PC RESELLER and more to come.
%D%A Eventually, in July 2004 Neonet Cybercafe opened another store on %D%A Jalan Pantai Tok Jembal, opposite in front of KUSTEM Students %D%A Housing. The customers, mostly students have begun to return to this %D%A great city and Neonet plans to keep expanding its friendly service %D%A throughout Kuala Terengganu and elsewhere. %D%A%9 %D%A%9
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%D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9 March 2004 %D%A -We thought about changing the name of Neonet Cybercafe at Kampung %D%A Tiong with a brand new name after the new relaunching of the %D%A cybercafe. Few names suggested include Prontera after the name of RO %D%A server (WTF!!). This thing still in limbo but we'll make sure to %D%A keep informing you. %D%A%9 %D%A%9
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%D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9%D%A%9%9%9 PILIHAN BLITZENIUS
%D%A Sorry, gwa agak backward dalam memilih %D%A my recent favourite; macam books, music, atau film. Ok, ok, gwa kena %D%A tunduk jugak dengan keperluan dunia ke-3, so here's my recent mood: %D%A BOOKS
%D%A The Sandman (DC/Vertigo), novel grafik hasil tulisan Neil Gaiman %D%A dengan artis yang pelbagai ini boleh dianggap lagenda sebagai mitos %D%A moden. Gaya tulisan absurd Gaiman sebenarnya nadi kepada The Sandman %D%A sehingga ia menjadi buku komik pertama memenangi World Fantasy Award %D%A 1991. Yang lain gwa suka pasal The Sandman sudah tentulah cover2 %D%A power Dave McKean (sampaikan gwa rasa gwa nak beli Sandman kes cover %D%A dia je. Hmmm...)
%D%A Fables (DC/Vertigo) pula ialah novel grafik yang baru saja %D%A masuk dalam raga shopping gwa, sebab: 1.) Twist cerita fable lama %D%A seperti Red Riding Hood, Snow White yang hidup di zaman sekarang di %D%A NY, sehingga karekter mereka jadi agak dark. 2.) Artwork cover oleh %D%A James Jean. Lebih kurang sama je kan alasan gwa bagi kat Fables ni %D%A dengan The Sanndman. Well, sebab tu la jadi feveret gwa, ..... or %D%A else.
%D%A October Sky (1999) - Stumble upon this great movie %D%A masa petang Ahad lepak kat rumah tunggu adik balik, sebab gwa nak %D%A pakai motor pergi Neonet tapi end up dekat nak maghrib baru dia %D%A balik. The good things is , dia balik selepas movie ni habis jadi %D%A gwa dapat la feel cerita ni from start. Berlatar belakangkan tahun %D%A 1957, it's based on the the true story of this boy, Hickham yang %D%A ternampak Sputnik merentas awan ketika dia dalam belasan tahun, yang %D%A mengilhamkannya untuk menghasilkan roket yang boleh melepasi ozon %D%A bumi (lepas tu, ke bulan la, at least). Jadi mamat Hickham ni juga %D%A yang mencipta terma 'saintis roket' untuk budak2 yang gila membuat %D%A sains2 pelik meletup2 sehingga merisaukan orang tua. Si Hickham (dan %D%A 3 orang rakannya) juga tak terkecuali dari merisaukan orang tua %D%A mereka yang merasakan usaha mereka mencipta roket sebagai main-main %D%A dan hanya sia2. Sebaliknya ayah Hickham lebih suka Hickham %D%A menyambung tradisinya melombong arang batu (yang tidak disukai %D%A Hickham kerana di lombong arang batu juga seorang rakannya yang %D%A membantunya dlm membina roket mati). Tidak mahu tunduk dengan %D%A tradisi melombong arang batu, Hickham dan rakan2nya berusaha agar %D%A roket ciptaan mereka dapat masuk ke pertandingan akhir sains yang %D%A membolehkan mereka memenangi biasiswa untuk menyambung pelajaran di %D%A kolej. Korang kena cari movie ni tak kira download kat program P2P %D%A ke atau cari DVD/VCD. Tengok sampai habis for a bitter end (dan %D%A korang akan tahu mamat Hickham dan rakan2nya akan jadi apa kelak).%D%A
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%D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9 %D%A%9%9 %D%A%9%9%9 PILIHAN WAN
%D%A Abang Wan's recent %D%A favourite? Adie Cina dan Mesol mungkin tau, yang paling abang Wan %D%A suka tentulah satu lagu boyband(Westlife)-crossover-Amir Dhiab yang %D%A selalu di pasang di Neonet edisi Kampung Tiong sambil dikaraoke %D%A secara sukarela oleh abang Wan walau dia tak paham sepatah haram pun %D%A apa yang dinyanyikan oleh Amir Dhiab. %D%A%9 %D%A%9
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My Interests

123456789 fav. : Music Guitar+Drums Comics Magazine Kissing Cats Art BATIK yeah! Sketching Drawing Cartoons Cds Dvds Fantasy Freaks Girls Nature Photography Reading Sleep Eat Science Fiction Singing Raining Going to the Beach Travelling Graphics Hanging Out
munk who hates emo gurl fav. : (hehe,... kat myspace dia, interest dia kat sorang awek in general, boleh la panggil interest)
biowash fav. :Computer's .. A lot..!.. Games... n.. n.. n.. Girl's Maybe..!
blitzenius fav. : jammin', anime, comic, music, pc, digital art, graphic design, web design, metal, industrial, eating unhealthy, devilrobot, tweaking somebody else 's awek's mind, transformers, gundam, decorating, graffitying, short film, mac, pokok yang rantingnya pacifying, old type files, photoshop, dave mckean, ashley wood, typograph, p r brown's bau da, chimaira's "down again" video, marilyn manson's antichrist superstar CD sleeve, ayahanda + ibunda, blacbot, girleater, hospitality, david fincher, kyle cooper, cyberpunk, phreaks
seddam fav. : neostream vii
mat yoes fav. : Music, guitar+drums, computer, comics, magazine, SEX, art, sketching, drawing, antiques, cats, cartoons, cds, dvds, fantasy, freaks, girls, nature, photography, poetry, reading, schitzophrenia, science fiction, singing, skulls, concerts, going to the beach, travelling, learning new things, etc..
azu fav. :menyapu sampah menolong anjing yang tersepit mengayam ketupat sotong play guitar time kul 12.00 malam senaman harimau setiap pagi :P berak masuk peraduan mewarna korek - korek membuat sambal temper
Mesol: Well...100% like to smoke especially "DUNHILL" branded by British American Tobacca even the price is like Drugs right now..:p..but i'm not really choosing...Likes other brands too for EXAMPLE.. Camel,Salem,Gudang Garam a.k.a Surya,Marlboro,Pall Mall,Winston,L &; M,"Balut",Daun,Daividoff,Rescoff,Crystall and more..:0 Enjoy in surfing internet especially on porn surf...:p and like to chat with other person on IRC.."Internet Relay Chat"...Download this program at ...:p
Adie Comot: Ragnarok Online [ AppleRO ] / Godek mIRC / `Layan Movie` / Lepak Ngan Kengkawan / Cari Gaduh?..Belasah? / Buang Masa... ("dia ni memang suka cari gaduh....." - blitzenius , your friendly editor.)
Nourie: Internet surfing, chat, movies, listening radio, mp3, concert, hang out with friends and what else..

Dis-interest dangdut, britney spears, boyband, mat rempits, pancaindera, mangga, urtv, radio era, parti cit cat azwan ali, AF,...
How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna? you don't. it's pronounced "bolonia".

I'd like to meet:

%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A123456789 . : Cool, nice, sweet, cute, drama free peeps, who aren't all sick in the head..people who are smart funny and who can hold inteligent fun conversation and can have fune aswell. Just be yourself if we don't click oh well, right? "Friends for Life". So, lets chat!%D%A%D%A
%D%A%D%Amunk who hates emo gurl . :still dunnowhy &%D%Awho i`d like to%D%Ameet%D%Ahurmm%D%A who %D%Ayeah?%Dunno la blur%D%Amy future%D%Agurlfren i think so%D%Asomebody ?!!%D%Amaybee yes maybee not :p all my fren %D%A
%D%A%D%Abiowash. :Everyone's here in MySpace..!!!... cause ya'll were.. nice.. and be nice alway's Want To Meet Me From Other Source:%D) Friendster.%D) MyRakan.%D) mIRC: Webnet: .Terengganu. %D%A%D%APS:Let Me Tell Ya'll .. Norton Can't Do The Virus Protection Anymore!! %D%A
%D%A%D%Ablitzenius . : Graphic art and heavy music concious. Music designer, designer musicians.%D%A
%D%A%D%Aseddam . :sesaper je yang sudi .. tak kira lawa ke tak lawa ke .. buruk ke apa ke .. wat eva %D%A
%D%A%D%Amat yoes . : Sesaper Je Yang Sudi!!! ..Tak Kira Lawa Ke Tak Lawa Ke..Buruk Ke Banyak Jerawat Ke Ade Gunung Berapi Kat Pipi Ke Mate Juling Ke Kentut Bunyi Horn Lori Ke ..Wat Eva Laa... ~takecare~%D%A
%D%A%D%Aazu . :-IBLiS SociEtY %D%AThe Lord Of Naza, Abang Sam Kaki Besar, Mamat Babun, D Gegore, Payjeck, Keyo Buluh Gading, Juki Takir, Zizi Takir, Along Ladang, Din Kustem, Majdi, Sepul Tok Kaya, Lan Tepoh, Duan Dungun [ fuck u men ] dan juga my loverious Seli Butey !!!! %D%Ap/s - Seli Butey adalah seorang lelaki......harap maklum. %D%AhaiL yEah bEbEh !!! %D%A
%D%A%D%AMesol : Special Thanks To : GOD - coz U give me my life . MY PARENTS .:Ibrahim & Fatimah:. - coz u make me alive and care about me . MY GRANDMA a.k.a BELOVED .:Hindon Bt Ngah:. - coz u love me . MY TEACHERS - coz always teach something new for me .MY BOSS : Mr Zakri Hashim (KLLT PLASTIC SDN BHD ) + Mohd Irwan Bin Mustapha ( NEO.NET CYBER CAFE ) + SKRR Crewz + SRSO Crewz + MCKK Crewz + SMSD Crewz + PoLy Crewz + MY OLD FRIENDS - sorry dude..i'm not much remember you all :P & MY ANJING-ANJING : Buyer - thanks for ur silver car + Jiebong - thanks for ur phone :P + Hasan - thanks for share your laugh with me + aDex - coz u always make me smile and a lot of thanks coz u accept me + aCah - thanks for teach me about mIRC + aDie Cine - thanks for ur guess .. long time ago .. and also coz of the knowledges that u share with me + Dika - thanks for ur turbo car + alongs - thanks for your 125z cycle .. i won't forget it :P + Famy - thanks for ur stupid "Lawak" .. wakakaka + KeroL - thanks coz u won't me to die before u .. HAHA.. he always come to me and "borrow" from me some cigarrettes .. aha :P + Seddam - coz u being such a good friends for me + aEiOu- - thanks for your joking ..HAHA.. really funny .. Litoh Bulan² .. wakakakakakaka :P + mank - thanks coz accept me as your "partner sleep".. aha.. fuck ya!!! + mizie a.k.a Biowash - thanks coz share your jokes with me .. you're really funny dude !!! ..aha..nice hair :P ..tocey!!! tocey!!! + |wan - thanks for your information about NARUTO !! wakaka..+ maui^ - thanks for your BNC server and also about the windowsXp knowledges...maybe u should teach me more :P + Nasey a.k.a l23456789 - thanks coz being a 'tokang' for me ..+ Yoe a.k.a Mat Jack - thanks for your guess .. + Shy - thanks coz being with me .. :P + Jong - coz u are the first editor for MY space + Zube - thanks coz u teach me about how to make myspace become great looking + all of my FUCKING friends - you're so fucking great dude !!! THANKS !! THANKS !! THANKS!! & sorry coz i can't list all of your name here ..sorry again!! but i won't forgot u all ..Fuck Ya!!! "Tok Mung tulis panjang2, pendek doh ah!" - blitzenius, your friendly editor.
%D%A%D%AAdie Comot: Sesaper jer yang rasa tahan lasak berkawan ngan aku :)
%D%A%D%ANourie: The person who loves the least in a relationship, is the person who controls it. Or was it the person who loves the most in the relationship ,the person who controls it? difficult to find...Hopefully Someone Who's Luving Me !!~ Ï'll ß §mïlï&#24 1;g wëñ ï © ü, da tëä®&#167 ; wïll ñëvä §höw, ï ñö ï'll älwäÿ&#16 7; luv ü, & ÿët ü'll ñëvä ñö
%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A
%D%A%D%A Kelab Peminat Azulaimi Mohamad , MyFanSpace


123456789 fav. : 311, A Perfect Circle, Ohh yeah..MR. BUNGLE, Ace Of Base, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Audioslave, Avril Lavigne, Bad Religion, Bjork, Black Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Brujeria, Cypress Hill, Albert King, Eric Clapton, Gary Moore, Jimi Hendrix, Bone Thugz Harmony, Bryan Adams, Cake, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse, Chimaira, Cold, Coldplay, Coal Chamber, Cradle Of Filth, Creed, Cromok, Dave Matthews Band, Default, Deftones, Deicide, Devildriver, Dido, Dimmu Borgir, Dry Kill Logic, Eminem, Eric Johnson, Evanescence, Fear Factory, Finch, Firehouse, Foo Fighters, Fuel, God Smack, Gypsy Kings, Gorrila Biscuits, Green Day, Gun 'N' Roses, Helmet, Hoobastank, Hatebreed, Immortal, Ill Niño, In Flames, Incubus, Time Lapse Consortium, Infectious Grooves, Jamiroquai, John Scofield, Soulive, Jeff Beck, Joe Satriani, Kataklysm, Killswitch Engage, Koffin Kanser, Korn, Kreator, Led Zeppelin, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Machine Head, Marilyn Manson, Megadeth, Mest, Metallica, Michael Learns To Rock, Muse, Mr. Big, Nailbomb, Napalm Death, New Found Glory, Nickelback, Nightwish, Nine Day, Nirvana, Norah Jones, No Doubt, Oasis, Ocean Color Scene, Otep, P.O.D., Pantera, Paul McCartney, Pink Floyd, Poetic Ammo, Primus, Puddle Of Mudd, Queen, Radiohead, Rage Against The Machine, Rancid, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rhapsody, Richard Marx, Rolling Stones, Roxette, Sepultura, Sex Pistols, Shania Twain, Sixpence None The Richer, Soul Asylum, Shuvel, Silverchair, Skid Row, Slash's Snakepit, Slayer, Slipknot, Snoop Dogg, Soulfly, Soundgarden, Staind, Starsailor, Stereophonics, Steve Vai, Stuart Hamm, Sum 41, Superjoint Ritual, System Of A Down, Tha Dogg Pound, Eagles, The Beatles, The Mars Volta, The Pilgrims, The Cure, Trapt, Tori Amos, Ramones, Too Phat, 3 Days Grace, Vertical Horizon, Sheila Majid, Alleycats, Butterfingers, Def-Gab-C, Ella, Ferhad, Flop Poppy, Gerhana Ska Cinta, Ada Band, Ahmad Band, Dewa, Ari Lasso, Broery Marantika, Caffeine, Cokelat, Dewa, Gigi, Glenn, Indra Lesmana, Jamrud, Jikustik, Kris Dayanti, Melly Goeslow, Padi, PAS, Peter Pan, Shanty, Sheila On 7, M. Nasir, May, Oag, Reshmonu, Search, Spider, Teacher's Pet, Pretty Ugly, Teh Tarik Crew..bla..bla too many lah!
munk who hates emo gurl fav. :dewa Sheila on 7 Red hot chili peppers project pop ruffedge element korn slipknot black eyes peas floorfilla eminem cokelat incubus oag ramlah ram blink 182 lefthanded rasmus !! too phat saripah aini isma halil rancid fugees
biowash fav. :R&B the most.. sentimental.. and Other's Slipknot | Black Dog Bone | Ferhad | Pretty Ugly | Def-Gab-C | Ella | Spider | Teacher's Pet | Search | OAG | Flop Poppy | Ada Band | Ari Lasso | Broery Marantika | Cokelat | Dewa | Gigi | Jikustik | Kris Dayanti | Melly Goeslow | Deftones | Fear Factory | Guns N Roses | Machine Head | Metallica | TLC | A Alice Cooper | Green Day | Infectious Grooves | Korn | Limp Bizkit | Linkin Park | Mr. Bungle | Nirvana | Pink Floyd | Sepultura | Bryan Adams | Gypsy King | Mr. Big | Eric Clapton | Eric Johnson | Firehouse | Foo Fighters | Joe Satriani | Steve Vai | Incubus | Jimi Hendrix | Led Zeppelin | Marilyn Manson | Rage Against The Machine | Ret Hot Chili Peppers | Richard Marx | Sepultura
blitzenius fav. : Team Sleep, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Massive Attack, Marilyn Manson, Nailbomb, Deftones, Nine Inch Nails, Glassjaw, Fear Factory, Brujeria, Chimaira, Napalm Death, Slipknot, Delerium, Front Line Assembly, Aphex Twin, Tricky, KMFDM, Sarah McLachlan, Strapping Young Lad, Bjork, Helmet, Megadeth, Prodigy, Stabbing Westward, Ministry, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos, Tweaker, Renholder, lostprophets, Head Automatica, Cold, Fantômas, Tapeworm, Anggun, The Beta Band, Godflesh, God Lives Underwater, VAST, Pantera, Telefon Tel Aviv, Clint Mansell, Lustmord, Skinny Puppy, Richard Cheese, Pop Will Eat Itself, Elbow, Radiohead, Veruca Salt, Kim Stockwood, Paula Cole, Jewel, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle
seddam fav. :Aku minat all musik .. tak kira apa
mat yoes fav. : | Dewa | Sheila On 7| Red Hot CHili peppers | Project Pop| Ruffedge| Element | Korn | slipknot | black eyes peas | floorfilla | Eminem | cokelat | incubus | oag | Ramlah Ram | Blink 182 | Lefthanded |Rasmus | Too Phat |
azu fav. :Cannibal Corpse M Daud Kilau Osman Jailani Salleh Yaakob
Mesol: Audioslave, Avril Lavigne, Bad Religion, Bjork, Black Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Brujeria, Cypress Hill, Albert King, Eric Clapton, Gary Moore, Jimi Hendrix, Bone Thugz Harmony, Bryan Adams, Cake, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse, Chimaira, Cold, Coldplay, Coal Chamber, Cradle Of Filth, Creed, Cromok, Dave Matthews Band, Default, Deftones, Deicide, Devildriver, Dido, Dimmu Borgir, Dry Kill Logic, Eminem, Eric Johnson, Evanescence, Fear Factory, Finch, Firehouse, Foo Fighters, Fuel, God Smack, Gypsy Kings, Gorrila Biscuits, Green Day, Gun 'N' Roses, Helmet, Hoobastank, Hatebreed, Immortal, Ill Niño, In Flames, Incubus, Time Lapse Consortium, Infectious Grooves, Jamiroquai, John Scofield, Soulive, Jeff Beck, Joe Satriani, Kataklysm, Killswitch Engage, Koffin Kanser, Korn, Kreator, Led Zeppelin, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Machine Head, Marilyn Manson, Megadeth, Mest, Metallica, Michael Learns To Rock, Muse, Mr. Big, Nailbomb, Napalm Death, New Found Glory, Nickelback, Nightwish, Nine Day, Nirvana, Norah Jones, No Doubt, Oasis, Ocean Color Scene, Otep, P.O.D., Pantera, Paul McCartney, Pink Floyd, Poetic Ammo, Primus, Puddle Of Mudd, Queen, Radiohead, Rage Against The Machine, Rancid, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rhapsody, Richard Marx, Rolling Stones, Roxette, Sepultura, Sex Pistols, Shania Twain, Sixpence None The Richer, Soul Asylum, Shuvel, Silverchair, Skid Row, Slash's Snakepit, Slayer, Slipknot, Snoop Dogg, Soulfly, Soundgarden, Staind, Starsailor, Stereophonics, Steve Vai, Stuart Hamm, Sum 41, Superjoint Ritual, System Of A Down, Tha Dogg Pound, Eagles, The Beatles, The Mars Volta, The Pilgrims, The Cure, Trapt, Tori Amos, Ramones, Too Phat, 3 Days Grace, Vertical Horizon, Sheila Majid, Alleycats, Butterfingers, Def-Gab-C, Ella, Ferhad, Flop Poppy, Gerhana Ska Cinta, Ada Band, Ahmad Band, Dewa, Ari Lasso, Broery Marantika, Caffeine, Cokelat, Dewa, Gigi, Glenn, Indra Lesmana, Jamrud, Jikustik, Kris Dayanti, Melly Goeslow, Padi, PAS, Peter Pan, Shanty, Sheila On 7.....bla...bla...bla...bla...:P ("aku syak dia tiru Nasir 123456789 ni!!" - blitzenius, your friendly editor.)
Adie Comot: Cypress Hill | House Of Pain | Bone Thugs N Harmony | Warren G| Ruffedge| Dre | Korn | slipknot | black eyes peas | Snoop Doggy Dogg | Eminem | Nate Dogg | N.W.A | Naughty By Nature | Ramlah Ram
Nourie: ("auwww, man! schucks!!" - blitzenius, your friendly editor.)


123456789 fav. : Spawn Batman S.W.A.T Ong-Bak Predator Bad Boys Paycheck The Crow Yamakasi The Matrix Little Nicky Underworld Resident Evil
munk who hates emo gurl fav. hal ehwal Islam rambo casper s.w.a.tlegend of speed young and dangerous saving private ryan hot shot I & II senario the movie mega movie final destination I & II kickboxer :P road trip batman superman altromen shin chan !! porn movie haha (tak elok utk belia ) bruce almighty a man called hero
biowash fav. : Comedy.. Thriller, Action, Science Fiction..!! n .. n ... n.. touchy.. film's too..liked.. Lord Of The Rings 1,2,3 | Fast and Furious | The Score | Italian Job | Thailand Action Film | Back To The Future 1,2,3,4 | Harry Potter 1,2...
blitzenius fav. : The Matrix, The Crow, Singles, Back To The Future, Se7en, Jay and Silent Bob ("You wanna see a trouser snake?" Jay), High Fidelity, Animatrix, Ahmad Albab ("Jubah! Entah yahudi mabuk mana dia curi?!!" AR Tompel), Mat Gelap ("Mana disket Dato' Azman?!!" Mama Bosan), Mat Som ("Kucing awak curi ikan saya," Imuda), The Man Who Sued God, Detroit Rock City, Little Nicky ("I don't need luck,... I'm gooooooooood!," Nipple Rubbing Drag Lord), Shawshank Redemption, Ghost In The Shell, Edward Scissorhand, Labyrinth, Ghost In The Shell : Innocence, Fight Club, Requiem For A Dream, Forbidden City Cop, God of Cookery, Shaolin Soccer, Kill Bill, Batman, Batman Return, Pee Wee Big Adventure, Beetlejuice, Almost Famous
seddam fav. :M.o.y..Senaroi..pendek kata yang lawak²..Lord Of The Ring..and all science fiksyen movie
mat yoes fav. :| Rambo | Casper | S.W.A.T | The Legend Of Speed | Young And Dangerous | Saving Private Ryan | Hot Shot I & II | Ace Ventura| Senario The Movie | Mega Movie |HBO Movie| GERAK KHAS THE MOVIEEEEE |
azu fav. :baywatch laa ...ape lagi ...:P
Mesol: Final Destination 1 &; 2 - Serious Movie I think :P... GarfieLd The Movie - So Funny about that fuckin` cat ... :P Chucky Plays 1,2,3,4,5...bla..bla...bla... Really-really fuckin` great movie for me : )~ and other ghost movies :D
Adie Comot: Evil Dead 1 Filem Seram Terbaik Di Dunia!!! (try it!)..Evil Dead 2 ok lagih tapi Evil Dead yang ke 3 (Army Of Darkness) suck!..sheesh..what the hell is wrong wit` ya Sam Raimi?..Final Destination 1 @ 2..The Godfather Trilogy, LOTR Trilogy, Matrix`s`, Orange County, A Knight Tale..bla bla bla..(eh..lupa lak..satu lagih..kehidupan seorang pramugara yang terlampau..heheh)


123456789 fav. :999 HBO MTV Survivals Smallville Discovery Late Show Music On 7 Star Movie Jejak Rasul Edisi Siasat Fear Factor Channel [v] Majalah Tiga Animal Planet Weekend On 7 Phua Chu Kang Carton Network My Wifre And Kids National Geographic
munk who hates emo gurl fav. :tv3 rambo NTV7 s.w.a.tedisi siasat scrub friends baywatch doraemon C.S.I Dragon ballkeluang man anak anak sidek fear factor gerak khas astro @15 iklan tv wwf smackdown !! melodi (malay artist so suck) cartoon network battle of champion
biowash fav. :I'd like cartoon most... `No Matter Whateva' Ppl say..`
blitzenius fav. :Scrubs, Alternative, Oggy &; The Cockroaches, Cupid, Sliders, Spongebob, Traders, The Grubbs, South Park, Without A Trace
seddam fav. : Aku kurang tengok Tv..kalau tengok pun buletin
mat yoes fav. : | TV3 | NTV7 | Edisi Siasat | Shin Chan | Astro @15 | Scrub | Friends | C.S.I | Baywatch | Doraemon | Dragon Ball | Usop Sontorian | Keluang Man | Anak Anak Sidek | Bla Bla Etc |
azu fav. :opah aku tak kasi tengok tv
Mesol: Dawson Creek - Roswell - Smallville -Whatever :D
Adie Comot: Smallville | Futurama | Angel | TV3 | NTV7 | Edisi Siasat | Shin Chan | Astro @15 | Scrub | Friends | C.S.I | Baywatch | Doraemon | Dragon Ball | Usop Sontorian | Keluang Man | Anak Anak Sidek | Bla Bla Etc..
80's things (note: di edit olih adek engkau!!!!) MASK (Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand), Silverhawks, Mospeada, Transformers, Ghostbuster, Kurenai Shanshiro, Teenage Mutant, Ninja Turtles, Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, Visionaries, Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, ...


123456789 fav. : I'm not much of a book reader, I've always been a visual person, but if I find one that catches my eye I'll read it.
munk who hates emo gurl fav. :permata yang hilang ujang utopia apo remaja skuterama URTV mangga time gempak romeo maskulin :P nona how to make love bookmarks PC magazine playboy !! porn magazine (not for women ) buku lima buku teks tingkatan 1
biowash fav. :All types of books that have a pic inside..!
blitzenius fav. : The Pigman, Sandman - Neil Gaiman, Cages - Dave McKean, Popbot - Ashley Wood, Rakugaki - Ketsuya Terada, Painter-bon - Ketsuya Terada, Katsuya Zenbu, Steampunk - Chris Bachalo, Noise 4 - Attik, Public Domain - Brian Wood
seddam fav. :buku 555 0k tak..?
mat yoes fav. : Permata Yang Hilang | Ujang | Utopia | Apo | Remaja | Skuterama | URTV | Mangga | TIME | Gempak | PC | Romeo | Maskulin | How To Make Love | Buku Teks Sejarah Tingkatan 1 | Bookmarks | Book 555 | Excersice Book | Buku Lima |
azu fav. :aku baca buku yang ade paper exam
Mesol: All types of humor book - Love to LAUGH ... :P Hate with all my college books :D - Bored and make me go to heaven ( sleep ) :P
Adie Comot: Permata Yang Hilang | Ujang | Utopia | Apo | Remaja | Skuterama | URTV | Mangga | TIME | Gempak | Pedang Setiawan | Comics :)


123456789 fav. : My Dad My Mom Dr. Mahathir M. Nasir PRS Stuart Hamm Louis Johnson Victor Wooten Azulaimi Lar Ulrich Joey Jordison Tony Royster Jr. Carter Beauford Dennis Chamber Chad Sexton Terry Bozzio Jose Passilas Mike Einziger Joe Satriani Steve Vai Habsah @ Aisya
munk who hates emo gurl fav. :Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, father, grandfather prime minister of malaysia my teacher shin chan jackie chan P.ramlee leftenan adnan tok ketua kampung rashid sidek pak guard skolah ahmad nawab clark kent pakcik abas sani sudin apek kedai toto my self!! rizalman rizalman bin rizalman bin hassan haha that my name ..
biowash fav. :My Family And i ...
blitzenius fav. : Shades the Changing Man, Morpheus the Dream King, Death the Goth Chick
seddam fav. :MeLoR^AzNeLLy
mat yoes fav. : Nabi Muhammad S.A.W | Father | GrandFather | Prime Minister Of Malaysia | All MyFrens | Shin Chan | Jackie Chan | P.Ramlee | Rashid Sidek | Ahmad Nawab | Pakcik Abas | Ramli M.S | Sani Sudin | Apek Senario |
azu fav. :HATI SEPOHON BONZAI [ rest in peace ..AL-FATIHAH ]
Mesol: My Prophet (Muhammad S.A.W) - My Parents (Ibrahim &; Fatimah ) - My Wife ( ? ) :P - My Child :D ( ? ) ...Peoples that succes with his / her LIFE ..
Adie Comot: Prophet Muhammad S.A.W | Father | GrandFather | Prime Minister Of Malaysia | Ultraman 80 :)
Foods nasik ayam, bihun sup, sup sayur, nasik goreng + sup singgit, soya bean, air tebu, pulut lepa, apam dewa 19, pizza, laksa, lompat tikam, ...

My Blog


Wednesday, October 12, 2005   double-edge sword Current mood: working Category: News and Politics i see that. i am fine. Lord Wessex give you better bargain. you can't refuse or y...
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 07:26:00 PST

sayang si dolah , hatinya parah

Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 10:12:00 PST


postcard Jim/Mary woodring, comic artist, : "Yes, I do have some postcards of my work and I will send you some."Sal Abbinanti, comic artist, Alex Ross friend : "go to www.mercury...
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

profanity profility

yeee hahaha Body: ni ha soalan3 nyer.. jawab aaa jawab serius skit.. nak buat lawak leh gak broken english pon x pe... ko pandai kan.. kan3 enjoi.. Please introduce yourself& (name, nick...
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

attention : nasir

candid addiction i got a few emails from my blog friends asking me about photography techniques...replied them with this same here are some simple and easy to follow tips that will enhan...
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Perfect Isolation

January 4, 2002 Dear Sir or Madam: Attached are several email messages I am reporting to you as having been sent to me by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails (Appendix A). I am forwarding these to y...
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

challenging me, challenging you

aku , aku ada banyak idea buat gila ni. but as the title say: challeinging me, challenging you. you don't have to wait for me. go spit it out.
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Marilah Kita Bernikah

"Jom kawin nak?" Whoa, probably perkataan yang straight-in-your-face yang baru pertama kali aku terima sejak 24 tahun ni. We never know our face, we just know our name. We just talk in about few mi...
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

read TRUCE magazine

it's amazing to see how people in this world get connected real closer to each other, day by day with internet. the reason i won't leaving my hometown for a very long time because of 'digital living'....
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

about a fanboy .3 : those days with Christian Lichtner, Travis Smith

it's hard to be fan of the past thing you like, and still today. you want it today but you not sure if they have it at this very moment. being a comic books fan and metal music fan, Travis Smith ca...
Posted by NEONET cybercafe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST