* i lOvE yOu oMi* profile picture

* i lOvE yOu oMi*

*oUr faMiLy Will aLwaYs b As oNe*wE nEvEr lEt teMptaTioN giT iN ouR waY*

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weLcoMe taH maH paGe..fiRst oF aLL..i wOulD liKe tO thanK oUr heavEnlY faTheR foR thE manY blEssIngS thaT hE haS bLesSed us wiT uP to diS verY daY..AMEN... hEy evERyoNE..maH namE is maPuianA fanGa paLu..i GreW uP wiT 7 sIsterS n 1 bRothER..n 1 deCeasEd siSteR..i haVe 3 neiCes....n i hAve 3 neFew'Z....maH pareNts arE deCeaseD..iM nOt reAllY a haTeR..sO yOu caN taLk smaCk aboUt me aLL yOu wanT..bUt i don'T givE a daM..i gO tO thE chUrcH of jesUs chrIst Of lattER daY saiNts..kaNeohE 5tH toNgan braNch..repReseNt!!!loL..weO..i LikE to PLay ALl kInds Of spOrtS..weo..daTs aLL yoU neEd taH knOw abOut mE..iF yoU waNNa knOw moRe..yOu knOw weA taH hiT me aT!!im oUt..peaCe to ALL yaLL..bE saFE n tk CArE..luV ya....babEE fanGa..Walk Away

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mAh gaNgstAh nepHew n mAh faT bUt beauTIful nIecEy!!mah lil thugg YaYa bOi n mah babee princess TiTi*maH piMpiN nePheW n maH iRRataIng bUt sTiO beauITfuL nIEcEy!!yOu kNo yOu loVe Us!!!!!

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