AND a turtle would not continue to collect stuff when they were aware they had enough stuff for several regular sized families. Damn it!!!Also, a turtle would probably not own 42 martini glasses that sit empty. A turtle would not own a cherry-red rice cooker (gotta love that, though) a crock pot from 1982 (but still in the box), a waffle iron (also still in the box,) a full set of waterford china (thanks grandma - but also seldom used,) and a collection of serving dishes (when did that happen?)A turtle would not be moving households slowly over a period of many months. Arghhh!!!!Turtles do not have to have garage sales when they move or call the church to pick up their excess stuff to donate to Iraqi refugees. They carry their house on their backs. (When I just wrote that, I misspelled "Iraqi" Not kidding. I spelled it "Iraqui" which is kind of a combination of Iraqi and Iraquois - which I also don't know how to spell...)
I'm on an Ani binge.
Milla Jovovich - hands down, the best female action star ever.
Am mostly off television. Mostly because I'm too damn busy to watch anything. Also, caught a few minutes of some new shows last week - all the writing is so bad, you feel sorry for the actors.
Now reading "Radical Son" not sure I'm going to finish it, frankly. Want something better to read. Maybe I'll find that AS Byatt thing with the mythology project...Done reading "America Alone" by Mark Stein. Interesting, but a little bit out there. The demographic stuff is fascinating, however. Europe is breeding itself out of existence. Does this mean that I have a patriotic duty to have children? Or maybe that would be playing right into their hands.... hm... (whose hands, anyways? Har har) "Widow for a Year", "Awakening the Buddha Within" Generally "Art and Lies" (of course, of course) Jeanette Winterson, Margaret Atwood, Carole Maso, A.S. Byatt. You know, the normals.
n/aha ha ha