Jacob ♥ profile picture

Jacob ♥

Something Unexpected ... ♥

About Me

Hey =] Well, my name is Jacob and i'm 20. I live in the middle of nowhere and it breaks my heart. I'd love to say i have everything figured out, but i don't. In fact there are more things i haven't figured out than things i have. I try to keep things simple and drama free, so if at all possible, please help me out with that. I wish everyone could just be honest. It would make things so much easier. I draw on myself because i'm afraid to get a real tattoo. I love disney movies and mushy love stories. Hanging out with friends makes me happy. Art and music keep me going. Incase you're looking, yes, thats my heart on my sleeve. Don't waste my time if you're just looking for physical comforts, i'm looking for something more than that. Anything else, don't be afraid to ask =] ♥

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My Interests

laughing with my friends until i could seriously pass out, respecting my elders [because they deserve it], popcorn with way too much seasoning salt on it, walks around town to clear my head, road rage, road trips, that feeling you get when you know you wouldn't rather be doing anything else in the world, running around in circles in the back yard because it's fun, laughing about something stupid in a store then looking around at all the people who think you're absolutely insane, making something out of nothing, camping, coming home after camping and smelling campfire smell on your clothes, coming home at 3 in the morning and laying in my front yard looking up at the stars because they're AMAZING!, CRAZY DANCING because you've never felt that free before [trust me], laughing when you know you're not supposed to be but you just can't stop it, making jewelry, making ART!, the smell of fresh air when you've been cooped up in the house for too long, those few moments when you actually realize how amazing it is to just be ALIVE!, listening to music way too loud [and ending up blowing your speakers out in the process!], those days when you feel so creative you just want to make something, and above all just trying to live and be happy!!

I'd like to meet:

generally i'd say i'm up for meeting anyone .. unless you're some neo natzi freak =] but otherwise i'd just like to meet fun, happy, confident people that are alright being in their own skin =


music is special and i love it!! but anyways in my cd case now is .. fiona apple, michelle branch, vanessa carlton, dido, the donnas, evanesence, sara groves, madonna, norah jones, avril lavigne, flyleaf, lillix, linkin park, jodee messina, stacie orrico, tatu, maria mena, alanis morissette, CHER!!, the veronicas, gavin degraw, the killers, destiny's child [old school thank you!], she wants revenge, my chemical romance, kelly clarkson, pink, sarah mclachlen, lindsay lohan, mae, SAHARA HOTNIGHTS!!, JEM!!, liz phair, IMOGEN HEAP!!, catpower, britney, incubus, Ms beyonce 3, FERGIE!, and my JIMMY EAT WORLD cd would be in here too except AMY HAS IT!! .. also i lost my anna nalick cd .. which made me cry .. but oh well, se la vi! ..


i'm probably gonna leave some out .. but here goes, i love pretty much every disney movie ever made, so that takes out a big chunck! [my favorites being beauty and the beast and Pocahontas] umm .. i love musicals [Moulin Rouge, Rent, the Phantom of the Opera, Chicago!!] pretty much any lifetime [made for tv] movie is good with me .. umm .. to wong foo, the birdcage, riding in cars with boys, a midsummer nights dream, MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA!, sliding doors, 28 days, how to lose a guy in 10 days, pride and prejudice, two to tango, the craft, practical magic, scary movie 2 [yes, just 2], james and the giant peach, robin hood [prince of thieves and men in tights =], TROY!!, catwoman [duh], THE GARDEN STATE [changed my life], in good company, when harry met sally, devine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood, skeleton key, 200 cigarettes, a league of their own, THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW [i know,musical!] umm and i really love THE LAND BEFORE TIME![mainly just the original one, but i think i like them all =P] so i know i left some out .. but thats that for now =]


GREY'S ANATOMY .. um the gilmore girls, the golden girls [love it!], umm .. i like to watch cops with my grandma lol .. i could watch lifetime for days and not care to change the channel, i can watch anything on like the discovery channel or animal planet, i like the history channel too fun stuff on there, umm but yeah .. thats about it =]


so i read romance novels! make fun of me if you want, but they're good books and i can't get enough of them .. hmm wierd =]


my grandma for sure! she's just such an amazing person .. i love her very very much. my mom and dad, because they've delt with alot and are still awesome parents. all 4 of my sisters [holla!] no one could ever ask for better friends than them! anyone who knows me knows i'm pretty much a catwoman whore .. so yeah i gotta say catwoman! anyone who can kick ass in 6 inch heels should be everyone's hero!

My Blog

cleaning things up .. =]

so, i'm sure none of you care, but i finally cleaned my room. blah. well, really all i had to do was pick up all my clothes. and i've come to realize i have ALOT of clothes. and i just want to say tha...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:09:00 PST

i do what i do because i want to. <3

so, i know. two blogs in one day. i might be pushin' it a little bit. but i just read my friend kate's blogs, and it just put that feeling in my chest. that one where you know you want to do better fo...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 08:12:00 PST

An aesthetic truth.

YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT. i wish i could just understand this and move on. i'm sick of waiting around. forgetting has turned out not to be the easy task i once thought it to be. i don't wan...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Thu, 31 May 2007 03:41:00 PST

more than wanted?

it's never fun feeling sad about something or other. and i don't appreciate it right about now. maybe i will someday .. "and if you would get to know me, than maybe you would love me. i'm so ordinary....
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:20:00 PST

pink elephants in lemonade ..

what is it with people thinking that sun automatically equals happiness? it's a little weird. and i suppose maybe it's the right approach to take. but for some reason it's just not doing the trick wit...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:43:00 PST

trying to find a way up ..

whats with this trend of life just kickin' my ass? lol. i mean honestly, it's been fucking my shit up. for too long i think. so it's almost summer. and that means all these stupid ass iowa state stude...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:46:00 PST

Mixed fruit boxes and lego bridges ..

is it just me, or does everyone else seem to have everything together? honestly, i swear i feel like the only confused one sometimes. most everyone i know has a plan, or some type of direction for thi...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:49:00 PST

i'll be only what i want to be.

so. life lately. umm, crazy. yea, i do think so. things have just been so up in the air lately. and strangely i've been very very busy. which i suppose is a good change for once. so i've just bee...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:01:00 PST

rage and things of that nature .. ha!

So. this past week has just been crazy. my grandma (who i absolutely adore!!) came to stay with us, and just left this morning. which was sad. but she can't stay with me forever. so most of my time wa...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:57:00 PST

still sitting around. waiting.

so. about me doing absolutely nothing with my life lately. hmm. i suppose. well if i knew i'd suppose something. but i don't. so i won't. and about my stupid phone being stupid and not letting me dow...
Posted by Jacob ♥ on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:47:00 PST