My main interests are my friends, work, school, and of course family. Drinking is my favorite way to pass the time, but I'm sure I'd ruin my life if I did it all the time. I love all kinds of music, mostly hip-hop, R & B, trance, and house. Dancing at the clubs, nature hiking, or just chilling with friends are some of my favorite things to do in my free time. I hate T.V. but love to watch movies. I'm very interested in anything to do with business, since that's my major.
How to make a John
5 parts success
3 parts humour
5 parts ego
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of fitness and enjoy!
Personality cocktail
I'm into all kinds of music. Hip hop, R&B, trance, and house are definatly my favorite types of music, with Justin Timberlake, Paul Oakenfold, Fergie, and Eminem among my favorites. I also like rock music ranging from Slipknot to Greenday to Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails. I also like some older music like Madonna, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, and Steve Miller Band. The only type of music I won't listen to is country. I even like Mexican folk music lol.
My favorite movie ever is Fight Club. It has a great plot and very HOT actors. I love all the twists in Brad Pitt's character. Some of my other favorite movies include Cruel Intentions, The Blair Witch Project, Seven, House of 1000 Corpses, Connie and Carla, Blow, Requiem for a Dream, and The Wall.
I HATE TV! IT IS OUR DESTRUCTION. About my favorite things on TV are Will & Grace and CNN.
I cannot stress enough how the book The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield has changed the way I view life. The book is about an ancient manuscript that was found in Peru around the turn of the century that holds 9 key insights that mankind will grasp sequentially until we reach a completely spiritual culture on Earth. I've experienced only up to the 4th insight, and it's my third time reading the book. It's very interesting how the book relates to karma and coincidences. It's helped me realize things are meant to be, and how you can basically predict the future by being very aware of your surroundings.If your into finding your spiritual side, I definatly recommend this book.