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I am here for Friends

About Me

It all started with a trip down a long narrow tunnel called the birth canal. I had been hybernating for a few months and had suddenly decided that it was time to see the world. So there I was, floating next to a placenta when all of the sudden . . . Maybe it's not such a good idea to go into detail. I have been told that I tend to overshare. Anywho, as one might guess if he or she is not an idiot, my name is Susannah. I am 21 years old as of January 27, 2008 and have never eaten more than my body weight in food at one sitting. I came close once, but no one really likes to talk about it. If a kitten was trapped in burning tree, I would either call the fire department or scare it down by shooting at it with a BB gun. I don't have very good aim. My favorite color is clear or that is what I tried to convince everbody it was when I was five. I was never very intelligent. My likes include breakfast, lunch, and dinner (if you knew me in high school, you get it :)). I also enjoy the occasional horseback ride and basketball game. I do not, however, enjoy the two simultaneously. I am a good student (when I apply myself) and am a sophomore at college. I have a mother, a father, two older brothers, extended family that I don't care to recount right now (except for you Peg!), and two dogs that smell as though they have never eaten any food other than tuna fish. I hope this has been informative enough for you, though I have to question the sanity of anyone reading anything on my page. Aviento!

My Interests

As I stated in my "About Me," I am a big fan of the meal times. I love food and I love eating it. For that reason, I will never be a supermodel. But hey, would I rather have that last piece of cheese or be admired by every male from here to Hong Kong? Maybe I should start rethinking my lifestyle choices . . . I also enjoy reading, writing, and loathing arithmetic. I work at a bookstore so that I can feed my obsession daily. I enjoy all genres although anything that takes me away from cold, hard reality is always welcome. Basketball is also a big part of my life. I currently play at the college I attend. Beaches are a big favorite of mine. I love swimming, though I mostly doggie paddle, and tans make me feel slightly cooked. One of my most important interests is in horses. I love everything about them, from galloping across wind swept plains to the smell of hay and manure on a summer's day. It sounds a little gross, I know, but once you get used to it, the smell really isn't that bad. I want very badly to own a horse when I grow up. Not horses, horse. Just one that fits my personality so perfectly that we can have a great ride any day, in any weather, no matter what. I also enjoy procrastinating to the fullest extent of my ability. There is no better feeling than knowing that I put off a huge project that I can't possibly get done in one night, only to finish it despite all of the doubts. It is one of those few life highs. My mom says I'm just lazy, but who listens to mothers anymore? I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I'd like to meet:

I once thought that I would like to have the opportunity to meet everyone in the world. Unfortunately for me, the next hour I spent was working fast food. This grueling task requires employees to work with some of the lowliest, trashiest, meanest, slutiest, grumpiest, stupidest, ugliest, fatest, most moronic people in all the universe. After that thrilling experience, I decided that I didn't want to meet anyone in the world any more. I wanted to move to the Rockies, live in a cave, and become a hermit. This plan lasted for about 30 seconds until I realized that pizzas can't be delivered to hermit caves. I was in a bit of a spot now. Did I want to meet everyone or no one? I couldn't decide. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks thrown off a 189 foot tower at a velocity of 3.7 miles per hour. Ouch! I figured that, in my own way, I already knew everyone in the world. So first there is the group of people that I know (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) But guess what? All of those people have their own group. And the people in their groups have groups. And so on and so on. So, using my excellent logical reasoning, technically I know everyone in the world already. If I want to meet Tom Cruise, I could. I would just have to know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows Tom Cruise. Isn't that great? I didn't have to go out and meet anyone! I already knew everyone. I guess what I am trying to say is that I would really like to meet Richard Simmons.


I enjoy music in all its shapes and varieties. My current favorite is this great band from Bloomington, IL. They are called "Gunslinger's Dream." The lead singer is also a songwriter and guitarist. What talent! My favorite song of theirs is called "Cold Feet." It's so good it made my aunt cry. Hey you! Yeah, I'm talking to you! Go check out their MySpace page right now! Stop reading this and go! I mean it! I'm not going to tell you again! Finally! I thought we'd never get rid of them. I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!


Movies, movies, movies. What can I say about my favorites? There are too many to make a full list, but I'll try to name some of the elite: "Pride and Prejudice" (both versions but probably the six hour more than the non-six hour), "King Arthur", "Shawshank Redemption", "Emma", NOT "Black Beauty" (made me cry, especially the part where he sees Ginger's body being carted away . . . :( WAAAAAHHH!!!!!), "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective", "Donny Darko", "Anastasia", and "Little Women". If I kept going you might get bored and leave this page. Which I'm sure you aren't and haven't yet. I bet I'm just typing this to myself. Story of my life. I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!


As far as I'm concerned there is only one show on TV right now: LOST! LOST is the single best show ever made (after "Alias" seasons 1 & 2). It is on a little break right now, but starting in the new year . . . Oh My Gosh! I am practically wetting myself just thinking about it. But I'm not. REALLY!!!! I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!


I am going to try and keep this brief because, as anyone who knows me knows, I love love love books. I'm not going to do something lame like name the title of my favorite book ("The Blue Sword" by Robin McKinley) or go into boring detail about genres and blah blah blah. All you need to know is that if you wanted to buy me a library filled with every book every written, strewn about in a completely unorganized fashion with at least one fire place, one huge window, two beds, and comfy chair and access to food and fresh air, and you happen to lock me in there for the rest of my life and forced me to read and categorize ever single one of those books . . . . I wouldn't argue. How scary is that? I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!


I don't really have any "heroes." I look up to people, like my brothers, my mom, and Jerry Springer, but I don't think of them as heroes. I feel like if I place someone that high up on the pedestal, that I wouldn't be able to emulate them which is what I want to do with people that I admire. No hero worship here! I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Blog

A World of Brontes

I owe the Bronte sisters (Charlotte and Emily, at least / Anne less so) a great deal.  To them I delegate all my most depressing and despairing days.  Days that begin gloomy and lethargic an...
Posted by Susannah on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 08:39:00 PST

The Cinderella Complex

It has come to my attention that perhaps I am not quite the person that I thought I was.  A book has shown me the light which should be of little surprise to anyone who knows me at all.  The...
Posted by Susannah on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 06:23:00 PST