i think it would be seeing the world,try to exsperience all the major events, meeting the famous and things like that.around here though the dream is to be the man the trap star but if you look to the sky stars or always shooting and falling so we all will shine untill the light blows but i do want to be an actor or rapper shit both
i want to meet usda,dtp,g-unit,dirty boyz,fabulous,c-murder and triple c's.....alot of actors and celebs i need to step up im a raw tallent i catch on quick and i not shy about asking for pointers....i also wouldnt mind seeing gustave in real life thats a big fucker....micheal jordan kelvin garnett t.o(made me mad when you cried though)dwight howard i told phill you was a beast alot of women id like to meet manily all you beautiful ones on this site thats whats up........shit dave chapelle man 50million you a better man than me or i guess richer to turn down that much martin lawrence will pharell......alicia keyes trina shereefa lola luv mya who else man let me stop thats to damn much well... what else yall just go on and onI get my Free MySpace Layouts at LayoutStreet.comI get my Free MySpace Layouts at LayoutStreet.comI get my Free MySpace Layouts at LayoutStreet.com
hip hop all day a lil rnb and certain country the type of country on biker boys that type calm and melo but im hip hop to the core i wouldnt have and liscene to it any other BUT...artist it will be young jeezy,rick ross,yo gotti,c-murder,ludacriss,young buck,50cent,the dirty doyz,fabulous,and man fuck that i got to many im a hip hop head
anchor man is an all time fav of mine and the wire what an ending! i got alot more but ill be here all day
adult swim and espn i like some of the music channels but they seem to choose who they want to sale and who they want you to see let the best song play damn whats so hard about that stop hating oh yea vote for small world and buy the boo-rossini album i got songs on my song history yo gotti and shereefa
dont read any. i need to start but i cant read long enough without my eyes starting to hurt and sometimes i forget what i read ,but the bible is always a good one
i cant honestly say who that is man nobody has really impacted me to where id just completly risk my lif but now that i think about it my mom. damn how could i for get that but she really a motivation for me cause i see her struggles and know i need to get better ya dig