The Name's Rea*: There's so many words to describe [me] pending on who you ask. Young [YES] Immature [NO] ? self centered -HardHeaded - COLD - rude - confident - mean & {then again} & Kind - fun - LOVING - Eccentric - weird - UnConventional - Rebellious - I'm Currently At a serious turning point in my Life: HATE to have to be the one to say {Fuck the World} but everyone simply can't be catered to. Focused: on school, my career, fam. and [real] friends. Their all that really matter : but as for the rest they can all -go play in traffic || during rush hour- I'm not interested in what they [say, think, feel] 'cause they can't do shit about it. I'll always be me [Pst!] take it or leave it just the way it is. For the *HATERz: People say go ahead and let them do what they do best [HATE] It's their job. Well [Personally] I think they should be unemployed. Understand: I'm [Me] and you're [You] No matter how much that [SUX] Deal with it Bitch. - Details - *Status: Unavailable {Psysically & Emotionally} I Belong to [Her] *Reason: Friends [ONLY] thanx *Body Type: 5'3 [Petite] *Ethnicity: Indian *Sign: Taurus *Home: [Kingston] Jamaica *Education: College Genius *Occupation: Student | Model | Nurses Aid | Mentor
. . . Rea*: she's simply something else . . .
Reminders: Please don't think to request just to be nosey. I mean the page isn't private so just look away [duh] - Keep in mind I'm [NOT] interested so DON'T BOTHER - I'm [gay] and yes I'm sure - I don't give out my [AiM - PhoneNumber - Address] and I don't want yours. - Don't tell me to pic comment or listen to the music; just the fact that you told me to do it is going to make me [purposely] not do it. Keep the conversations not only [PG:13] but on something interesting fun fresh and different. 'I own multiple mirrors so trust I already know how I look' so [next - topic] thanx - Any questions with answers clearly stated on the page [ignored - rudely answered - deleted] pending on my mood at the given time. Please don't request and then just meld into the background: you already had to balls to request at least have the balls to [.k.i.c.] as well. I don't