"Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Paganâ„¢&quo profile picture

"Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Paganâ„¢&quo

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Welcome to UNITED VAMPYRE UNITARIAN PAGAN TEMPLE FOR UNITY THROUGH UNDERSTANDING; SPIRITUAL DIVINITY; we are a united temple in Ohio Since Dec 18, 2003 with members everywhere for freedom of beliefs and spirituality. We consist mostly of Vampyres and Dark Pagans. But anyone an open mind can join as well. Pagan, Goth, Therian, Vampyre or not you are welcome here.
Our main belief is that all religions have there basis in truth as well as lies and by trying to understand each other we may come closer to the real truth. We believe in vampyrism as a part of our spirituality and Lilith as my dark mother, however my personal belief is that vampyrism is a product of her and the fallen angels or demons who where cast out mating with human females which bore vampyre children. There fore we are born not turned, however we do have a vampyre ( vampire ) soul...
The simple Definition of VAMPYRE is one who needs energy (LIFEFORCE) because our bodies dont have enough for our soul. We take it through the blood (some of the lifeforce or human energy is in the blood) of be the taking of it directly if we are strong enough. Most Vampyres are tired and drained when alone but are usually hyper and often have high anxiety, feel extremely powerful when around large crowds…
TempleUVUP Social Network and MAIN WEBSITE:
TempleUVUP Myspace Profile:
TempleUVUP Myspace group:
TempleUVUP other FORUM
as always, we are still looking for web design or any help...
Rev. Father J P Vanir (ChrstVampyre) YIM: theUVUP
Founder and High Priest TempleUVUP
Get FREE TempleUVUP Email Here:
OUR CREED: (you dont have to belief everything but this is what we believe):
~ As Vampyres we should know the difference between are Donors
or other human friends and our other Vampyre companions,
Being as we are half human half demigod (we are above them
on the food chain but we also must respect them for they
give us what we need and senseless murder is not our way)…
~As Vampyes We should never be ashamed of what we are but embrace our Darkness...
~As Vampyres We should Know that We each have the same abilities needs hunger though
some are stronger than others and some prefer only some of them...
~As Vampyres We all have A Vampyre Soul, live each life as a Vampyre,
and the Vampyre soul will never eternally rest...
~As Vampyres We all should not try to make ourselves sick by starving ourselves
because we think it is bad to borrow energy or life force
as they all will get it back and will not suffer as much
as we do for the lack of it...
IF you Wish to Help out or join us Contact me
Rev JP Vanir Contact Information:
My templeuvup.com EMAIL & Paypal: [email protected]


Please help out with 10 BUCKS:
OR maybe 20 BUCKS:
TempleUVUP Other Online Forum wise forums:
TempleUVUP Myspace Forum:
TempleUVUP yahoo group:
TempleUVUP in Im Goth groups:
VAMPIRE NATION official myspace profile:
SANGUINARIUS.ORG the real vampire support page
HOUSE KHEPERU: seek your own truth

My Interests

Promoting unity and understanding for the vampyre community.
As well as teaching others what they are as vampyres
and our capable of as more than just humans with a virus BUT embrace what they are…

Find more music like this on Temple United Vampyr Unitarian Pagan:

TempleUVUP Social Network and MAIN WEBSITE:

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I'd like to meet:


vampyres, pagans, wiccans, spiritualists, shamans, witches, otherkin and all others who wish to help...

My templeuvup.com EMAIL and paypal: [email protected]


AOL IM: Chrstvampyr



I have written my first book on TEMPLE: UNITED VAMPYRE UNITARIAN PAGAN:
CLICK HERE for TempleUVUP BOOK1 our manual on our Beliefs and Vampyre Spirituality:
~ http://www.templeuvup.com ~
~ http://templeuvup.ning.com/ ~
~ http://www.myspace.com/uvup ~
~ http://groups.myspace.com/TempleUVUP
~http://groups.yahoo.com/group/templeuvup/ ~
~ http://profiles.yahoo.com/theUVUP ~
~ http://blog.myspace.com/uvup ~
~ http://blog.myspace.com/chrstvampyre ~
~ http://www.myspace.com/chrstvampyre ~
SANGUINARIUS: http://Sanguinarius.org
We are a United Temple in Ohio Since Dec 18, 2003 with members everywhere for freedom of beliefs and spirituality. We consist mostly of Vampyres and dark pagans but anyone an open mind can join as well. Whether you are Wiccan, Goth, Vampyre, or other kin you are welcome here. Our main belief is that all religions have their basis in truth as well as not and by trying to understand each other we may come closer to the real truth. Our name Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan is the basis for what we believe as our spirituality. We want the community to be united in its knowledge of what Vampyrism is and what we are capable of as Vampyre and human.
We also believe Vampyres are spiritual beings and are very eclectic or Unitarian in our belief (since all religious beliefs lead to the truth) as well as Pagan as nature is a very important part of a successful world and we believe in many deities as well, Satanism, and Spiritual Humanism. We believe in Vampyrism as a part of our lives and spirituality and I believe Lilith is our dark mother and my personal belief is that Vampyrism is a product of them as well as the Fallen Angels, Demons, or gods who decided to come to this realm and mated with human females which bore Vampyre children. There for we are born not turned and we are not undead, however we do have a Vampyre soul.
I know a lot of Vampyres like vampire church and they get a lot of respect; they have been around for a long while and I like what I have heard ( http://www.vampire-church.com ). The only thing I do not get about them is why do they call themselves vampire church if they are not even a church? They are partially why I started Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan and at first it was just a group to talk about Vampyrism, spirituality, and how it can be connected. Some months later I was focused on becoming a house seeing as it was growing pretty well at the time, a year and a day past.
We had several of the same members we had from the beginning and according to Michelle Belanger and the Sanguinarium at the time, we were a house.
The Temple or Coven really did not come to much into play for a year or so later. Back then I agreed with the Sanguinarium as it helped me find the internet Vampyre community. However now they act like feeding off blood is a crime and Father Todd is not even a Vampyre (he admitted it). It is all too similar to vampire the masquerade to me and the Strigoi Vii claims they have no energy deficiency but that is what makes us Vampyres! It’s all lies to me. I never really thought much about writing this out but I guess I figured I might as well and I may add more lately as time goes on...
Rev. Father J P Vanir Founder TempleUVUP
( http://www.templeuvup.com )
Our TempleUVUP store is at:
Temple UVUP WebSite:
Our Creed:
(You do not have to believe everything, but this is what we believe):
1. As Vampyres we should know the difference between are Donors or other human friends and our other Vampyre companions, Being as we are half human half demigod (we are above them on the food chain but we also must respect them for they give us what we need and senseless murder is not our way)…
2. We should never be ashamed of what we are but embrace our Darkness...
3. As Vampyres we should know that we each have the same abilities, needs and hunger though some are stronger than others…
4. As Vampyres we all have a Vampyre soul, live each life as a Vampyre, and our soul will never eternally rest...
5. As Vampyres we all should not try to make ourselves sick by starving ourselves because we think it is bad to borrow energy or life force as they all will get it back and will not suffer as much as we do for the lack of it...
6. As Vampyres we must not deny what we are…
So often darkness is associated with evil. Since the term evil has no place in a nature based religion, we Pagans are forced to look beyond such stereotypes. Evil is a human term. It begins and ends with that. A tornado is not evil, yet it is destructive. Fire can be used to benefit life or destroy it. Nature is neither good nor evil, It simply is, following no moral code. Only humans, with our complicated set of emotions and intellect, can justify such categorizations.
Death, destruction, chaos are essential driving forces within nature. Life feeds on life; destruction precedes creation. These are the only true laws, and they are not open to interpretation. When Pagans Anthropomorphizes nature into something good and loving, they deny its very all encompassing nature. When the dark Deities are shunned in fear of the unknown, we deny ourselves full understanding of all deities and what they have to offer.
It is our nature to fear the unknown. We cling to archetypal forms representing the aspects of some great unknowable, encompassing force, which we can not comprehend. We call them our deities. This is not wrong; it is in fact, necessary since we can not grasp the divine or cosmic source otherwise. Some religions choose to see this source as one omnipotent being. However, accepting the existence of an all-good and just being dictates that there must then exist a counterpart that encompasses evil.
Since nature based religions view the concept of Deity(God) in a more polytheistic way, the separations of creative/destructive forces are not as well defined. The Deities take on aspects of nature or human ideals. Instead of one omnipotent being, we have deities of love, war, beauty, the sun, the moon, the sea.
Each Deity inherently contains both the creative and destructive forces. It is through the many aspects of the Goddess and God that we come to learn more about the universe and ourselves. To shun those aspects we fear inhibits our growth. It is the goal of Dark Pagans to encourage those who hide behind the positive aspects of our deities to embrace their fears and as a life-affirming spirituality, Paganism often focuses on the positive, creative and nurturing forces in nature. It is easy to loose touch with the darker aspects. Life begets death and death begets life. Chaos is the fuel of creation. Something must always be destroyed for something to be created.
Those who shun the darker aspects of nature and who think life is all happiness and joy and that once attuned to the rhythms of nature, life becomes such wonderful dreams. Many subscribers to the "New Age" movement have this shallow outlook. To them, nature is good and just and ordered.
This simply is not the case. Take these dull-eyed individuals and place them in the wilderness with nothing but their crystals and they will be some animal's or other Predators dinner before the end of the week they are not at the top of the food chain as they would like to think. Nature is harsh. It is unforgiving so why must humans not be prey to the Vampyres? The weak die or are killed by the strong which is us the evolved Vampyre or Human and Demon (Deity).
Life feeds on life. Even the strictest vegan is a plant killer. Humans, with their technological and medical breakthroughs have improved the quality life by distancing themselves from the harshness of nature and reality However, despite this harsh side of nature, it is not evil. It also has its share of beauty.
The point is, nature encompasses both the creative and destructive forces. Ignoring the negative aspects results in an incomplete view of nature. It is the goal of dark Paganism as well as Vampyrism to remind us that there is a darker side to all things and that this darker side is not necessarily harmful or negative.
There is beauty in darkness for those who dare enter the shadows to embrace it. Many aspects of the darkness or Vampyrism are not as harsh as death and chaos. There is reflection, reverence, change, divination, introspection, trance, autumn, winter, maturity, wisdom, the distant cry of a crow in a forest, a single candle glowing in the night, the cool embrace of the autumn wind. These are all aspects; these are its gifts.Perhaps it is through the beauty of a sunset and sunrise and the colors of fall and spring that we are reminded of the cycles of birth-death-rebirth and of the importance the necessity of each phase and the next. It is important to remember that focusing only on the darker side is just as dangerous as focusing only on the lighter side. Balance is important, and even though some may relate to one aspect more than the other, we must always remain open to the other aspects.
VAMPYES, are more than Human and once we realize this you should deny your human restraints to become more Vampyre and more DEVINE. Humanity is a leash that may hold you to the fate of humanity and its destruction of nature and the world; unfortunately many do not even know they are Vampyres and just go around believing they are just average. If you look through the history the beginning of Vampyrism has been recorded through different beliefs and they all have different ways of explaining it and I have spent too much of my life raised in the christian mythology. After opening my eyes I have since study various other religions finding that they all have there truths as well as untruths; finding my place in various beliefs such as Dark Paganism, Gnosticism, Satanism, Luciferism, Egyptianism, Vampyrism and I am still evolving every day in my beliefs.
The stories in the book of Enoch the Fallen Angels and The Nephilim are the oldest; then after them came Lilith and Sekhmet all of which I believe as our beginnings. Therefore Vampyres unlike what many do not want to believe is not a human condition or virus.
Lilith was one of the first Vampyres, as we see it. The christian God a long time ago had created Adam, and at the same time he created Adams first wife Lilith, out of dust as he did with Adam. They were of the same material; God and Adam wanted Lilith to be completely submissive to him, to crawl, as typical men think. However she wanted to stand beside them and be equal. She would not lie under Adam when mating and when they would not accept this, she went away from them, to the Earth. God sent 3 angels out to bring her back; they found her at the Red Sea, where she kept a lot of demons as her lovers, and she gave birth to over 100 demons each day. These demons were Vampyres. So the angels told her, that she should come back to Eden. If she did not, they would kill her children but she told them, that even that was better than returning to the Garden. She stayed at the Earth, and God created Eve for Adam. Eve gave birth to Gods children, the common, people in the world. Lilith gave birth to Vampyres. She promised then to kill Gods human children because the angels killed her babies. Only children with an amulet with the names of the three angels, were not killed. Lilith then stole and killed the children and drank their blood, and it is bye this she was one of the first Vampyres in the world. She is mentioned in the Bible, Esaja 34:14.
Lilith is also believed to be Lucifers mate but she is not one to settle as she doesnt want Gods children to over power her own. Of course this is not very likely since we are more advanced than them in many ways. I have been shown that Lilith is my direct mother who has been backed up by others. I feel her presence and direction in my life as my protector as I have had more than enough brushes with death; I am surprised I have survived this long.
For more get it here:
CLICK HERE for TempleUVUP BOOK1 our manual on our Beliefs and Vampyre Spirituality:
List of Resources:
1. Nephilim: As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37).
It was the wickedness of humanity and the abominable union of the supernatural with the natural that moved God to judge the world. We are fast approaching a new period of God's wrath. The return of these super creatures may even now be a threat to us.
2. Lilith:
3. Sekhmet: http://www.sekhmettemple.com
4. Fallen Angel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallen_angel
5. Dhampir: http://www.queerhorror.com/qvamp/items/55.html
6. Set: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/set.htm
7. Michelle Belanger: http://www.michellebelanger.com
8. Sanguinarium: http://Sanguinarium.net
9. Luciferianism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciferianism
10. Gnosticism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnostic
11. Satanism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaVeyan_Satanism
12. Dark Paganism: http://www.waningmoon.com/realm/drkpagan.html
13. Otherkin: http://www.otherkin.net/index.html
14. Changeling: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9022437/changeling
15. WereCreature: http://www.geocities.com/khai_pardus/werecreatures.html
16. Fae: http://fae.crimson.net
17: Satan: http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_sat1.htm
18: Judice: http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/ISCARIO T
19: Lucifer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer
20. Mary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalene
21. Kali: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali
22. Christian Mythology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_mythology
23. Wytch trials: http://www.salemweb.com/memorial/
24. Temple Of The Vampire: (Vampire Cult) http://www.vampiretemple.com
25. Goth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goth
26. Wiccan: http://wiccanet.us/CMS/
27. Unitarian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitarian_Universalism
28. Undead: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undead
29. Polytheistic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polytheistic
30. Immortal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortal
31. Astral Projection: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astral_projection
32. DemiGod: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demigod
33. Donor: A Vampyre sanguine donor donates either blood from the vein or piercing of the skin. A psy donor gives psychic energy or life force. Both are done willingly and not by force.
34. Angels: the slaves of yahweh and human kind, the Fallen Angel chose freedom and choice instead of the slavery. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel
35. Coven: A group of Vampyres Pagans or Wiccans. Sometimes 3 or more but often 13; A larger coven is often called temple or a house but a house 3 long times members and a year and day of existence.
36. Magick: http://www.sacred-magick.com/
37. Sanguinarius: http://Sanguinarius.org
38. Temple Of Set: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Set
39. Church Of Satan: http://www.churchofsatan.com/



My Blog

Vampyre Wedding By Rev Samilyn and Rev. JP Vanir

This night, we stand between ------ and ------- We do this to represent the unity of both to commit the ultimate act of Unity. This is the moment between ------- and ------. (Recommend that this cerem...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:46:00 PST

Vampyrism, emotional vampirism, and turning?

Turning is brought up in groups way too often and people ask if vampyrism can be learned and taught??? So that got me thinking. I think some people could learn to act as a vampyre as wytches often man...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:43:00 PST


1. Temple Spiritual Leaders, Priests, Teachers, Reverends, and Theologians:   Those individuals are very spiritual, good at teaching, or leading. They often are very hard workers and need to...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:42:00 PST

TempleUVUP OFFICIAL WebSite; Please Join us:

  Welcome to Temple UNITED VAMPYRE UNITARIAN PAGAN. We are a united temple since Dec 18, 2003 with members everywhere for freedom of beliefs and spirituality consisting mostly of Vampyres and Da...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 05:49:00 PST

Why pata2 is on my top list?

I am very in tune with nature and actually like most animals better than most humans, since most seem to harm there environment and kill animals just for sport of there fur, believing they are top of ...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 03:32:00 PST


Im going to have to RE DO the book, AGAIN. ARG. I guess I should have done it all myself instead of getting some help cause I guess he took a bunch of stuff from the online Codex by Michelle Ballenger...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 02:41:00 PST

TempleUVUP Book Finished & Available

The Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan Book 1 is now finishedand available at:  http://www.lulu.com/content/818414 or with our other Items at:  http://www.cafepress.com/templeuvup  ...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 01:59:00 PST


Our first book is finished and almost published! I have never used adobe before and have to convert it to PDF for it to be published on lulu.com and any help would be appreaciated...thanks for the sup...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:14:00 PST

Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan Bible: part 1

Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 06:38:00 PST

Making it official as a Coven, Temple or Religion ~ A BOOK? ~

I am starting to write a Book for Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan and thinking of how to make it as an official Religion or Temple. I have been checking out the Temple Of The Vampire and was won...
Posted by "Temple United Vampyre Unitarian Pagan"" on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 01:26:00 PST