Lots of things... Name something and I'm probably interested in it...Science, Art/Music, Humanities, History, Technology, Fun, Environment, etc... Jeez, so much pressure!
Little albino field mice...
Well.....the only music I really don't dig is Country/Western ... Not that I hate it, but I just don't groove well with it.
Anything with decent dialogue and a progressive storyline.It is sad when a movie's CG characters have more personality than the live characters... (COUGH-transformers-SPURT-GAG)
Anything with decent dialogue and a progressive storyline.
Currently reading a lot of books on U.S. History...from the dissenting point of view...and books about how to build great ideas and businesses...
People who think about and act in the welfare of others over their own beliefs.People who educate others on developing tolerance and understanding.James K. Polk