@ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 profile picture

@ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3

Beauty comes from deep within...its a characteristic, not a behavior!

About Me

Well wat can I say...I'm a very laid back person, cool to be around, people tend to tell me that I have a very aggressive personality but don't let that fool you, cuz i'm a very sweet person once you get to know me! Wanna kno more, jus hit ya girl up!
. . . B a s i c s . . .
Government: Stephanie
Alias: Fe Fe
Birthday: LIBRA!!....Oct. 11, 1987
Sex: Female
Race: Black
Birthplace: MIA...305! Baby
Current Location: Tallahassee/ Miramar
Height: 5'0- 5'2
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color/Style: Burgundy wit orange and black
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Don't have one
Your Best Physical Feature: my smile
Your Bedtime: I'M GROWN! I go to sleep when i'm ready
First Thoughts Waking Up: Damn...Already
Your Weakness: Being loved
Do You Shower Daily: Who doesn't...gotta stay fresh!!!
Do You Believe In Yourself: Of course!!!
Your Most Missed Memory: High school!
. . . C h o o s e O n e . . .
Ghetto/Prep: A lil of both!!
Water/Soda: Soda
Vanilla/Chocolate: Vanilla
Thunderstorms/Sunshine: Thunderstorm....lol
Girls/Guys: GUYS!!!! {SMILE}
Winter/Summer: Winter
Talk On Phone/ Text Message: Both!
Single Dates/Group Dates: Single dates...more personal
Hook Ups/Relationships: Relationships!
Kiss/Hug: Kiss {SMOOCHES}
Love/Money: Love
. . . L o v e, L i f e & F r i e n d s . . .
Do you like anyone? maybe????
If so, who? none-ya
Who was your first crush? This boy in pre-school
Do you want to get married? Of course
Do you want to have kids? 3 boys and 1 girl
Have you started planning your kids names? Yep!...lol
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you have had? quite a few...
With who and when was your last hookup? 8-9 months ago
Have you ever been in love? Yea
Have you ever liked someone you couldn't have? yea
Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? yep
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? HELL NO...Mi nuh ina di batty-gway ting!
Have you ever been rejected? Rejected someone? Yea
Have you ever been called a tease or flirt? All the time!
Have you ever made out with just a friend? lol...yea
Have you ever fell in love with a friend? yea...it's possible!
Who are those who you consider as friends? Coleen, Macky, Crissy, Sassy, Moo- hoe, Kir Bear, Tori, Crip, there's more can't name all of them!
Of those, who is the closest? Coleen & Macky
Of those, who have you known the longest? Coleen
. . . F a v o r i t e . . .
Color: Blue, Purple
Food: don't have one
Non-Alcoholic Drink/Alcoholic Drink: Non-alcoholic
Holiday: Valentine's Day
Movie: Love & Basketball
Actor/Actress: Actor: Vin Diesel Actress: Julia Roberts
Rap Artist/R&B Artist: Rap Artist: None R&B Artist: Trey Songz
Song: Xscape: Who Can I Run To
Sport: Football
Animal: White Tiger
. . . R a n d o m . . .
How do you spend your pastime? ?????
How many CDs do you own? Too many
What did you Wear today? light blue polo shirt wit jeans and flip flops
Do you get along with your Parents? my mommy...of course....that's my heart
What goal would you like to achieve this year? To have everything work out for my good!
What do you want to be when you grow up? High School Teacher {English}
What country would you most like to Visit? Bahamas
Number of things in the past you regret? None...live and learn
. . . L a s t P e r s o n . . .
You Kissed: that's for me to kno....
You Touched: sassy...we hugged good-bye
You Talked On The Phone With: Romey
You Text Messaged: Sassy
You Had A Crush On: lol....
You You Said "I Love You" To: that word is sooo over-rated!
. . . W h a t D o Y o u L i k e I n A G u y / G i r l . . .
Height: Taller than me
Weight: No one fat
Personality: ....
Easy/Challenge: Challenge
Smoke/Drink: Neither
Piercings/Tattoos: Not too much
Hair Long/Short: Doesn't matter
Clothing Style: Must have a dress code
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My Interests

Singing~Writing Poetry~Dancing~Playing the piano~Talkin on the phone~ Hanging out wit friends~Reading books~Going to the movies~Going to parties~Just hanging out and having fun
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I'd like to meet:

No one in particular...
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Well I like music on a whole.I especially love Gospel, Jazz, Neo-soul, and R & B...To me its very soothing for the mind!


~Last Sumari~ Diary of A Mad Black Woman~ Meet the Browns~ Mr. and Mrs. Smith~ Roll Bounce~ Madea's Family Reunion~Love and Basketball~ Madea Goes To Jail~ Notebook~ Waist Deep~
My top 8 myspace friends
1.: Coleen
2.: Macky
3.: Crissy
4.: Sassy
5.: Tori
6.: Ced...Weezy
7.: Cherlen
8.: Tanisha
The Questions
How did you meet 6?: High School, freshman year...Mr. Grady!!
Why are you friends with 3?: She's always been there for me...She's like family
Is 7 in a relationship?: Not that I kno of
Have you kissed 1?: on da cheek...dats my cuzzo
Have you hugged 4?: Yep...today
Have you done anything sexual with 6?: Naw dats my homie
Would 1 and 8 make a good couple?: they don't swing like that
How long have you know 2?: for 4 years going on 5
Would you ever kiss 7?: HELL NAW, we don't swing like that
Whats a good memory with 5?: When we were all over my homegirls house and she was play fighting wit her and Crip slapped her in her head...lolol...that was funny
Ever hugged 8?: yep right before i left crissy house from painting
Do you love 4?: of course
Is 5 nice?: Sometimes
How did you meet 3?: First day of high school on da bus...seen her around in middle school
Who makes you laugh?: Numba 6
Who makes you smile?: Numba 2
When was the last time you saw 4?: Today
Would 3 and 6 make a cute couple?: they jus cool ppl
Does 8 love you?: all of them love me!
Do you see 3 a lot?: Everyday...all day
Describe 4 in 3 words?: Cool, secretive, lazy
What would you buy 1 for their birthday?: Some grillz....sike ya mama!!!!
Have you traveled anywhere with 5?: yea to BAJA'S
Do you have fun with 7?: Yea dats my dancing partner
Is 2 a cool person?: Most def!
Who is the loudest?: NUMBA 1
Do any of them get on your nerves sometimes?: Yea all of them, but i love them the same
Do you know when 6's birthday is?: Sometime in July....if my memory serves me correct
What do you really think of 3?: She is jus like RAVEN
Best memory with 4?: when we would be up late and prank call ppl phone
Does 1 even know you?: dats family!!!
Is 5 happy?: Last time I checked she was
Does 7 live close?: Not really...she stay by B.A.
Do you have any classes with 2?: no
Have you and 3 ever hooked up?: Not like that
Are you and 8 close?: yea we're gettin there
Is 6 a good person?: Yea he real cool ppl
Does 2 own a car?: NOPE
How did you choose your Top 8?: ???? Thought of random names!...lol
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Family Guy~ Suite Life of Zack and Cody~ Law and Order {SVU, CI}~Walker Texas Ranger~Thats So Raven~ Jamie Foxx~ Wayne Brothers~ Girlfriends~ 106 & Park
What does your birth month reveal about you?

Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn'tpretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.
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Cheaters~ Church Folk~ Milk In My Coffee~ No More Playas~ Addicted~ Brown Sugar~ Men Cry In The Dark~...there's much more jus can't remember the name of all of them


My Mom and Grandma!!! No matter what they always have my back. One Word
Your Lover: WHO
Your Hair: Colored
Your Mother: Strong
Your Father: sperm
Your Favorite Item: clothes
Your Dream Last Night: clueless
Your Favorite Drink: gatorade
Your Dream Home: lavish
The Room You Are In: MINE
Your Pets: None
What You Are Now: Determined
Who You Want to be in Ten Years: Teacher
What You Want to be in Ten Years: Proud
What You're Not: Sad
Your Best Friend: none
One of Your Wishlist Items: Peace
Your Gender: Female
The Last Thing You Did: Sing
What You Are Wearing: Clothes
Your Favorite Weather: Winter
Your Favorite Book: Bible
The Last Thing You Ate: Chips
Your Life: Beautiful
Your Mood: Happy
Favorite article of clothing: Shirts
Favorite color: Blue
School: FAMU!
Song: ????
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My Blog

My Summer Term In Tallahassee

I must say I had fun being in Tallahassee, but as the saying goes, "There's no place like home." I met alot of new people...Shout outs to my DUVAL people, but we all know who holdin it down...LAUDERDA...
Posted by @ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 07:51:00 PST

Thoughts of the Mind

A lot of people have dreams and goals to be something/someone in life. These hopes and dreams begin at a very young/tender age. As we grow up we go thru elementary, middle school, high school, and the...
Posted by @ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:12:00 PST


OMG! I DID IT! I graduated! And it feels good! CLASS OF 2006, I love ya'll and I am going to miss ya'll so much! Ya'll betta not change for no one and remember we ARE and WILL be the realest class ev...
Posted by @ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 on Thu, 25 May 2006 02:20:00 PST

Keeping In Touch

Hey ya'll before I take myself off of MySpace I wanna everyone to send me their contact info, phone numbers, e-mail address, adress, so that way we all can stay in contact!Until we meet again!CLASS OF...
Posted by @ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 on Thu, 25 May 2006 02:14:00 PST


I got accepted into FAMU, home of the RATLERS.....SSSSSS.....Well ya'll already know what time it is....HBCU, Here I come!
Posted by @ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 07:31:00 PST

I'm Sick!!!

I can't believe this, I caught the flu mixed with strep throat! I am sooo sick!!
Posted by @ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 03:50:00 PST

Need a Job

This sucks cash is running low and i need a job!
Posted by @ l@v!$h3d d!v@ l!v!ng @ l@v!$h3d l!f3$tyl3 on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 07:49:00 PST