soccer, milwaukee brewers (I'm calling it right now, they r going to the playoffs next year), milwaukee bucks, and green bay packers
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There are two kinds of people: Soccer players and people who should play soccer
(RAP)Kanye West, Jay Z, T.I., 50 cent, (COUNTRY) Big & Rich, Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, Phil Vassar, Chris Cagle, Brad Paisley, (BLUES) B.B. King, Keb Mo', Chet Baker
If you know me at all, (as in met me for one day) you prolly kno what this is but ill tell u anyways = COOL RUNNINGS, Rudy, Mr. Deeds, Rookie of the Year, Rush Hour 1 & 2, National Treasure, Without a Paddle, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Small Time Crooks, Both Blue Collar Comedy Movies, and some more that i cant think of
Brewers, Bucks, Badgers, Packers & Golden Eagles
"It's not about the Bike" by Lance Armstrong "Every Second Counts" by Lance Armstrong "I Run, Therefore I am--Nuts!" by Robert Schwartz "It's Only a Game" by Terry Bradshaw "Complete Conditioning for Soccer" (only bc Cobi Jones is the greatest player ever and is on the cover)
Lance Armstrong