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Today IS tomorrow as far as yesterday was concerned.

About Me

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Samurai survey
A Samurai Survey
Whats your name?: Juicy Jackson
Age?: 90
Eye Color?: red
Hair Color?: purple
Long or Short Hair?: fro
Are you a Samurai?: indeed i am!
What kinds of Wepons do you have?: Samirai Weapons
How many?: lots
Are you a good Fighter?: you bet yer sweet little ass i am.
Do you have any friends that travel with you?: yeah...lefty and righty...wanna meet um?
Have you ever been stabed in the chest by a sword?: yes, alllll the time.
Have you ever been aimed by a gun?: well usually when i get fired out of guns i have either lefty or righty aim so yeah.
Have you ever gotten arrested?: no...they take people who got stabbed in the chest to the hospital not jail
Have you ever gotten in a Samurai Battle?: im in one now
How many?: hmmmmm
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Bzoink - The Original Survey SiteSurvey
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Rupert Tiggerwillies III
Birthday:: June 13
Birthplace:: New Orleans
Eye Color:: Green
Hair Color:: Black
Height:: medium
Weight:: 230 i think
Right handed or Left handed?: lefty
Your Heritage:: Italian, Native american, Alaskan, and Mongolian oh, and white
My Worst Habit:: I tend to whipe boogers on people when nobody is looking
Zodiac Sign:: Gemini
Shoe Size:: how do you find that out?
Pants Size:: i dunno
Innie or Outie?: hmmmmm..
Parents Still Together?: i spose
The Shoes You Wore Today:: my slippies
Your Weakness:: its a secret
Your Fears:: failure
Your Perfect Pizza:: the ones that fly the fartherest
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: graduate
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: wheres the pre?
Thoughts First Waking Up:: wheres the pre?
Your Best Physical Feature:: that little piece thats missing from my ear so it kinda looks like i got an elf ear
Your Bedtime:: whenever
Your Most Missed Memory:: lots i spose
Favorite color?: monkey
Food?: whatever is good...i do have a fondness for cookies though
Sport?: european horse racing
Animal?: dogs of any sort
Ice Cream?: pear champaign sorbe
Candy?: chocolate
Store?: ::shrugs::
Salad Dressing?: i dunno
Actor?: dont know his name
Song?: the final count down by europe
Letter?: Q what the hecks up with Q anyway...i mean look at
Number?: -4,234
Gum?: zebra gum
Holiday?: halloweeeeeeeen
Season?: whats a season?
Toothpaste Flavor?: fish
Radio Station?: F#@! the radio
Perfume?: whaterver she's wearin, unless she happens to be an old lady who happens to have lost her sense of smell, and puts on waaaay too much of whatever that was.
Scent besides perfume?: cookies or pie, baked goods of any sort right out of the oven
Body part on the opposite sex?: i like faces
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: rocket scientist
How Do You Want To Die?: in a rocket
Turn ons:: rockets
Turn offs:: rockets
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: pre
Who's The Loudest?: dante fuckin ass shoutin all the time singin songs
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: pre
Who Have You Known The Longest?: pre
Who's The Shyist?: pre
When Have You Cried The Most?: hmmmm right now?
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: achievement
Worst Feeling?: failure
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: in your face
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: everythin
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: forever....since ill be in your face...
Let's walk on the: bed.
Let's look at the: chinese.
What a nice: lolly pop.
Where did all the: ketchup.
Why can't we: fly.
Silly, little: bunny.
Isn't it weird that: ::barf::
Never under any circumstance: yawn
I wish: this stuff
Everyone has a: is
I am: dumb
Been In Love?: i guess
Been To Juvie?: no
Mooned Someone?: yeah
Been Rejected?: yeah
Ran Away From Home?: i tried to when i was five
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: aaaaallllllllll the tiiiiiiime
Skipped School?: pssshhhht
Thought About Suicide?: ::shrugs::
Slept Outside?: hmmm yeah
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yes!
Cried In School?: prolly when i was a little beeotch
Thrown Up In School?: hells yes
Wanted To Be a Model?: i am one
Cheated On Someone?: nope
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: i think..
Seen A Dead Body?: yep
Been Bitched Out?: yep
Drank Alcohol?: yep
Smoked?: yep
Been On Drugs?: yep
Eaten Sushi?: yep
Been On Stage?: yep
Gone Skinny Dipping?: nope
Shoplifted?: yep
Been Drunk?: yep
Been Called A Tease?: yep
Been Beaten Up?: yep
Swear?: nope
Sing Well?: nope
Shower Daily?: nope
Want To Go To College?: im in college
Want To Get Married?: uh huh
Believe In Yourself?: yep
Get Motion Sickness?: hmmm not really. unless its friggin crazy motion, like put me in a box and shake.
Think You Are Attractive?: nope
Get Along With Your Parents?: yeah well half of them
Like Thunderstorms?: indeed, they are nice. cept driving in um is kinda a pain
Play An Instrument?: yeah, i do.
Own An IPOD?: no.
Pray?: only when im told to.
Go To Church?: which one?
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: ewwww.
Keep A Journal/Diary?: no, so ye better take notes
Dance In The Rain?: i think not
Sing In The Shower?: oh yes!
Pepsi or Coke?: dr. thunder
McDonald's or Burger King?: yuck
Single or Group Dates?: hmmmm
Chocolate or Vanilla?: choclate ::in a sexy voice::
Strawberries or Blueberries?: blueberries
Meat or Veggies?: a nice consortium of both will do, no need to segregate.
TV or Movie?: movies
Guitar or Drums?: guitar AND drums
Adidas or Nike?: eh, well i have nikes
Chinese or Mexican?: chexicanese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: chornflakios
Cake or Pie?: CAKE
MTV or VH1?: fuck you both
Blind or Deaf?: neather...morbid freaks
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: =..
Write With Both Hands?: yeah
Whistle?: uh huh
Blow A Bubble?: only if theres a lot of snot in there
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: nah
Cross Your Eyes?: yep
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yeah
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: nah, my nose is way too big fer that sort of thing
Dance?: not well
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: nope
You Touched:: beastie
You Talked To On The Phone:: mum
You Instant Messaged:: pre
You Hugged:: maddy
You Yelled At:: school financial aid department stuff
You Played A Sport With:: golf with drew
Time You Laughed?: last night at work a pin flew out of the wall at me when i tugged on a string...hard to explain
Time You Cried?: dont remember
Movie You Watched?: crap, cant remember the name, but i think its 2ldk its japanese
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: hubba bubba
Joke You Told?: ::shrugs::
Song You've Sung?: cand remember
Where Are You?: the office
What Can You See Out Your Window?: mums backyard
Are You Listening To Music?: no
What Are You Wearing?: this questionaire is gettin a bit onery
What's On Your Mousepad?: grey
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yep
Do you believe in miracles?: does anyone?
Magic?: hell yeah!
Love at first sight?: hmmm
God?: which one
Satan?: which one?
Ghosts?: well, i havent met one personally yet
Santa?: yeah
Evolution?: as if!
Fav Eye Color:: im skippin this whooole section.
Fav Hair Color::
Short or Long Hair::
Best Clothing Style::
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: japan and europe again
Number Of CD's I Own:: dunno
Your Good Luck Charm:: a ring
How many pillows do you sleep with?: none....since melanie stole them all.
Do you drink milk?: yep
Person You Hate Most:: Adolf W Bushler
Most Outdated Phrase:: your mom has an outdated phrase
Do you think God has a gender?: depends on which day it is
Where do you think we go when we die?: on shelves
How many rings until you answer the phone?: why is this box yellow n the others are white?
What is something scientists need to invent?: money for me
Are you a health freak?: part of me isnt
Are you a virgin?:
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: i dont think ive ever been.. so i really wouldnt know any of the cool places to hang out.
What is the worst weather?: sunshine. gaaaaaaahhh
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: what the heck kinda question is that?
How many grades have you failed?: one
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

My Interests

writing music, making money, performing, expression, science experiments, turning the corner and seeing something new, monkeys that wear diapers, art, people, new fangled contraptions, love, hate, apathy, empathy, apples, the kaboose part of the train, coke parties, women, monacles, aesthetics, subconcious thought, other countries.

I'd like to meet:

April, i adore both her and her art. she is the best. Talk to her and buy some of her art.



i hate music.


old boy, sympathy for mr. vengeance, i cant remember any movies after seeing those two. ..


father ted, and ali g.


anything by r.a. salvatore


superman, batman, that green lantern guy, aqua man, spiderman, the hulk, captain america, the flash, flash gordon, grand master flash, anything with flash in it. theyre all heroes. cept for grand master flash. but im sure there are even more heroes out there somewhere.

My Blog


yo whats up mah peoples. diz be your main man g to tha m.c. .....but seriously. post me some shit or something.  myspace is looking pretty dull right now.......even though my page is to...
Posted by greg on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 06:35:00 PST