Basic Interests: good movies, books, video games, tv, computers, sleeping, ducks.---------------Food: Viet, chinese, italian, japanese.-------------TV: Simpsons, Smallville, Mad TV, Startrek, Steve Harvey show, Everybody loves Raymond. ----------------Movies: Starwars, Bad Boys 2, Patriot, ------------------Book: Plainsong -------------Video Games: Counterstrike, Condition Zero, Warcraft III, Warcraft II, Starcraft. ---------------I like clubbing =) and people who dance...
People that are kewl and weird, but at the same time can hold down a intellectual conversation for more than 30 minutes. People that can dance because I love dancing. People that are completely honest, none of that don't ask don't tell BS.
Anything that doesn't make me sleep or annoyed
X, XX, XXX, R, PG-13, PG, G.
Smallville, Simpsons, Family Guy, American Guy, Mad TV, Stargate SG-1, Stand up comedy shows, Everybody loves Raymond. Anything funny or action orientated.
Picture and textbooks.
Rubber Ducks
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