Saxophone, music band, moovies, sports, having fun with friends
Some nice people from everywhere ( specialy some nice girls from everywhere)
linkin park, placebo, queens, eminem (sometimes), and many others....
Zatoichi, lone wolf and cub, pirates des caraibes, spiderman ( infact all marvel moovies), akira kurosawa moovies, amélie poulain, l'auberge espagnol, the bourn identity, the bourn supremacy, from hell, and so many others...
Not really, but i enjoy the Shield, ...
Lundlum, Curwood, salvatore, Sun Tzu (the art of war), lofcraft,Zelazny ....
Artemis Entreri, Jarlax, Zacknafein, and of course Drizzt But also Random, Corwin, Gerard, Benedict, Dalt, Deirdre, Flora, Bleise, Brand, Finndo, Osric, Oberon, Mandor, Fiona, Delwin, Sand and the great Dworkin