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Ethan Porter


About Me

My Interests

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.. .. Ethan Porter is an all-around bastard and a professional motherfucker. Born a trust fund baby in Los Feliz to parents of English descent, he was blessed with striking good looks, an impeccable sense of style, and charisma as blunt as a baseball bat to the skull. Porter attended school at an alma matter he refuses to publicly acknowledge for Advertising and PR, which he credits for helping him become a more confident liar. Porter currently works as a freelance writer and journalist for a variety of seedy publications and personalities, as well as a party promoter, planner and crasher. He is also a competent DJ, a skilled mixologist, a fine dancer and an articulate speaker. Porter is very interested in pornography, escapism and money. He intends to vote for Obama in the next presidential election because his parents don’t want him to, and he never stopped feeling the senseless need to rebel against their authority. Politically, Porter is a Libertarian because he thinks people can ‘do whatever the fuck they want, starting at age eleven.’ Religiously, Porter believes that God really told men, ‘doeth whatever you want, beginning in the eleventh year’ but that this sentiment was perverted by power-hungry men. Porter’s blog reflects the debauchery of one man, on a quest to burn out before age forty.