DANNY TENAGLIA ! , Behrouz ,TraXX, Dennis Ferrer, Danny Howell's , Tom Gillieron , MUZZAIK , Loudon Kleer ! Marco Carola & Danilo Vigorito as well as Simi and Masterkeys = Viva Italy! The Tribal Sound Of Portugal = Dj Vibe, Maurelle and Fauvrelle, Mike Morales and Carlos Manaca. Gene Carbonell , Pig and Dan ,Luther Miek , Barry Gilbey and the Mara Soundsystem. Andy Cato and Francois Duboi (FDV)BASICALLY NO CHEESE ! andsome other stuff likeJanes Addiction! really diggin Smashing Pumpkins and The Cure right now. Billy Corgans version of Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide" is timeless! Ohhh and Prince (I would die for you!) i'm always down for some Led Zeppelin or Depeche Mode
Dad - I will miss him forever 3-31-2005 and my mom for making a new way of life after 45 years of marriage , Danny Tenaglia ! , Howard Stern (hey now!)