I could say I like music, specially rock... more than anything else, it removed me from so many troubles and stills helping me... so, I can say I must it so much. I found so many bands, here... in myspace, and now I can without them!! hahaha... all those bands changed my life
About personality... I'm a shy person, quiet... most of the time; but, I really don..t know if I could say how I am... it's hard and weird; maybe my friends could say that better... but I'll do my best all the time.
I'm not someone intested in parties; I prefer to go to some gigs from some great bands with my best friends... that's all I ask for; or maybe stay at home and listen to music; that always helps me to forget about my family or my life even...
I don't know if that's all about me... because I really don't know what can I say.
hi5: http://bea-134.hi5.com
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