55 profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


Im gathering by now, you can see that I am very much into Aikido, Aikido means the way of harmony and is a graceful form of martial art using technical precision, timing and mind-spirit-body focus.
Since Aikido is based on full and natural body movement, it exercises every limb and joint of the body.
We practice defence energy (“Ki”) to against a wide variety of strikes, punches and holds, including attacks with weapons.
Its gentle and all-rounded approach to fitness makes it ideal as a form of exercise for all ages. As we get older, Aikido will also help to restore and preserve a supple healthy body.
Through Aikido training combined with a sincere desire for harmony, peace, and caring of others; each person will succeed in finding their true path to enlightenment.
Besides Aikido, I am a huge sports fan. baseball, football, boxing, hockey, basketball, you name it I probably like it. Also, I am a card player. I have been playing cards since I was 6 years old. I love it.
What is most important to me is my family and friends. Without them I would be nothing. Altho I dont see my family or friends very often, they are on my mind all the time. BIG ups to all the Lynn English Bulldogs and R.I.P to all friends in family that have passed from natural and un natural causes, you are all living thru memory.

My Interests

aikido. music. poker. sports. art. magic.


all types


godfather part 1 and 2. kill bill 1 and 2. shawshank redemption. 7 samurai. i could sit here all day and bang out classics. true romance. scarface (a bit over rated). apocolypto. master killer. forrest gump. donnie brasco. disney movies are always cool.


fuck television


count of monte cristo. the art of war (i apply this book to my poker game)


no heroes. yet. the mother of my children would make a great heroness (is that a word? if not I just made it one)..my aunt marie is a heroness. worked 3 jobs to keep a roof over my head. i owe my life to her.

My Blog

My Personal Achievements

As of now my 3rd year in Aikido is complete. I currently hold the rank 3rd kyu, which mean I have takin over 240 classes and passed 3 tests that included these techniques:shomenuchi ikkyo - omote and ...
Posted by 55 on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:27:00 PST

Morihei Ueshiba - Aikido Founder

  Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido1883 - 1969 The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, was born on December 14, 1883, to a farming family in an area of the Wakayama Prefecture now known as Tana...
Posted by 55 on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:24:00 PST