fashion, clothes (tell me a woman who wouldn't say these two things), keeping my place clean, my dog, sports, music, my kitchen, my books, my small library that I am trying to make bigger, learning about the world each and every day, my job, my family (.1)
Someone who values the simple things in life. Male or females this refers to. Someone who is a good person and cares for wahat really matters in life (i.e. Friendship, work, being there when in time of need,etc). Someone who can make me laugh, cry, smile, cling on to, etc. A person who is determined to believe in oneself and that loves life. Plus, if your a person that likes to get out a lot (whether it be going to a game, having a quick lunch, meeting for wine, etc) then you score some points. Someone can treat a lady like a lady should be treated.
Rock & Roll Babbbyy
so many, good ones, sad ones, laughable ones, moody ones, scary ones, romantic ones, old black & white ones
court TV (What did you expect?), Hbo sunday nights and late night movies. CSI
I have over 300 books right now in my library and I love each and every one. I am a gal who likes to tuck into her bed in her pj's and read a nice hopeless romance novel before I go to bed. Helps me dream and think good things will happen in my future
Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford