Click Here to Watch My First Movie! ...Its about ME
Im very excited about the new video class I am taking at Mt San Jacinto College. This is my 30 second introductory video about ourselves, our first assignment.
If the video wasnt enough heres a little more about me. I've got two businesses, pet grooming which is what I've worked as since 15yrs of age, and web design, something relatively new that I fell in love with after buying a webtv.
The WebTv community was similar to the myspace community, where I met alot of cool people in the memorable scifi/fan chat room. We initially just chatedd then graduated to hacking designs into our emails with HTML code. Instead of putting the code where About Me goes we'd up our code in the "Signature" box, and see who had the most amazing email designs. I remember one character, sdog had a button that said, "Don't Click Me" and if you did it would turn of your WebTv unit!
Once this Webtv thing died down, I purchased my first computer and was amazed with how much more I could do with it. I began taking classes at the local community college to learn to use these great new programs like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, & Flash. I began to seriously consider going freelance with my design & development.
It was busy from day one. I fell in with an amazing crowd of talented kids and talented entrepreneurs. Learning something new every day, which is the meaning of life, and progressing my skills further and further.
Be sure to check out my website at