Listen To More songs Here!! Please Press Pause after you select the song you want to hear and let the entire song load then Restart the song That way it will not have Breaking waiting for it to load Thanks Jayce.Buy Jayce Denton Songs at All Jayce's Personaly written Songs for Sale Including My MotherHello Yall you reached Jayce Clifford Denton Singer songwriter!!!! Thanks for checking out my Music!! Please check out My Videos On youtube at Check out JAYCE At , Also if you are My Friend Or want to be my Friend Please Add me to your MSN Instant messenger at [email protected] or Yahoo Instant Messenger at JC_Denton_Singer!! When I am On I will do everything in my power to talk to you if you say Hi to me!!! OK? Thanks Peace out!!! J.C. You can No Longer get My CD through Please Contact me Directly with your Orders at [email protected] CDs are $20 that includes shipping. You can still get My T Shirts and such From with this link. Thanks
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Check out JAYCE At Unsignedtalents.comJayce Clifford Denton was born on October 16, 1978, in Rexburg Idaho. His birth name was Jayson Brent Kunz. He is the oldest of 6 sisters and 3 brothers.Jayce grew up in Montpelier, Idaho, a little town of only about 7,000 people. He liked music, (in particular singing), but he also liked drawing, and painting!!In Middle School Jayce quickly got started in music. He joined the Band and played the Tenor Sax. He only did this for one year as his main focus was on Singing! So Jayce joined the Talent Sprouts (It was a singing and dancing group for kids from ages 5 to 13) and also he joined the middle school choir. Tought by Mr. Gary Glass.Jayce Graduated from Bear lake High School in 1997. In High School Jayce joined the Bearessentials Show Choir, the Bearitone Choir (male group), and the Laker Choir. This is where his love for singing blossomed and was inspired by his Choir teacher Mrs. Judy Burdick! She was an insperation and gave him the courage to make it all the way to State. He recieved a 90% and a 70% at State! He went on 3 tours with the Bearessentials Show Choir, one to San Francisco, one to Hawaii, and one to Boise Idaho, which is where he now resides.In 1998 Jayce went on a mission to Roseville, California, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is currently an active member of the Park Lane singles branch in Eagle, Idaho, where he is on the Choir Comittee and sings in the Choir!!Jayce is now working on his own music. And he is very excited to be doing what he has dreamed of all his life! He is a member of where His music is played on live world wide Radio! Jayce is Curently planning on becoming Pro. soon!!!!We look for great things from this talented young man. And we know he will strive to do his best in all he does!!Written 5/14/2005revised 9/17/2005Try your luck at JAYCE's Quiz
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