Badmitton, Billiards, Beer, and Bluffing. Oh, and I own
Fiona Apple, Bill Clinton, Pele, and Clark Kent.
Alternative rock & roll (preferably with a cow bell)
I like movies with monkeys in them. Even if it's just a monkey tail. That's fine. Sometimes I'm happy with just a banana. Monkeys love bananas.
Hogan's Heroes. That's all I watch. All day long. Over and over and over and over... But when it's not on - Seinfeld. Silly Kramer.
Pop-up books are the best. Or trivial instructional books. Like how to disengage a fuel injector pump. Or Strange Habits of the Wild Flipper Frog. Or Proper Table Manners for the Northeastern Hemisphere of Spain.
My heroes are less conventional than most. There was this guy I knew in elementary school (Albert) that stood up to the class bully one time. He got the crap beat out of him! And he cried like a baby. They carried him to the nurses office and then sent him home... But the bully got in big trouble and was suspended for a week. That was the best week ever! Albert is my hero.