***PHOTOGRAPHY, trying new things, music (listening, and playing), sewing, animals, bike riding, joking around, inside jokes, DANCING, singing, beach, camping, hanging out***
Someone with a sense of humor, people that like to have a good time,and of course GWEN STEFANI.
I really like people that are willing to try new things, and not look down on things that they wouldn't do or don't like.
........the start, fall out boy, Gwen Stefani, steriophonics, gym class heroes, the academy is, no doubt, blonde, the faint, the used, bjork, the buzzcocks, B52's, the smashing pumpkins, carrie underwood, outkast, the roots, lisa loeb, incubus, coheed and cambria, bush, the cardigans, patt benetar, lil jon, My Chemical Romance, missy elliot, madonna, the dredsan dolls, imogen heap, terranaomi, nutbox, nelly furtado, the yeah yeah yeahs, michael jackson, Human Waste Project, the minor times, beastie boys, nas, kanye west, jewel, the black eyed peas, the white stripes, kid dynamite, killswitch engage, etc......
Napoline Dynomite, donnie darko, the goonies,grandma's boy, GHOST WORLD, AMELIE, GREASE, edward scissor hands, welcome to the dollhouse, HAIRSPRAY, a christmas story, bowling for columbine, the royal tenembaums, pee wee's big adventure, malibu's most wanted, Farenheit 911, AMERICAN BEAUTY, super troopers, LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR ...
projet runway, planet earth, intervention, deadlist catch, extreme home makeover
SNL - Andy Samburg and Justin T- Dick in a box (uncensored)
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gwen stefani, steve irwin ( he'll be greatly missed)