The short long list: Weiner Dogs, cooking, Cashews, Spades and Beenie, My Bed, camping, Mr. Novak, Lost, digital photography, Veat meat, Gimp, Mexican food, The Postal Service, interior design, cutting hair, Smashley, my boots from Europe, Lil Kids, being vegetarian, tattoos, The Chums, Whiny Kitties, Indian food, Theatre, colors in high contrast, Conversation, apple cinnamon scented candles, Six Feet Under, Cucumber Soap, hot pink bathrooms, Granada Spain, My computer, Sofia, riding my bike, Thanical Botanical and the Magical Chum Bucket, exploring my sexuality.. but that's very hush hush..., pink plastic shoes, Wind Chimes, foot rubs, meeting new people, and that's all...absolutly nothing don't even ask! Ok......ask if you want's ok. really. I don't bite....hard.
People with passion, people who make me laugh... and spunk. I like um with Spunk...
I'm a fan of soundtracks. Some of my favorite movie soundtracks are Garden State, My Life Without Me, Eternal Sunshine, Donnie Darko. I also like musical scores like in Waking Life and Edward Scissor Hands. Aside from Soundtracks, I love The Postal Service, Rilo Kiley, The Shins, Dave Matthews Band, Frou Frou, The Notwist, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Jayhawks, Archer Prewitt, Iron and Wine, Metric, Damien Rice, Red House Painters, Carosel Shy, That Mad Ahab, Counting Crows, Greg Laswell The Ex-Friends...
There are a lot of movies I like. Here is a list I just put together. The Labrynth, Return to OZ, Edward Scissor Hands, Waking Life, Mirror Mask, The Point, Donnie Darko, Alice in Wonderland, The Dark Crystal, legend, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse's Bride, Memento, Secretary, Mulholland Dr., X-Men 1, 2, and 3, all the Lord of the Rings, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Finnigan's Rainbow, Hitchcock movies, Spirited Away, The Secretary, 4 rooms, But I'm a Cheerleader, Cloak and Dagger, The Phantom Tollbooth, Flight of the Navagator, ok.. that's enough for mow.
waste of time... but I am watching Lost on DVD religiously...does that count??
when I read, it is to further my insatiable desire for escapism... I read sci-fi, mystery, fantasy, adventure, comedy...
My Mom... and dad.