I have a rather obsessive behavioral problem when I discover something new that I like. I'll go crazy learning everything I can about it and then stick it in a closet and move on to the next thing.Things I like to do and few things I've got myself into recently: fish tanks, old cars, gardening, motorcycles, playing the drums, camping, ICO, reel to reels and other various recording equipment, guitars, brazilian Jiujitsu, cooking and a few other random things; java;. I'm not afraid to try to fix anything.
and potatoes.
i'm slowly working on this again. I don't think I ever quite had a grasp on it to begin with, so it's not like I lost it. I've learned to keep an extra bag of sticks by your side. The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
are expensive, go to shows.
is worse than cigarettes. I've at least been able to quit cigs; TV will lead to imaginary cancer.
are almost as bad as TV.
Are good with chips and rootbeer.