Migratory French-Canadian (otherwise known as Quebecoise) now in Raleigh, North Carolina to work on a PhD in veterinary entomology at NC State University. I first left Montreal to do my undergrad in biology in Sherbrooke. Then, I moved to Lethbridge, southern Alberta, to work on my master's. Now, I'm in North Carolina and who knows where I'll end up after that!
I like red wine and I wish I could have it more often, like before, when I could afford it. I hate cleaning, but I have to. I like cooking, but I rarely have time anymore. I don't know where time goes, but it's not my way, I can tell you that!
En gros, je m'ennuie du fromage en grain qui fait qwik-qwik, pis j'aime pas les hot-chicken, surtout quand y'a des p'tits pois en canne dessus. J'ai envie de manger une grosse poutine, mais y'en a pas ici, fait que j'ai hate de retourner a Montreal pour en manger une!
HEY! and while you're here, CHECK OUT THE COOL BANDS in my friends list! I'm sure you've never heard many of them. What a great opportunity for you to discover new music!
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