i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. profile picture

i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith.

I linger just between mediocrity and brilliance...

About Me

So let's see. if anyone even takes time to read this is beyond me. im a devoted husband and father (YAY!). im an aspiring actor. im a teacher. i like to think im a pretty good son and big brother. im pretty outgoing and loud. i do a lot of voices, accents, and dialects. im pretty smart, if i may say so myself (GATE PROGRAM RULES, right Lee?? haha).. i love TV and movies. i love all kinds of music, YES, even some country now, too! *GASPofSHOCK*im a TREMENDOUS flirt by nature. luckily my wife knew this going in, so she cant be all too horrified when she read this or learns of my random and anonymous fliratations. but it's all in fun and innocent. i do like to push the limits of propriety and see just how far a girl would go.. but when it gets down to it, im in love with only one girl. but i admit to having wandering eyes. but it's just the eyes that wander. i, like most men, am a visual animal. but my wife shares my fascination with attractive people, men AND women. she got me into checkin out girls' racks. i got her checkin out girls' asses. even trade. i love women, in general. i often say im a lesbian trapped in a man's body. haha oh well.i have a low tolerance for stupidity, inconsideration, and idiot drivers. ive had to calm down my rage and desire for highway justice since Nora was born.. but still, if i could dole out traffic tickets, OOOOOOH people would be FUCKED UP! hahai aspire to great things. i want to be a world-reknowned actor. i want to take care of my wife, daughter and all other impending kids as well as they want and deserve to be care of. i want to be able to let my parents not worry about anything. i want my sister to be able to be on her own and be a well-adjusted, functional member of society and our family. i want my cousin, Vinnie, to be happy and find a girl who's fun, intelligent, loving, AND i believe he's found her. (CONGRATS, VINNIE!) i want a lot for myself and my loved ones, and i do my best to live my life by example for them and for others, hoping to someday achieve the things i want out of life.and, i want to meet Kevin Smith. i think that about sums me up, for now.

My Interests

im interested in my lovely wife.. and pleasing her.. and meeting folks. im interested in finally getting my acting career flyin..im interested in watching and writing and starring in movies. uhmm.. im very interested in my baby daughter, Nora Felice. she's changed my life for the better. she's my 2nd blessing and dream-come-true. can you guess what or WHOOO is blessing ..1/dream-come-true ..1?im a big people watcher- i like to go to public places to see all the pretty people and try to figure out what kind of person they each are...and i got my wife into it, too. we'll just go and sit with our chai tea lattes and look at people and either talk our shit, or admire them. my wife has turned me into a breast-looker. i was strictly an ass-man 'til my lady started me checkin out RRRACK. it's a fun hobby for us both, but we havent really been out to watch people, or anything else outside of a size 1 diaper, in about ...a LONG time.i like to have fun and be spontaneous and crazy.. i take a lot of interest in helping those less fortunate females with big life and love issues. ive been backin down on a lot of that tho. it's getting tiring trying to help with no positive results. here's some advice ladies: if the guy's a dick, unless he can totally change and prove he's no longer a dick, HE'S ALWAYS GONNA BE A DICK.. learn and move on, or quit bitching and crying that your man's being a dick. and with that, 'nuff said... SNOOGANS!

I'd like to meet:

Kevin Smith, or anyone related to the View Askewniverse.
ive been reading his online diary, and, aside from the fact that's he's a rich and famous writer/director/actor, we have a lot of similiarities. but im still mainly lookin to get reunited with old friends from WAAAAY back.. and to keep in touch with current friends.. lately, ive been pretty shitty at emailing and all things correspondence-y, so be patient... i like meeting people who are cool, like me and the Misses...uhmm.. folks that my lady can chilll with and who can help me bring her more out of her lovely shell.. tha's about it... oh, and if anyone out there has a few buckets full of money that theyd like to donate for my acting career.. SWEET! i can also always use a Sugar mama to help start out my acting career... any takers???


im so fukkn tired of rap songs about dental ware, being smitten with exotic dancers, and being trapped within a confined storage space. right now, im still digging alt rock/rock type music. nothing better than a great band, with drums and guitars, maybe a baby grand or something unique. dont get me wrong, i still love hip-hop and R&B. i hopped a ride on that Kanye bandwagon a while back, but i dig the joints by Common & a little Talib Kwali. but my hip-hop heart stays w/Tribe, Wu-Tang, Beastie Boys, J5, RUN, Mr James Todd and just those old school architects, with a dash of Marshal Mathers for good measure. i still have some house in me, so i dig that shit, too. i like to run mainly to rock and hard driving type stuff- hoobastank is good for running.and the new Linkin Park is dope. i like fallout boy, the Foo, incubus, NIN. .. haha, just saw those bands mentioned together... my cousin just recently re-introduced me to Jars of Clay and this relatively new band, Need to Breathe. watching those guys makes me wanna learn drums or guitar and be in a band...uhmm, im also into pop music, too. sometimes ya just need some mindless, happy, catchy music. i like the Beatles AND elvis. i like jazz and classical piano music. i have Les Mis' 10th Anniversary albums in my car at all times. and i even am starting to dig some of that there country music. WHOA. now that Nora's more aware of music, i also have the Wiggles, Putomayo, and Parachute Express in my car at all times. i can groove to Wags the Dog or Hot Potato.. haha...


i like to consider myself a movie buff, but does it count that i only like ceratin kinds of movies? favorite flicks include When Harry Met Sally.., Chasing Amy, Jersey Girl, Mallrats, Clerks, Dogma, 40 Year Old Virgin, STAR WARS!!, Ocean's 11.. can you tell that i dig Kevin Smith flicks. he's the fuckin bomb, yo... i have all of the View Askew flicks in my iPod... plus Anchorman and Catch and Release. thanks to Nora, ive pretty much memorized Toy Story and Toy Story 2, all the Shreks, Finding Nemo, and Shark Tale. once she can sit thru a movie, i'll introduve her to a whole new world of movie-viewing... im more into comedies and romantic comedies, as that is the genre i intend to dominate. but a lot can be said about the.. "adult oriented" form of film..i enjoy the work of kaylani lei, nautica thorn, lily thai, daisy dukes, teanna kai, mercedez.. well, yeah.. nothin wrong with some of that stuff...i mentioned The Trilogy (Star Wars for you lay folks). yoda preaches the truth, yo. i love most comic book flicks, being a comic book geek from way back.. and now that im a daddy, im gonna make sure that my baby knows all about the films that have influenced me and made me who i am.....
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i LOOOVE television.. haha..i was gonna edit this, but i still watch a LOT of tv.. ive missed too much of the OC to know what's going on. pretty much any retrospective shows on VH1 are a must-watch. i like lots of the shows on E!, too... so yeah.. i like tv. i like it a LOT.a LOT has changed since i edited this part last. thank god for dvr... i have about 14 shows programmed to record on our cable box.HEROES rules... i like Chuck, the Office, Carpoolers, Reaper (Kevin Smith directed the pilot); cant wait for Scrubs' last season to start; Bionic Woman, Smallville, Dancing with the Stars (still a guilty pleasure until) American Idol, Robot Chicken, Family Guy.. we also watch parent/ing shows, like Barney, the Wiggles, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, This is Emily Yeung, GO Baby, and a couple other Disney.PBS shows... i really enjoy scripted tv...


im pretty well read..at least, i used to think i was. i like to read those kind of books with lots of useless info. but im also into the self-discovery kind of read. im reading a book about *can ya guess?* Kevin Smith, called "The Dueling Personas of Kevin Smith.". uhmm.. working on getting back into reading again. i read lotta magazines.. Maxim, Men's Health, Men's Fitness,Fitness RS for Men, Parenting.. i like stephen king... other robert ludlum... one of my favorite books to this day is The Journeyer by Gary Jennings. im compiling my very own Kevin Smith library- Collected Writings of Kevin Smith, a aforementioned The Dueling Personas of Kevin Smith, The Films of Kevin Smith, Chasing Dogma, etc. can you tell im a big Kevin Smith fan yet?.. i like vampire stuff. i have the Anne Rice books, the Vampire Book, and a bunch of other vampire themed books. and i also love COMICCCCCSSS! of course, it's been years since i actively "collected" any, but i just recently picked up Wolverine:The End (i think it's called) and Green Arrow: Sounds of Violence (written by Kevin Smith). since my daughter's been born, we started collecting books and stories to read to her and eventually teach & encourage her to read, like Disney books, pop-up kids' Bible stories, a night time prayer book, and some nursery rhyme books.


well, my parents are some big heroes of mine. the "legend" goes that they came to the US with $1000 and two suitcases, and now have a big house and 3 "vintage" benzes... they struggled for a long time and are doing pretty well considering everything they had to overcome. my dad is the definition of patience and godliness. i could only be such a great man. my mom is the picture of strength, determination, and audacity. id be afraid if i married a woman like that, but i definitely inherited some of those very qualities.on a more general level, i admire robin williams, tom hanks, and now jamie fox. to be able to play comedic roles so well and effortlessly, then turn around an play dramatic roles with equal prowess... awesome. and as of late, my admiration for kevin smith is ever-increasing, as may be deduced by his numerous mentions in this here profile. he's the ultimate fanboy done good. a comicbook reader who decided to make pictures thanks to a linklater film called Slackers... and now look at him. has a gorgeous and intelligent wife (got that), a big house where he has his close friends and family, and a career that allows him the opportunity to work with some of the big names in movie industry. he's also such a great person and friend. check out his blog called "Me and My Shadow" and read about him and his hetero lifemate, Jason Mewes. i aspire to be as good a friend as he is. and Jason Mewes is quite an admirable fukr, too. CONGRATS on coming up on 3 years of sobriety, Jay.. but Kevin Smith, man. this little fat man is my idol! haha

My Blog

Happy birthday to me.. Thoughts on my 33rd...

man... im 33 today. i think since i turned 25, my birthdays have been bittersweet. im so happy about many things in my life- i just celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary with Rachana, Nora just turned...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 07:35:00 PST

Hey friends-So can any of you spare ’bout $10,000? PART 2

Noel and the Quest for Financial Peace ... OK... so at one point, Rachana had decided to bite the bullet, eat crow, and swallow our respoective pride and move in with her parents. after living with MY...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:59:00 PST

I cant sell my sperm...

SO yeah... as a crazy thought, i looked into sperm donation. it turns out that one of the requirements is you must have either graduated or are currently attending a 4-year university. how sucky is th...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:46:00 PST

I cant even sell my sperm...can anyone spare $10,000??

im just pasting what i wrote in my bulletin... . hahaha.. no, seriously. anyone? or does anyone have a very wealthy and generous relative who's looking to help out a worthy cause... or are any of YOU ...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:43:00 PST

Valentine's Day.. HUMBUG! hahah

so, ive always kind of been anti-valentine's day. not because i didnt have a real valentine to share the day with until 6 years ago, but because i always believed, and still do, that you shouldnt need...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 04:30:00 PST

So.. we're movin movin back back to so cali...!

ohhhhkay... today, Nora turned 13 months old. everyday i take her downstairs to say good morning to my parents, but every month on the 1st, they greet her with a HAPPY (whatever) Months TO YOU!... aww...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:43:00 PST


so let's see... this past Christmas was my daughter, Nora's first Christmas. although my family does a secret santa exchange and everyone gets just one or two presents, nora makes out like a bandit an...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 11:58:00 PST


and how could i forget??? to top it all off, Nora turns one year old on monday, January 1!!! wow... like keith urban sings, God's been good to me...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 12:02:00 PST

CHECK OUT MY TOP 8... haha im bored.

So there are so many things going on that ive wanted to blog about for weeks. a lot's going on with my work, rachana's work, nora, my family, etc, etc... im feeling all kinds of exhausted these days- ...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 02:59:00 PST

CLERKS 2 RULES... Kevin Smith is incredible... & the flick kinda made me think about MY life...

i classify this blog under "Life" although it starts out with this statement- CLERKS 2 IS THE FUNNIEST MOVIE IVE SEEN ALL YEAR! ***SPOILERS ALL THROUGHOUT THIS BLOG*** if youre easily offended, ma...
Posted by i luv Wife/Daughter.. THEN KevinSmith. on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 01:19:00 PST