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Julianna has been developing this company and it has been a long time coming.
Julianna started working in the club scene in Philadelphia as a platform dancer and worked for two of the largest entertainment companies in Philly, Neil Cohen Productions and Bobby Morgenstein Entertainment.
She worked at the hotttest clubs for that time and decided to return to dance school and become a choreographer. She was accepted into Broadway Dance Center in Manhattan on a FULL scholarship and decided to develope her repitoir as a choreographer, studying latin styles, hip-hop and lyrical ballet.
In her younger years she took jazz and ballroom through the ages of 7 until 13. After getting a taste of her passion for dance she decided it was time to take over the NEW YORK CITY club scene and started to work with some of the biggest dj's and promoters in the city.
Alex and Leo Entertainment, Dj Eddie Baez, Jonathan Peters and New Jersey based Dj and remix producer Denny Tsettos, who she was also affiliated with Mark Anthony Vasquez of Panic Productions, who by the way is a famous actor in LA doing Movies just recently featuring in TRANSFORMERS.
Meeting all the right people and working soley on her own in such venues as SoundFactory, the legendary Limelight and Carbon, KEY CLUB, TUNNEL,ARENA,PACHA NY and sooooo many more
She danced in front of crowds of upwards of thousands... she then hired some of the best to this day dancers in the industry to work for her to contract out all over NY and NJ. There really wasn't a club she didn't have on lock at the time. BR
This continued on from the years of 1996 until about 1999. She then got contracted out by Club Abyss and worked only for Kosta and Dimitry as their creative director and choreographer. Developing themes and having the creative savvy to take a concept party and turn the club out as well as the costuming and shows for her dancers.
She continued on working for Abyss and various other clubs in New Jersey creating themes and concept parties for venues such as Coloseum, Drama, Crystals and CYLO in staten island and now MOOD LOUNGE, just to name a few.
During her years as a platform performer and choreogrpaher she danced for and traveled with the Funky Green Dogs, danced back up for Amber, Deborah Cox as well as Byron Stingley. She also performed and traveled for re-nowed DJ Robbie Tronco.
Julianna also had a passion for make-up and skin care...so she decided to got to school for it and has since then attainted masters degrees in these fields. She continues to teach make-up artistry classes doing guest speaking and salon/spa consulting.
She has been a manager for Elizabeth Arden in Macy's Herald Square and has also been a Spa Director for a very high-end spa in Jersey City.
She now seeks to co-mingle her talents and develope a company where she can express both her passion for skin and make-up artistry and parlay that into her produciton company too.
GLOSS PRODUCTIONS was born in 2007 as she was applying her favorite M.A.C lipglass in Prrr she thought to herself
"I love my lips (having a severe addiction to applying gloss, lip balm and lipgloss) THen the light bulb went off and it hit her............ "
Thats it the name of my company is GLOSS PRODUCTIONS.
Cleverly, she thought of the acronym to follow and the skin care concept was born then too. GLAMOUR LOVE OVERALL SERIOUS SKIN... and GLAMOUR LOVE OVERALL SERIOUS SOUNDS! Not finished with her creative edge for her dancing and nightlife entertainment drive, as well as creative directing days she decided to get back into the game and has had a natural talent for throwing AMAZING PARTIES.....
just absolutley loving the way she can bring people together to share her passion for music and ambiance.
She decided to take on a partner D-BLock,Daniel Almanzar a long time friend, who is very talented and adds a great compliment to her drive for success. Her and her partner D-BLOCK are currently working on throwing an weekly party starting Thursday, March 6th at MOODLOUNGE in Union Nj. Then every thursday after that.
This party will be an eclectic mix of cultures. Bringing together the brazilian people, hardcore jersey party people ol' school and new, HOT CHICS, HOT MEN and just anyone who has the need to join together for one common cause.....MUSIC.
The name of the party is PAZ "LOVE MUSIC" EVOLUTION That is what it is all about. LOVE and MUSIC and the evolution of life and happiness for the sole purpose of making one another happy in the art of dance and music expression.
This will be a night of LIVE performances...free giveaways, good food and Some very special guest apperances by some of her CELEBRITY friends such as...PUNCHIN'PAT "THE NYC KID...Patrick Nwamu is the Inter-Continental Boxing Champion, as well as the Ny State Cruiser Weight champion.
He is also featured in the lead for SHAKIRA'S video "ILLEGAL" PUNCHIN' PAT will be hosting the party on MARCH 13th.
And starting this year managing the international DJ,Producer George F that been in the dance music industry for ages and also owner of the rising star label GF Recordings.
Julianna is commited to being focued on success. Her parrty concept will be like no other. Her passion for music has lead her to write and produce a song that is to be released on Valentine's Day..."DANCEFLOOR TOUR" Re-mixed by DJ KMAC, and individual whose talent for music surpasses most dj's,
ALWAYS Stay tuned for more details....on the PAZ "LOVE MUSIC" EVOLUTION PARTY. As every week the theme will change and the night will have many awesome things you won't want to miss. ...
For guestlist info e-mail Julianna at [email protected]