Arghweee profile picture


hier jai vu un gars crisser un coup de pied dans face a son chien

About Me

I like a wide range of music, from politically conscious hiphop, to harsh noise, to poppy electronics, to kickflip 180. Cat and animal lover, unless they try to eat me, like hungry bears or sneaky angry crocodiles that you stepped on or that "hiphop" thug who called me faggot and tried to pick up a fight. I like art that makes people think, but not exclusively. Same thing with music. I Like actions that makes change happen. I was in the crowd in Montreal at the Metropolis in 1993 when people shouted PRIMUS! PRIMUS! PRIMUS! at the Melvins. I also like my cat Sasha, hes a smart cat-cookie and I know some of his hiding spots around the block so i can get him when its getting cold outside and/or im about to go to sleep. I like a dance floor that loses all personal space. I like looking at the stars (oh so cliche but oh so true) especially since i dont get to look at them often in the big city. One of the best things i ever saw was in Montreal in february 2003, 100,000 people against the Iraq war at -25 celcius. Thats 6 metro stations of people freezing their asses off for hours and it worked, at least for Canada. I saw some cop break a random guys glasses in his face by grabbing it with a big leather gloved hand and before the glove was removed, i could see blood trickle from below the glove. Blablablablabla.The summit of the americas in 2001 in Quebec city was surreal, you had people dancing, eating, drumming, DJing and painting under a huge closed concrete bridge, and a mass of people going up and down a long flight of stairs to get on said bridge and get gassed by rows of riot cops shooting rubber bullets through chain link fences for about 2 days, "1990: Bronx warriors" style. We tried to break one of those "rubber" bullet with a hammer and we couldnt. That shit is HARD, buddy! I was a game tester at some point and i had to test Tom Clancy games, i felt guilty about it. I like going at foufounes electriques bar to see some violent "hardcore kids" get into a macho pissing contest to see who can push themselves harder to the dance floor until a fight breaks out to the sound of Metallica..s "Enter Sandman". I like Sarcasm. Still reading? I like my 6 year old nephew who puts sound effects everywhere "Then we went to this place BRRREEET, and his bike broke down TING! lets sit down VOOMPH the cat ran away WEEEEYYYNRRR" In between rambling in Myspace, i do translation work for the Canada Haiti Action Network and preparing to become a chemist. When i was 8 i ran a snake smugglin ring from Oka to Montreal but had to stop when my mom found a dead snake caught in the zipper of my old backpack on top of my clothes closet (I had forgotten him there and he probably got hungry and tried to squeeze out =(, that made her freak out and and... Im writing science-fiction that might maybe make it out of my computer one day.

My Interests

Music, movies, science-fiction, activism, Absurdistan, traveling, art, green tech, taking pictures, avoir des coupes de cheveux qui ont l..air de terrain de gazon mal entretenu pour que les hipsters restent loin de moi, toxic spill disasters, "democracy building" in Haiti Iraq and elsewhere, politics, cat behavior, , old games with ugly graphics and good gameplay, getting drunk and walkin like an egyptian, dissecting mind-fucking propaganda.

Cops caught in Montebello, Quebec, dressed as protesters, one with a big rock in his head (hey, freudian slip). Look at the cop with a camera bringing it down from view when he realizes hes being filmed. This stinks of the 3 cops trying to start a riot to give an excuse to the robocops to start smashing heads. And theyd have the video in court to back up their claims that they had to break up a violent protest. The line that the undercover cops were near, were a council of canadians line, an organisation that was prevented at the last minute by cops to give a conference on SPP. Coincidence?

I'd like to meet:

Im here mainly to find out about new bands/music. If i meet interesting people along the way, even better. My top 8 is random. Or changes often. Or whatever.

Jsuis ici principalement pour trouver des nouveaux bands/musique. Si jrencontre du monde interessant en passant, tant mieux. Un jour j'vas ecrire un profil en francais aussi, ce jour la est pas arriver, pas yeink ca a faire. Pis oui j'dis ca juste pour te faire chier.

im not going to add anyone which i havent talked to first.
J'ajoute personne a qui je n'ai pas jasé un peu avant.


In no particular order: Le Flange du mal, Strip Mall Seizures, The Phantom Limbs, Point line plane, Experimental Dental school, Victims Family, Flying Luttenbachers, Lake of Dracula, Add N to X, Nomeansno, Boards of Canada, Dead Kennedys, Voivod, Cop shoot Cop, Bad brains, Black Ice, Les Georges Leningrad, Sixteens, Dada Swing, CCC CNC NCN, The Vanishing, Antiquark, Babyland, Gangstarr, Public enemy, KRS 1, AFrames, Ah Cama Sotz, Zoviet France, Skinny puppy, Throbbing Gristle, Fakir Lego, Monsieur Toad, The Stooges, Ramones, The doors, MC5, Los Microwaves, Crack: We Are Rock, Adult., Unicorn Stickers, Extreme Elvis, The locust, An Albatross, In slaughter Natives, Chants of Maldoror, Pleaseeasaur, Autonervous, Rudimentary Peni, Virgin Prunes, Foetus, Les Joyaux de la princesse, Lustmord, Cinema strange, Norma Loy, Brickbats, 45 graves, Cursor miner, Aphex twin, IC 434, Data Raper, Hypnoskull, Les bons a rien, Imminent starvation, Converter, Sonar, Les secretaires volantes, Lard, Haus Arafna, Genocide Organ, Quintron, Jesus Lizard, Bakterielle infektion, Dopplereffekt, Melt Banana, Numbers, The empire Hideous, Trans Am, Butthole Surfers, Afrika Bambaataa, Weegs, Ziegenbock Kopf, Global Goon, Ex Uus, Devo, Techno Animal, Nejet Nok, Sleeping Children, NN3, 24-7 spyz, subarachnoid space, Dayglo Abortions, Front line assembly, Lost sounds, Gwar, Bérurier noir, DJ coldcut, Cobalt 60, Raoul, Hella, Combichrist, Andraculoid, evolution control committee, Ars moriendi, Deutsh Nepal, Black flag, Skrew, Ministry, Deadmilkmen, Front 242, Zombi, Synapscape, TRS-80, EPMD, The goats, Sonic youth, Fishbone, Laibach, apoptygma berzerk, fad gadget, shinjuku thief, datach..i, dystopia, flipper,izsoloscope, james plotkin, johnny cash, legendary pink dots, pink floyd, skeletal family, thievery corporation, dandi wind, volt, violet stigmata, Quintron and miss pussycat, UK decay, Scorn, James plotkin, Mick Harris, Mc Solaar, Dystopia, Aghiatrias, Blood box, the grey wolves, Wolf state, Aids wolf, fuckwolf, we are wolves, dangthatsalotofwolfbands, sleep research facility, nordvargr etc... etc!


Blade runner, Dolores Claiborne, Dawn of the dead, Enemy mine, You cant be neutral on a moving train, Delicatessen, One flew over the cuckoos nest, The vanishing (the dutch/french one), Europa Europa, La cité des enfants perdus, Shawshank redemption, Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira, Memories), Hudsucker proxy, Underground, The corporation, Running man, Black cat white cat, Das experiment, the V series, groundhog day, Dans le ventre du dragon, Nosferatu, Cry Baby, Full metal Jacket, Alien 1-4., La haine, Ed Gein, Jacobs ladder, Chaplin, La planete Sauvage, Bananas, C'est arrivé pres de chez vous, Le dernier combat, La jetée, Logan's run (box haha), 28 days later, Cabin fever, Love object, Stalingrad, punishment park, stalker and lots more.

I basically like Horror movies, Sci-fi, apocalyptic movies and documentaries, and any movie whos got some life in it, and then some really crappy movies like Surf Ninjas with Hulk Hogan... or is it 3 ninjas? Cant remember.


Broken with a plant growing inside it, except when i watch movies. Watched a bit of dutch TV this summer. A dietetician who inspects their guests turds and tells them things like their innards are like sewers and a british chef who delights in humiliating rookie chefs.

Jpense la derniere fois que jai ouvert la tele pour la regarder plus que 30 minutes a part des films ctais en septembre 2001. Jai regarder un peu la TV hollandaise cet ete. Une dieteticienne qui inspecte la merde de ses invité(e)s et fais des commentaires du genre "tes entrailles c..est comme un égout" et un chef anglais qui adore humilier des apprentis chefs.I finally gave in and got addicted to six feet under, too.


Cyberpunk/various Sci-fi (Pat Cadigan, Tom Maddox, Rudy Rucker, Lewis Shiner, Charles Stross, Bruce Sterling, William Gibson, Paul Di Filippo, Neal Stephenson, Philip K Dick amongst others)

George Orwell, Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk, John Pilger, William Blum, Howard Zinn, Arundhati Roy, Bill Burroughs, Normand Baillargeon and other terrorist writings on the wall.

Recently read:Blue gold - The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
Saucer wisdom by Rudy Rucker
animals in translation
junky by bill burroughs
the parrot..s lament
only forward by michael marshall smith
the science of aliens by Clifford A. Pickover
Age of progaganda by Anthony Pratkanis, Elliot Aronson (kickass book)
Year 501, the conquest continues by Noam Chomsky

Currently reading: Blowback: the cost and consequeces of american empire by Chalmers Johnson


My Blog

Really interesting website - social bookmarking

Just discovered today the joy of social bookmarking websites. Ever wanted to browse a subject but didnt know where to look, or start? Thats what social bookmarking is about, sharing your links with ot...
Posted by Arghweee on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 09:04:00 PST

Robot army - l'armée robotisée

I have in my blog history a post i had about robotic killing machines (predator drone). Heres a repost from Wolf's state myspace blog that goes the same way i was talking about, but better, with more ...
Posted by Arghweee on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 02:09:00 PST

Richard Martineau, son blogue et la démocratie

Voici le brouillon d'un texte que je prépare sur Richard Martineau qui vas probablement pas etre publié nulle part. Richard Martineau s'essouffle a vouloir nous faire comprendre que les américains veu...
Posted by Arghweee on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 08:28:00 PST

Goodbye Baiji dolphins

Well miss ya... Baiji dolphins = extinct...
Posted by Arghweee on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:39:00 PST

Appeler des proprios avares entre 3h00 et 5h00 du matin

"Ouais c'est toi l'esti de rat qui loue un 4 et demi sur le plateau a 1200$ avec un faux foyer "cachet"? Jte rappelle demain soir pour voir si tu l'as louer!!"
Posted by Arghweee on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 08:23:00 PST

Cervical Cancer Vaccine (repost!)

This is a repost from the band Antiquark, your repostig it would be much appreciated as well. Thanks.ON JUNE 8TH, THE FDA APPROVED A NEW VACCINE FOR CERVICAL CANCER. ITS CAUSED BY THE HPV VIRUS.THERE ...
Posted by Arghweee on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 07:52:00 PST

Comedian obliterates politicians at white house dinner

Its good to see someone who has the guts to speak truth to power. Im not sure how that guy got invited to this white house dinner, but he just blows the house. Some people lose their smiles when the c...
Posted by Arghweee on Mon, 01 May 2006 10:04:00 PST

Abort south dakota

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a communist;Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a socialist;Then they c...
Posted by Arghweee on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:07:00 PST

A thought on robotic killing machines

The recent bombing of Pakistani villagers by a US predator drone got me thinking. With alot of the concern that i hear coming from America being about "Our boys and girls" getting killed rather than t...
Posted by Arghweee on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:39:00 PST

Abortion rights in the US threatened by Alito (REPOST)

Hey im from Montreal in Quebec, but im reposting this in case someone from the US reads it. Transmit the virus! --------------------- Planned Parenthood has launched an emergency campaign to sto...
Posted by Arghweee on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 04:40:00 PST