It's such the trend to say everything but country and opera, but, honestly there's even good country(merle haggard, jonny cash, two dollar pistols) and opera(st. mathew's passion).
That said some of my favorite styles(and examples) are funk and hip-hop( wefunk radio , check it out), electronic(i won't name names, find a good dj and let them do their thing), classic rock(jimi hendrix, led zeppelin, bob dylan, the clash, etc.), modern/indie rock(pixies, modest mouse, belle and sebastian), punk(bouncing souls, flogging molly), early rock(chuck berry, buddy holly), blues, jazz, reggae, 80s, pop, classic soul and gospel.
On a more specific note, i have a particular affinity for music in foreign languages, large scale(4+) hiphop collaborations and "odd stuff"(childrens music/amatuer recordings/highly offensive bits/whatever else peaks my interest). Also deserving special mention are warren zevon, the kinks, dj tomekk, leonard cohen, imperial drag, elvis costello and the x-ray spex.
Occasionally I find time to watch a bit of adult swim, mythbusters, countdown or whatever's on comedy central. But I haven't watched a show with an ongoing plot in years. I tried it with arrested development(hillarious), but had to give up after ~4 episodes. If there's a choice between tv and something else, something else usually wins.
If i start on a good book it will be done in(at most) 3 days. I will not sleep, i will skip work, i will risk life and limb in my mad attempt to keep reading. That having been said, i mostly read short stories these days. It's much safer and a well written short story can have as much depth and character as your average book. On the other hand, an above average book is worth all the trouble and more. I'll stop here before sounding too much like a dork, and leave it at this... i like books.