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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"A real profile? Drew'd never put up a real profile. It must be those damn fools at Ed's Raver Web ."
Well this time you're wrong, I'll be doing a self interview with an attempt at moderate accuracy.
Q: Give us a brief introduction to your life
A: I'm back full time in raleigh, NC. I still work all day, go out 4 nights a week and sleep all day every weekend.
Q: Ok... but who are you really?
A: That's a bit harder to explain...
Q: try.
A: I'm the guy who's up for just about anything. I'm a good cook and an amateur bartender. I'm an out of practice matrial artist. I'm someone you can count on to have a good time. I'm someone you can count on in general. I enjoy helping people move. I drink too much. I play pool poorly and often. I will dance until the music goes off and the lights come on. I read the financial section with great interest. I'm an optomist. I will beat you at rock, paper, scissors. I have been told that i don't exist. I have been someone's imaginary friend.
Q:That made no sense.
A:I know. And yet every word is the truth.

My Interests

    Food - I eat it every day, but there's more than that. Tasting it is an experience. Creating it is an adventure. What do i cook? Some favorite original creations include asparagus and portobello pesto pizza and breakfast burrito ravioli. I also make excellent chilli, spinach artichoke dip, christmas cookies and a wide variety of stir-fries. Drinking - What can i say? I like to drink. Whether it's a couple beers at the pool hall, experimental shot night with your friendly bartender or good old fasioned drinking games; it's just fun. I don't necessarily mean getting drunk( although that can be good too), just drinking. Dancing - As many of you know, i go out dancing often. Usually it's combined with the drinking above, but doesn't have to be. Good music and a good crowd can have just as intoxicating an effect as any beverage. If you've never gone out and danced 3+ hours straight just for the hell of it, finally leaving sweaty, exhausted and wishing they'd keep it playing for just a little while longer, well that's your problem. Martial Arts - This one's a little tricky since i haven't worked out regularly in several months. On the other hand, i've taken breaks before and never failed to go back when the opportunity presents itself. Man it's gonna hurt though...

I'd like to meet:



It's such the trend to say everything but country and opera, but, honestly there's even good country(merle haggard, jonny cash, two dollar pistols) and opera(st. mathew's passion).

That said some of my favorite styles(and examples) are funk and hip-hop( wefunk radio , check it out), electronic(i won't name names, find a good dj and let them do their thing), classic rock(jimi hendrix, led zeppelin, bob dylan, the clash, etc.), modern/indie rock(pixies, modest mouse, belle and sebastian), punk(bouncing souls, flogging molly), early rock(chuck berry, buddy holly), blues, jazz, reggae, 80s, pop, classic soul and gospel.

On a more specific note, i have a particular affinity for music in foreign languages, large scale(4+) hiphop collaborations and "odd stuff"(childrens music/amatuer recordings/highly offensive bits/whatever else peaks my interest). Also deserving special mention are warren zevon, the kinks, dj tomekk, leonard cohen, imperial drag, elvis costello and the x-ray spex.


Occasionally I find time to watch a bit of adult swim, mythbusters, countdown or whatever's on comedy central. But I haven't watched a show with an ongoing plot in years. I tried it with arrested development(hillarious), but had to give up after ~4 episodes. If there's a choice between tv and something else, something else usually wins.


If i start on a good book it will be done in(at most) 3 days. I will not sleep, i will skip work, i will risk life and limb in my mad attempt to keep reading. That having been said, i mostly read short stories these days. It's much safer and a well written short story can have as much depth and character as your average book. On the other hand, an above average book is worth all the trouble and more. I'll stop here before sounding too much like a dork, and leave it at this... i like books.

My Blog

Perseverence and hope

Recent research suggests that hope and perseverence may not be all they're cracked up to be. Taken too far, both lead to not letting go and accepting the world as it is, thus increasing stress. at lea...
Posted by Drew on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:26:00 PST

Conversation Trends

I've recently begun noticing a conversational trend going around... "Talking about Work". At some point, it became acceptable and expected to discuss what you're doing at work. It reminds me a lot of ...
Posted by Drew on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:25:00 PST

things to think about

"It is vanishingly unlikely that the best theory will happen to coincide exactly with what you or others want to believe. So if you are not suprised or at least a little unsettled, by the strangeness ...
Posted by Drew on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 03:42:00 PST

why the hell did i do that

Do i really need a 400 song set of karaoke CDs? The obvious answer is, "No, of course not, you fool. you don't even have a player for them.". And not only is that the obvious answer, it's the correct ...
Posted by Drew on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 03:12:00 PST

Who are you?

So, I want to know who's been reading my blogs... there hasn't been a new one up for months(before this), yet somehow thay've been viewed 4 times today and 16 times this week. Who are you!!! On a simi...
Posted by Drew on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 02:57:00 PST

pro wrestling!!! RAAAAA!!!!!

I never thought i'd put up one of these things, but this is just too damn entertaining....  Jimmy Valiant - You're the Boogie Woogie Man.You've got tons of energy. You're down with thestreet peop...
Posted by Drew on Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:32:00 PST

on the importance of being well rested

There's nothing like a week or rest and good food to make you realize that you've been chronically sleep deprived and dehydrated for the long, long time. It does, in fact, make a difference in all man...
Posted by Drew on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:10:00 PST

there are gamers among us....

My recent resumption of computer gaming activites (after last playing seriously in the fall of 2001) made me realize a few things... Computer games are still dangerous.I disappeared for 3 full weeks ...
Posted by Drew on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 02:02:00 PST

Hello myspace

Hello everyone out there in myspaceland... I know you've all been waiting breathlessly for another one of my super-fascinating blogs, but this isn't it. This is merely an announcement of my recent re-...
Posted by Drew on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 01:11:00 PST


Sexually suggestive phrases I have heard at the office (taken out of context). "First you've got to get the nut off" "You can either tap it from the front, or turn it around and tap it from th...
Posted by Drew on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST