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**keep up with current friends mainly. However, I like meeting new people.....honest and fun people! --One of my many New Year's resolutions of 2006 that I completely took care of in April this year is eliminating any b.s. drama others attempt to bring into my life. Life is too short for that. So... -----FAIR WARNING---- Don't ask to be my friend if you play into drama. I won't tolerate it. I'm not a friend collector. I know everyone on my page. Thank you and have a great day! ;-)
Everything minus the hard core rap.
Whatever my friends and I decide to what that is playing at the theater.
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Hazel, Green, Brown... depends on my mood and the weather.
Hair Color:: Brunette
Height:: 5'2
Favorite Color::, but that's not a color,eh?.....
Screen Name:: little_oie
Favorite Band:: There are so many....
Favorite Movie:: Stigmata, Grumpy Old Men, Full Metal Jacket, Omega Code, 10 Days to Lose a Guy, Saving Private Ryan, Pirates of the Caribean, Adaptation, Sleepy Hollow.....etc..
Favorite Show:: Carnivalle
Your Car:: '07 Chevy Malibu LS
Your Hometown:: Athens, Tennesse
Your Present Town:: Anderson, Indiana
Your Lover's First Name:: ? Andy, Muah!
Your Grade:: .... college.....freshman --taking prereq's when I can afford them and Sis is with her Daddy
Your Style:: Organized, yet spontanious
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yeah, because my sister had me convinced someone was going to come kill us!
Kissed someone in the rain?: Not yet...
Danced in a public place?: Guilty
Smiled for no reason?: uh huh
Laughed so hard you cried?: Oh yeah... breaking into Necole & David's house. The key she gave me didnt' work!
Peed your pants after age 8?: I told Jason to stop tickling me!... He didn't listen... Hasn't tickled me since! LOL I think I was 9.
Written a song?: I make them up all the time and sing them, but does it count if I don't write them down?
Sang to someone for no reason?: yeah...
Performed on a stage?: Yeah, I was a band geek!
Talked to someone you don't know?: I talk to practically everyone. You never know they may be having rough day and you may make it better with a simple "Hello!"
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yeah, but sometimes people you just can't please.. Quite sad actually.
Made out in a theatre?: Hell no!
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: No, but I am sure I would laugh my ass off!
Been in love?: Yes....
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Andy
Tell you, I love you?: Andy
Kiss you?: The best daughter in the whole world! My daughter!
Hug you?: Carissa
Tell you BYE?: Frank
Write you a e-mail?: Andy's Mum
Take your photo?: Angie
Call your cell phone?: Adam
Buy you something?: Andy-
Go with you to the movies?: Vicki
Sing to you?: Carissa Anne... she is so adorable. I love it when she sings!
Write a poem about you?: Andy
Text message you?: Tori
Touch you?: Andy..
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: a few minutes ago...with Andy
Time you cried?: 12/26/06--one of the few dreaded days each year...
Movie you watched?: Employee of the Month
Joke you told?: Okay.... it's too long to post but pretty funny! Ask me and I will tell you!
Song you've sang?: Smashing Pumkins - For Martha
Time you've looked at the clock?: 2pm
Drink you've had?: Dr. Pepper
Number you've dialed?: Andy
Book you've read?: Tea Time
Food you've eaten?: ham..exciting stuff, eh. lol
Flavor of gum chewed?: Cinnamon
Shoes you've worn?: boots!
Store you've been in?: Things to Remember
Thing you've said?: Can't remember...
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Now that is talent! I can but it's not very impressive!
Whistle?: Quite well, I might say!
Blow a bubble?: Absolutely, however it's been a while!
Roll your tongue in a circle?: No, but Andy can...that count? --didn't think so... lol
Cross your eyes?: Yes, but what if they get stuck?! ha ha
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Man, I can't do that either!
Dance?: yeah....if the world only knew... he he (shhhh Vicki, Tes, Celia & Necole)
Gleek?: Yuck! Did with my little brother when I was little..... used to be quite the tomboy back then.
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: too often..
Speak a different language?: Spanish fluently... 6 years ago.... Don't use it so I forgot practically all of it.
Impersonate someone?: one famous though.. I was provoked. lol
Prank call people?: Poor Frank!
Make a card pyramid?: Tried and failed miserably
Cook anything?: I can cook anything....... Now -making Kool-Aid... that's another story...ha ha ha
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: man, I could take my shirt off anywhere.
I wish ...: It was March! Roll on March!
So many people don't know that ...: I have feelings too.. --Damn it!
I am ...: brutally honest.
My heart is ...: racing
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