Books, dancing for hours, bangs and eyeliner, speaking German (badly), coffee, paninis, road trips, whiskey, my cats, drawing naked people on cocktail napkins, westerns, crazies, jokers, writing, travel...
Right Now: 1990s, Dusty Springfield, Cut Copy, Daniel's German Mix
Valley Girl, American Werewolf in London, Wild at Heart, Betty Blue, Blue Velvet, Old Boy, Rushmore, Some Like it Hot, The Dreamlife of Angels, Donnie Darko, Rosemary's Baby, Bukowski documentary, The Princess and the Warrior
I was addicted to Rock of Love...go figure!
Bukowski, Murakami, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Hemingway, Whitman, Julian Barnes, Larry Brown, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Chaucer, Ondjaate, Raymond Carver, Anais Nin, Faulkner...Marianne Faithfull's autobiography is fucking PRICELESS