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Starred Minx

Wraith Crack....not just for Ford anymore.

About Me

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What can I say about myself that most of you already don't know. hmmm....well I'm me don't change me cuz I've only changed for one person so far and thats bear, Love me for the smart, intellegictual, caring, fun loveing, Heart felt, and independant person I am. Love, laugh, smile, and even cry with me. Be loyal to me and I'll keep you in my heart for ever. If you don't like me for who i am then find someone who you'd like to be fake for you.and remeber that Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. And Mine is a great spirit. know what Leonardo Dicaprio and Jared Leto are right. We the american people need to take a stand and help save our Earth! Every day we are burning fuel and choaking our planet with our own wast. Please do your small part and recycle. Do the speed limit on the highway. Turn off the electronics in your house when your sleeping or away. We needed to start TODAY to save what beauty is left for our future generations.

My Interests

The things in my life...
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I'd like to meet:

~Leonardo DiCaprio~ ~Jarred Leto~ ~Johny Depp~~Josh Holloway~ ~Christain Bale~ ~Dave Navarro~ ~Jay Gordon~


I like to read something that makes me think, something that makes me laugh and somethings in between...
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I have really alot of hero's all of these people I list I either Love very much and or have made imprints on my life that make me who i am today, and i shall never forget them. ~My wonderful husband who shows me the strength i have inside me, I love you bear~ My daughter Kassidy who is my angel~ My Son Julius, who has shown me many things about myself and most of all who has changed me forever~ Karen Doughty who has helped me stand up after hitting rock bottom~ And my guardian family who were there for me as a child and will always be apart of my family~

My Blog


Okay so I'm kinda pissed. my xanga acount is acting all up. I can't post a video from youtube on it nore even a stupid blog. It's starting to make me angry. If I can't have bear fix it then I'll just ...
Posted by Starred Minx on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 12:09:00 PST


       Ok so I haven't been blogging much on myspace because I enjoy my xanga site so much better. Hince the reason why I haven't been online much. That and My recent month of...
Posted by Starred Minx on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 07:24:00 PST

Docters visit today.

 So I went to the docters today. I've been have headachs all day, every day for a month straight. And then last week they developed into migranes. those would come and go but the syptomes ar...
Posted by Starred Minx on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 07:04:00 PST

The Crazy Rant from "Christian" James David Manning

Ok the only reason I found this and now enjoying it some much is cuz of my blog buddy on This is a Rant from a Black "Christian" man who "fallows the law of GOD," on Obama's Momma. At first ...
Posted by Starred Minx on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 08:38:00 PST

my list of things to to do list.

Ok so heres just a run around list of things to do (hopefully) before the end of the year. I have to get this down somewhere before lost in my mind again and then I some how  dangerously com...
Posted by Starred Minx on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 05:43:00 PST


 Omg Having the internet back is a much welcomed feeling. I love it. Ok so we are in the new house up in richmond now. And besides getting use to the the town and surrounding areas. Bear and I h...
Posted by Starred Minx on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:30:00 PST

in the new house

my body achs and im tierd, but we are now in richmond. now is the fun part of finding shit and putting it all away. i think by next weekend we should have it all away. ill keep you updated on things....
Posted by Starred Minx on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 05:58:00 PST


Still so much shit to do and so lil time
Posted by Starred Minx on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 10:18:00 PST


 Before I became tactful I would say how I felt and would act with my Heart on my sleeve kinda in a Devil may care short of way. I would say it and deal with the consaquences afterwards. And not ...
Posted by Starred Minx on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 05:21:00 PST

Shine brighter

           Looking out the windows into the horizon. Wondering if anyone can be between the small line were heaven meets the earth. Would it be much better...
Posted by Starred Minx on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 11:20:00 PST