T. rex assmaster a.k.a. John Myers profile picture

T. rex assmaster a.k.a. John Myers

Chuck is God bitches, so eat me!!!

About Me

I am married with 2 little girls, a hottie wife, a bunch of dead dinosaurs, and a fucked up, thanks to Katrina, piece of shit house in NOLA. I love being outside and having lots of sex, maybe at the same time, depending. If you have seen Nacho Libre, " I dont believe in God, I believe in Science." I do not give a flying fuck about your politics if you can back up your argument with consistent, non-biased data. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my face. There is no god, so I dont see the need to capitalize it. If you believe in yourself, your family, and your friends you need nothing else. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and drink a nice cold beer or a whiskey for me!

My Interests

Sex, studying dinosaurs, earth history, geology, music, dvda, shockers, goats, my kids and wife, traveling the world.

I'd like to meet:

God, Adolph Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Jesus, Pol Pot, "W" (to ask them all why). Tom Petty, Keith Moon, Bach, Paginini, Rachmaninov, Mozart, Stuart Copeland.


I wont even try to list them all. Hardcore, punk rock, old shool rap, old country, any band I was in.


Star Wars-Empire, Dune, 28 Days Later, The Deer Hunter, Bladerunner, Pi, any movie w/ Christopher Walken, Heat, Sponge Bob the Movie, The Flintbones, Inrearendence Day.


Nip Tuck, Rescue Me, Rome, Shark,


Watership Down, Fingerprints of the Gods, Holy Blood-Holy Grail, A Canticle for Liebowitz, Dune, The Life and Times of Jesse McCann-A Porn Star


Othniel Marsh, Einstein, Paul Blacksmith, Essej, Me, my kids and wife.

My Blog

The Disciples of Ron

It has been some time, but I feel that the true Disciples of Ron are in need of enlightenment. Approximately three weeks ago myself and one of the original disciples of Ron (the Jeff) made our wa...
Posted by T. rex assmaster a.k.a. John Myers on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 01:18:00 PST

Our God Ron!!!!

To all who don't know the story I will share a bit of it with you. Paul and I were in Colorado , on a snowboarding trip, and we were lost in Colorado Springs. We decided to stop and ask this guy ...
Posted by T. rex assmaster a.k.a. John Myers on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 09:05:00 PST