Sex, studying dinosaurs, earth history, geology, music, dvda, shockers, goats, my kids and wife, traveling the world.
God, Adolph Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Jesus, Pol Pot, "W" (to ask them all why). Tom Petty, Keith Moon, Bach, Paginini, Rachmaninov, Mozart, Stuart Copeland.
I wont even try to list them all. Hardcore, punk rock, old shool rap, old country, any band I was in.
Star Wars-Empire, Dune, 28 Days Later, The Deer Hunter, Bladerunner, Pi, any movie w/ Christopher Walken, Heat, Sponge Bob the Movie, The Flintbones, Inrearendence Day.
Nip Tuck, Rescue Me, Rome, Shark,
Watership Down, Fingerprints of the Gods, Holy Blood-Holy Grail, A Canticle for Liebowitz, Dune, The Life and Times of Jesse McCann-A Porn Star
Othniel Marsh, Einstein, Paul Blacksmith, Essej, Me, my kids and wife.