tha brass monkey profile picture

tha brass monkey

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well here I am again....talking about myself which I don't like to do. Why?? Some women mistake confidence for cockiness. Lets just say that I like to go out as much as possible and kick it wit my boys from the Yea. Why?? Life is TOO SHORT (trust me...I know). I try to make people laugh....that's just me. Women don't say I'm fine....just funny as hell!!! When the people around me are happy, then I am happy. I'm a guy who jokes around alot, but I am a man who takes care of his responsibilities.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm just like any other average know. I like meeting cool people who like to have fun, but that also have a head on their shoulders. The most interesting people I know are the ones that can hold a conversation with you and make you laugh. If were talking famous people....I'd like to sit down & rap with poker players Phil Ivey, Phil Laak (The Unabomer), Stu Ungar, Johnny Chan, magician David Blaine, pool player Jeanette Lee, baseball LEGEND Tony Gwynn, footballers Fouts, Montana, Rice, Tomlinson, and Moss.I am not looking to meet anyone in particular for a relationship HERE on myspace, but if it did happen, I just want to meet someone who is fun to be around. I am 31, but I am not looking to get married tomorrow. Just hoping to stay in touch with friends I have lost touch with over time, as well as meet some cool new people.

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