People 40-50 or so..If you are younger than that, write my kids..If you are older than that, write my mom
I like anything I can sing to which spans alot of arenas with kids 19 & 13. I have gone as far as liking ICP. I like oldies the most though and some country.
My dad was my idol. Funny how he adopted me at age 3 and I immulated him in so many ways. When I worked for AT&T and talked to people across the whole USA, they would hear my accent and ask where I was from. When I stated Jacksonville Florida, they would say.... OH, sounds like you are from texas..I had been to Texas once in my life and think we stopped to potty once or twice. But my dad was from Amarillo, Texas.. He died of melanoma on December 27th, 2003..Never could I have handpicked an better dad ..I did almost chase him off when I met him at age 3 though...I ran up to him the second I met him and said...Are you gonna be my new daddy? He always smiled when he told that story and I remember his big grin and exact words...I ALMOST HAULED ASS!