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Holy Joker

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Hello Everybody, This is the Holy Joker's Space...Ha...Ha..Ha..Ha.!! Yeah Right!! I'm the Holy Joker.I'm not important anyways, but what I'm going to tak about is very IMPORTANT!!Yes, it's great to have a hobby. I myself collect batmobiles and some costumes. We use them on Holloween, Christmas and Birthdays to have some fun and intertain the people.The Super Hero make belief is alright. But there is one that is more then a Super Hero. He is the Alpha..the Omega..the Begining and the End. He is the I am that I am. He is the Great I am.Jesus Christ is a name that a lot of people hate to mention, are ashamed to speak of his word or are embarrased of him. But in His Word Jesus says if you are ashamed of me - I will be ashamed of you before my Father.ram> ......

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