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The Diamond Spade

About Me

My name is Christopher. I've established this site in pursuit of finding like minded individuals, working for art, beauty, truth and peace. Together, maybe we can change the world - or at least...what? Hell if I know. But wouldn't it be cool to find out?
Christopher F. Lapinel
'Digging for the Truth'
"It is natural to continue to live in the world in which one was born, but to exclude the others from thought is to will to remain intellectually insular...Staying home all the time may serve one's comfort, but it does not serve curiosity , humanity, nor, in the long run, truth"
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I'd like to meet:

YOU!But this kid would be a good start too...

My Blog

I was a Warrior Once (in a Distant Alternate Future)

'I was a Warrior Once (in a Distant Alternate Future)' I sip at my coffee that I just bought from 7-11. It's an extra large hot coffee (fairly fresh) with milk. That's how I like it. Doesn't matt...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 23:25:00 GMT

Childrens Fantasy Fiction (Chapter I, cont.)

The Good Doctor Quieter and more idyllic places to live than Woodside existed. This obvious fact had not escaped the doctor's attention. He was a nostalgic man, however, and the house in which he and ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 19:36:00 GMT

Research: Maat Magick Manifesto

I've been doing a bit of research into Maat Magick, after reading a blog posted by one of my friends Sapphy about the same subject. Actually, she was comparing Chaos magick and Maat Magick. I found th...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:48:00 GMT

Long Live Gonzo Journalism

Posted May 4th, 2008 on Check the site out and show us some love! Long Live Gonzo Journalism! May 4th, 2008.. --> by Christopher --> Without this man, we would never have The...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 13:30:00 GMT

Children’s Fantasy Fiction

This excerpt is from Chapter III - Coats & Galoshes was read at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2004 and then published as part of my dissertation for an MLitt later that same year. This sub...
Posted by on Sat, 03 May 2008 13:38:00 GMT

Dilletantism and the Random Thought of the Day

Dilletantism was once considered a virtue. Yet I think there's nothing worse than to be a dilletante. It's a poor second place to being a truly well-rounded person, a Renaissance person. To the dillet...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 07:23:00 GMT

Research: National Library of Scotland Newsletter

News from the National Library of Scotland, 2 May 2008:---------------------------------------A complete volume of engravings showing 17th century Scotland is now available online for the first time. ...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 07:18:00 GMT

Sex and the Random Thought of the Day

'Random Thought Blog,' by C.F. LapinelAs a child I used to love to draw and colour. As an adult I have replaced this with sex. Sex, after all, is the most fun you can have with or without Crayolas.Hav...
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:21:00 GMT

Attachments (Poetry)

Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 19:34:00 GMT

Bachelor Calling

Originally posted on YibberYabber. On a quest to cure the never ending boredom of at least one reader, at a time!The Bachelor: London CallingApril 29th, 2008Little did I know that I would one day feel...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:22:00 GMT